Wikipedia:Missing science topics/ExistingMathP
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- P-'-group
- P-Value or P-value
- P-adic absolute value
- P-adic integers
- P-adic norm
- P-adic number
- P-group
- PDF or Pdf
- PL/I
- Paasche's index
- Packing
- Pact
- Padovan sequence
- Padé approximant
- Padé approximation
- Painlevé property
- Painlevé transcendents
- Pair
- Paired
- Pairing
- Pairing function
- Pairwise
- Pairwise disjoint
- Pairwise independence
- Paley-Wiener theorem
- Palindrome
- Palindrome number
- Palindromic number
- Palindromic prime
- Pancake sorting
- Pandiagonal magic cube
- Pandiagonal magic square
- Pandigital
- Pandigital number
- Panmagic square
- Pantograph
- Papal Cross
- Paper Folding or Paper folding
- Paper bag
- Pappus's centroid theorem
- Pappus's hexagon theorem
- Pappus's theorem
- Pappus-Guldinus theorem
- Parabiaugmented dodecahedron
- Parabiaugmented hexagonal prism
- Parabiaugmented truncated dodecahedron
- Parabidiminished rhombicosidodecahedron
- Parabigyrate rhombicosidodecahedron
- Parabola
- Parabolic coordinates
- Parabolic cylinder function
- Parabolic cylindrical coordinates
- Parabolic geometry
- Parabolic subgroup
- Paraboloid
- Paraboloidal coordinates
- Paracompact space
- Paracompact topological space
- Paracompactness criteria
- Paraconsistent logic
- Paradox
- Paragyrate diminished rhombicosidodecahedron
- Parallax
- Parallel
- Parallel Axiom or Parallel axiom
- Parallel Computing or Parallel computing
- Parallel Lines or Parallel lines
- Parallel curves
- Parallel planes
- Parallel postulate or Parallel Postulate
- Parallel programming
- Parallel random access machine
- Parallel translation
- Parallel transport
- Parallelepiped
- Parallelism
- Parallelism axiom
- Parallelizable
- Parallelizable manifold
- Parallelogram
- Parallelogram law
- Parallelopipedon
- Parameter
- Parameterization
- Parametric equation
- Parametric equations
- Parametric statistics
- Parametrization
- Parametrized Surface or Parametrized surface
- Parenthesis
- Pareto distribution
- Pareto dominant
- Paris-Harrington theorem or Paris-harrington theorem
- Parity
- Parmenides
- Parrondo's Paradox
- Parseval's theorem
- Partial Derivative or Partial derivative
- Partial Evaluation or Partial evaluation
- Partial Fraction Decomposition or Partial fraction decomposition
- Partial Function or Partial function
- Partial Integration or Partial integration
- Partial differential
- Partial differential equation or Partial Differential Equation
- Partial fractions
- Partial geometry
- Partial mapping
- Partial order
- Partial recursive function
- Partial sum
- Partially ordered set
- Partisan game
- Partition
- Partition Function or Partition function
- Partition of a set
- Partition of unity
- Party problem
- Parzen window
- Pascal Distribution or Pascal distribution
- Pascal theorem
- Pascal triangle
- Pascal's Triangle or Pascal's triangle
- Pascal's Wager or Pascal's wager
- Pascal's rule
- Pascal's theorem
- Pasch's axiom
- Pasch's theorem
- Patch
- Path
- Path component
- Path graph
- Path integral
- Path length
- Path-connected
- Path-connected space
- Pathological
- Pathological (mathematics)
- Pathwise-connected
- Patriarchal cross
- Pattern
- Pattern recognition
- Pauli Matrices or Pauli matrices
- Pauli Spin Matrices
- Pauli algebra
- Paving
- Payoff matrix
- Peano Arithmetic or Peano arithmetic
- Peano axioms or Peano Axioms
- Peano curve
- Peano's axioms
- Pearson distribution
- Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
- Pearson's correlation
- Pebibyte
- Pedal
- Pedal curve
- Pedal line
- Pedal point
- Pedal triangle
- Peetre's inequality
- Peg
- Peg solitaire
- Peirce arrow
- Pell equation
- Pell number
- Pell's equation
- Peloponnesian War or Peloponnesian war
- Pencil
- Penrose Triangle or Penrose triangle
- Penrose Tribar or Penrose tribar
- Penrose tiles
- Penrose tiling
- Pentachoron
- Pentacle
- Pentacontagon
- Pentadecagon
- Pentadiagonal matrix
- Pentagon
- Pentagon tiling
- Pentagonal Dipyramid or Pentagonal dipyramid
- Pentagonal Prism or Pentagonal prism
- Pentagonal antiprism
