Model-based reasoning

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In artificial intelligence, model-based reasoning refers to an inference method used in expert systems based on a model of the physical world.


[edit] Knowledge representation

In a model-based reasoning system knowledge is repesented using causal rules. For example, in a medical diagnosis system the knowledge base may contain the following rule:

\forall patients : Stroke(patient) \rightarrow Confused(patient) \land Unequal(Pupils(patient))

In contrast in a diagnostic reasoning system knowledge would be represented through diagnostic rules such as:

\forall patients : Confused(patient) \rightarrow Stroke(patient)
\forall patients : Unequal(Pupils(patient)) \rightarrow Stroke(patient)

[edit] References

  • Stuart J. Russel, Peter Norvig; Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 2nd edition; Prentice Hall (2003); ISBN 0-13-080302-2.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links