Mocho' language

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Mototzintlec (Motozintleko)
Spoken in: Mexico 
Region: EasternChiapas (villages of Tuzatlán and Mototzintla)
Total speakers: approx. >150
Language family: Mayan
 Eastern Mayan
    Mototzintlec (Motozintleko)
Language codes
ISO 639-1: none
ISO 639-2: mhc
ISO/FDIS 639-3:

Mocho' or Mototzintlec is a language belonging to Kanjobalan-Chujean family of Mayan languages spoken in Mexico. The two dialects of Mocho' are spoken in two different villages the Tuzantec dialect of Tuzantán and the Motozintlec dialect of Mototzintla.