- Pentagonal cupola
- Pentagonal gyrobicupola
- Pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda
- Pentagonal hexecontahedron
- Pentagonal icositetrahedron
- Pentagonal number
- Pentagonal number theorem
- Pentagonal orthobicupola
- Pentagonal orthobirotunda
- Pentagonal orthocupolarotunda
- Pentagonal pyramid
- Pentagonal pyramidal number
- Pentagonal rotunda
- Pentagonal trapezohedron
- Pentagram
- Pentagrammic antiprism
- Pentagrammic crossed antiprism
- Pentagrammic prism
- Pentahedron
- Pentakaidecagon
- Pentakis dodecahedron
- Pentalpha
- Pentangle
- Pentatope
- Pentatope number
- Pentiamond
- Pentomino
- Per cent
- Per mille
- Percent
- Percent sign
- Percentage
- Percentage error
- Percentage point
- Percentile
- Percentile rank
- Percolation theory
- Perfect Information or Perfect information
- Perfect Square or Perfect square
- Perfect box
- Perfect code
- Perfect cuboid
- Perfect field
- Perfect graph
- Perfect graph theorem
- Perfect group
- Perfect magic cube
- Perfect matching
- Perfect number
- Perfect power
- Perfect ruler
- Perfect set
- Perfectly-normal space
- Perforation
- Performance analysis
- Periapsis
- Pericles
- Perigon
- Perimeter
- Period
- Period (mathematics)
- Period mapping
- Period of a function
- Periodic function
- Periodic group
- Periodic point
- Periodic sequence
- Periodic solution
- Periodogram
- Periods
- Permanent
- Permutation
- Permutation group
- Permutation matrix
- Permutation symbol
- Permutation test
- Permutation tests
- Perpendicular
- Perpendicular bisector
- Perpendicular vector
- Perrin pseudoprime
- Perrin sequence
- Perron Integral or Perron integral
- Perron's formula
- Perron-Frobenius Operator or Perron-Frobenius operator
- Perron-Frobenius theorem
- Persistence
- Perspective
- Perspective projection
- Perturbation theory
- Perverse sheaf
- Petabyte
- Peter Sarnak
- Peter-Weyl theorem
- Peters projection
- Petersen Graph or Petersen graph
- Peterson inner product
- Petersson inner product
- Petri net
- Petrov classification
- Pfaffian
- Pfaffian system
- Phase
- Phase Space or Phase space
- Phase Transition or Phase transition
- Phase plane
- Phase portrait
- Phase shift
- Phase velocity vector
- Phasor
- Philolaus
- Phragmén-Lindelöf principle
- Phragmén-Lindelöf theorem
- Phyllotaxis
- Physical vector
- Pi
- Pi approximations
- Pi-system
- Picard group
- Picard number
- Picard scheme
- Picard theorem
- Picard variety
- Picard's existence theorem
- Picard's great theorem
- Picard's theorem
- Pick theorem
- Pick's theorem
- Pictures
- Pie chart
- Piecewise
- Piecewise Linear Function or Piecewise linear function
- Piecewise constant function
- Piecewise continuous
- Piecewise function
- Piecewise smooth
- Pierpont Prime or Pierpont prime
- Pigeonhole Principle or Pigeonhole principle
- Pillai's conjecture
- Pillow
- Pincherle derivative
- Pinching theorem
- Pisano period
- Pisot number
- Pistol
- Pitchfork bifurcation
- Pivot point
- Pivoting
- Place
- Plain text
- Planar graph
- Plancherel theorem
- Plancherel's theorem
- Planck constant
- Plane
- Plane Geometry or Plane geometry
- Plane at infinity
- Plane curve
- Plane graph
- Plane partition
- Plane symmetry groups
- Plane-filling curve
- Plane-line intersection
- Plastic constant
- Plastic number
- Plat
- Plate carre
- Plateau (mathematics)
- Plateau problem
- Plateau's laws
- Plateau's problem
- Platonic solid
- Platonic solids
- Platykurtic
- Player
- Playfair's Axiom or Playfair's axiom
- Pliny
- Plot
- Plotinus
- Plumbing
- Pluperfect number
- Pluriharmonic function
- Pluripolar set
- Plurisubharmonic function
- Plurisuperharmonic function
- Plus
- Plus or minus
- Plus sign
- Plus-construction
- Plutarch
- Plücker coordinates
- Plücker embedding
- Plücker formula
- Plücker formulas
- Pochhammer symbol
- Poggendorff Illusion or Poggendorff illusion
- Poincaré conjecture
- Poincare lemma
- Poincare-Bendixson theorem
- Poincarè recurrence theorem
- Poincaré Conjecture or Poincaré conjecture
- Poincaré disk
- Poincaré dodecahedral space
- Poincaré duality or Poincare duality
- Poincaré group
- Poincaré hyperbolic disk
