Mlahsö language

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ܡܠܚܬܝܐ Mlaħsö, ܣܘܪܝܝܐ Suryö
Spoken in: Syria, Turkey 
Region: Qamishli in northeastern Syria, two villages in Diyarbakır Province of southeastern Turkey
Language extinction: with the death of Ibrahim Hanna in 1998
Language family: Afro-Asiatic
  West Semitic
   Central Semitic
    Northwest Semitic
       Central Neo-Aramaic
Language codes
ISO 639-1: none
ISO 639-2: syr
ISO/FDIS 639-3: lhs

Mlahsö is a Modern West Syriac language, a dialect of Aramaic. It was traditionally spoken in eastern Turkey and north-eastern Syria by members of the Syriac Orthodox Church.

Mlahsö is closely related to the Turoyo language. It was spoken in the villages of Mlahsó and `Ansha near Lice, Diyarbakır, Turkey. The name of the village and the language comes from the Syriac word melħo, 'salt'. The literary Syriac name for the language is Mlaħthoyo. The native speakers of Mlahsö referred to their language simply as Suryö, or Syriac.

The last speaker of Mlahsö, Ibrahim Hanna, died in 1998 in Qamishli. It was reported in 1999 that his daughter knew the language well, but was nearly deaf and had no one to converse with in the language.

Mlahsö is more conservative than Turoyo in grammar and vocabulary, using classical Syriac words and constructions. However, it is more phonologically radical than Turoyo. This is particularly noticeable in the use of s for classical θ and y (IPA /j/) for ġ. Mlahsö renders the combination of vowel plus y as a single, fronted vowel rather than a diphthong or a glide.

[edit] Reference

  • Jastrow, Otto (1994). Der neuaramäische Dialekt von Mlaḥsô. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. ISBN 3-447-03498-X.

[edit] External links

Aramaic languages Modern Aramaic languages Aramaic languages

Jewish Neo-Aramaic languages
Lishanid Noshan | Barzani Jewish Neo-Aramaic | Hulaulá | Lishana Deni | Lishán Didán
Christian Neo-Aramaic languages
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic | Bohtan Neo-Aramaic | Chaldean Neo-Aramaic | Hértevin | Koy Sanjaq Surat | Mlahsö | Senaya | Turoyo
Other Neo-Aramaic languages
Western Neo-Aramaic | Mandaic

Syriac Christianity
Aramaic languages

Aramaeans | Assyrians | Chaldeans | Syriacs | Maronites
Aramaic languages - Syriac
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic | Bohtan Neo-Aramaic | Chaldean Neo-Aramaic | Hértevin | Koy Sanjaq Surat | Garshuni | Mlahsö | Senaya | Turoyo
Ancient Church of the East | Assyrian Church of the East | Chaldean Catholic Church | Maronite Church | Syriac Catholic Church | Syriac Orthodox Church