MOC (My Own Creation)

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A MOC (or My Own Creation), is a specialized term given to custom designs built by individuals utilizing the popular Lego bricks, or similar constuction toys usually modeled directly like LEGOs. A MOC can be anything from an amateur design to a professional sculpture as long as the bricks are used and it is of a model not available for store purchase.

Millennium Falcon MOC by Craig Stevens
Millennium Falcon MOC by Craig Stevens
Harley Quinn MOC by Nick Great
Harley Quinn MOC by Nick Great
USS Enterprise-D Bridge MOC by  Jonathan Markiewitz
USS Enterprise-D Bridge MOC by Jonathan Markiewitz


[edit] Popular MOC Themes

Although there is a wide variety of themes MOC builders could create within, there are a few very popular themes which are common among builders and seem to draw the most attention in articles and interviews regarding creation of such designs.

[edit] Star Wars

Probably the most common theme found on the internet with MOC builders is Star Wars. Since the development of the official Star Wars line in the 1990s, MOC builders have been able to utilize several identifiable bricks to help develop a massive array of custom designs, although most of the designs DO utilize official products. Ranging from The Phantom Menace through Return of the Jedi, Star Wars MOCs have become a permanent institution.

[edit] Batman

Perhaps the second most common MOC to find on the internet is within the Batman theme, ranging from simple character designs to complex sets. Especially since the premiere of Batman: Revenge (The Batman LEGO Film), Batman Begins and the official LEGO Batman product line, these MOCs have begun to spread across the internet in droves. Unlike some other MOC designs, like Star Wars for example, most Batman models are free of utilizing the official products and are perhaps more "pure" MOCs. One of the most common Batman MOCs to see is the Batmobile recreation from Tim Burton's films.

[edit] Star Trek

Star Trek MOCs may hold the notability as one of the oldest themes of MOC builders, being around for much longer as a whole than perhaps the other themes combined. Such designs usually involve a recreation of a bridge of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), though several elements of the shows have cropped up over the years.

[edit] Stargate

Stargate MOCs are a growing fascination especially among the AFOL community, ususally consisting of the Gate Room and the the SG-1 team. It is still rare however to find many Stargate MOCs on the internet, but with the success of the MGM series, they are gaining popularity among many.

[edit] Anime

The very distint form of anime has been making a small appearance but in recent years, a greater presence on the Internet. Such models are still finding footing in "mainstream" MOC designs, but are a fascination among many of the younger MOC builders.

[edit] External Links