- Poincaré map
- Poincaré metric
- Poincaré model
- Poincaré section
- Poincaré sphere
- Poincaré transformation
- Poincaré's lemma
- Poincaré-Bendixson theory
- Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem
- Poincaré-Hopf index theorem
- Poincaré-Hopf theorem
- Poinsot solid
- Poinsot's spirals
- Point
- Point at infinity
- Point estimator
- Point groups
- Point of inflection
- Point-set topology
- Pointed space
- Pointed topological space
- Pointwise
- Pointwise convergence
- Poiseuille flow
- Poisson Lie group
- Poisson algebra
- Poisson bracket or Poisson Bracket
- Poisson brackets
- Poisson distribution
- Poisson equation
- Poisson formula
- Poisson integral
- Poisson kernel
- Poisson manifold
- Poisson process
- Poisson ring
- Poisson summation formula
- Poisson's Equation or Poisson's equation
- Poisson-Boltzmann equation
- Poker
- Polar
- Polar circle
- Polar coordinates
- Polar decomposition
- Polar equation
- Polar set
- Polar space
- Polarity
- Polarization of an algebraic form
- Pole
- Polignac's conjecture
- Polish Notation or Polish notation
- Polish space
- Pollard
- Pollard's rho algorithm
- Poly-harmonic function
- Polya
- Polyabolo
- Polychoron
- Polyconic projection
- Polycube
- Polycyclic group
- Polydisc
- Polydisk
- Polydrafter
- Polyform
- Polygamma function
- Polygon
- Polygon area
- Polygon triangulation
- Polygonal number
- Polygram
- Polyhedron
- Polyhedron compound
- Polyhex
- Polyiamond
- Polylogarithm
- Polymatroid
- Polymorph
- Polynomial
- Polynomial curve
- Polynomial equation
- Polynomial factorization
- Polynomial function
- Polynomial hierarchy
- Polynomial interpolation
- Polynomial long division
- Polynomial map
- Polynomial remainder
- Polynomial remainder theorem
- Polynomial ring
- Polynomial roots
- Polynomial sequence
- Polynomial time
- Polynomially convex hull
- Polyomino
- Polytan
- Polytope
- Pompey the Great
- Poncelet's porism
- Poncelet-Steiner theorem
- Pons Asinorum or Pons asinorum
- Pontryagin class
- Pontryagin duality
- Pontryagin maximum principle
- Pontryagin number
- Ponzo's illusion
- Pop
- Population
- Population growth
- Population mean
- Porism
- Poset
- Poset dimension
- Position Vector or Position vector
- Position four-vector
- Positive
- Positive correlation
- Positive definite
- Positive definite form
- Positive definite function
- Positive definite matrix
- Positive element
- Positive functional
- Positive integer
- Positive linear functional
- Positive map
- Positive measure
- Positive number
- Positive operator
- Positive part
- Positive semidefinite
- Positive semidefinite matrix
- Positive-definite form
- Positive-definite function
- Post correspondence problem
- Post machine
- Posterior distribution
- Postfix notation
- Postulate
- Potential
- Potential field
- Potential function
- Potential theory
- Poulet number
- Power
- Power Line or Power line
- Power Point or Power point
- Power Rule or Power rule
- Power Tower
- Power associative algebra
- Power center
- Power function
- Power mean
- Power of point
- Power series
- Power set
- Power spectrum
- Power sum
- Power-associative algebra
- Powerful number
- Practical number
- Prandtl number
- Pratt certificate
- Pre-Hilbert space
- Pre-compact space
- Pre-image
- Pre-order
- Pre-sheaf
- Precession
- Precession of the equinoxes
- Precision
- Precompact set
- Preconditioner
- Predecessor
- Predicate
- Predicate Calculus or Predicate calculus
- Predicate variable
- Predictability
- Prefix
- Preimage
- Premise
- Prenex Normal Form or Prenex normal form
- Prenex form
- Preorder
- Presburger Arithmetic or Presburger arithmetic
- Present Value or Present value
- Presentation
- Presentation of a group
- Presheaf
- Pretzel knot
- Price's theorem
- Primality certificate
- Primality test
- Primality testing
- Primary
- Primary decomposition
- Primary ideal
- Prime
- Prime Circle, Prime circle
- Prime Cut
- Prime Factorization or Prime factorization
- Prime constant
- Prime counting function
- Prime decomposition
- Prime divisor
- Prime element
- Prime factor
- Prime factorization algorithms
- Prime field
- Prime ideal
- Prime ideal theorem
- Prime knot
- Prime model
- Prime number
- Prime number theorem or Prime Number Theorem
- Prime polynomial
- Prime power
- Prime quadruplet
- Prime radical
- Prime ring
- Prime signature
- Prime spectrum
- Prime subfield
- Primefree sequence
- Primes
- Primitive element
- Primitive element theorem
- Primitive function
- Primitive group
- Primitive ideal
- Primitive permutation group
- Primitive polynomial
- Primitive pseudoperfect number
- Primitive recursion
- Primitive recursive
- Primitive recursive function
- Primitive ring
- Primitive root
- Primitive root of unity
- Primitive semiperfect number
- Primorial
- Primorial Prime or Primorial prime
- Principal
- Principal branch
- Principal bundle
- Principal component analysis
- Principal components analysis
- Principal curvature
- Principal curvatures
- Principal diagonal
- Principal homogeneous space
- Principal ideal
- Principal ideal domain
- Principal ideal theorem
- Principal part
- Principal ring
- Principal square root
- Principal value
- Principle
- Principle of Computational Equivalence
- Principle of Insufficient Reason or Principle of insufficient reason
- Principle of inclusion-exclusion
- Principle of mathematical induction
- Principle of stationary phase
- Principle of the argument
- Pringle
- Prior distribution
- Priority queue
- Prism
- Prismatoid
- Prisoner's Dilemma or Prisoner's dilemma
- Prizes
- Pro-p group
- Probabilistic Turing machine or Probabilistic Turing Machine
- Probabilistic method
- Probabilistic metric space
- Probability
- Probability Axioms or Probability axioms
- Probability Density Function or Probability density function
- Probability distribution
- Probability distribution function
- Probability function
- Probability mass function
- Probability measure
- Probability space
- Probability theory
- Probable prime
- Problem
- Problems in low-dimensional topology
- Procedure
- Product
- Product (category theory)
- Product category
- Product category theory
- Product formula
- Product measure
- Product rule
- Product set
- Product space
- Product topology
- Productive set
- Profinite group
- Program
- Programming
- Programming language
- Progression
- Progressive function
- Projection
- Projection matrix
- Projection operator
- Projective algebraic variety
- Projective connection
- Projective curve
- Projective differential geometry
- Projective general linear group
- Projective geometry or Projective Geometry
- Projective group
- Projective limit
- Projective line
- Projective module
- Projective object
- Projective plane
- Projective representation
- Projective resolution
- Projective set
- Projective space
- Projective special linear group
- Projective special orthogonal group
- Projective special unitary group
- Projective symplectic group
- Projective transformation
- Projective variety
- Projectively extended real numbers
- Projector
- Prolate cycloid
- Prolate spheroid
- Prolate spheroidal coordinates
- Promise problem
- Pronic number
- Pronormal subgroup
- Proof
- Proof by contradiction
- Proof theory
- Prop
- Propeller
- Proper
- Proper class
- Proper cone
- Proper divisor
- Proper factor
- Proper fraction
- Proper map
- Proper morphism
- Proper subgroup
- Proper subset
- Proper superset
- Proper vector
- Properly discontinuous action
- Propertius
- Proportional
- Proportionality (mathematics)
- Proposition
- Propositional calculus
- Propositional form
- Propositional formula
- Propositional function
- Propositional logic
- Propositional variable
- Protagoras
- Proth number
- Proth's theorem
- Protractor
- Prouhet-Thue-Morse constant
- Prouhet-Thue-Morse sequence
- Proximity
- Proximity space
- Prüfer code
- Prüfer ring
- Pseudo-Riemannian manifold
- Pseudo-Riemannian metric
- Pseudo-Riemannian space
- Pseudo-arc
- Pseudo-differential operator
- Pseudo-group
- Pseudo-metric
- Pseudo-metric space
- Pseudo-prime
- Pseudo-random numbers
- Pseudo-scalar
- Pseudo-sphere
- Pseudo-tensor
- Pseudo-vector
- Pseudocircle
- Pseudocompact space
- Pseudoconvex
- Pseudodifferential operator
- Pseudograph
- Pseudogroup
- Pseudoinverse
- Pseudometric
- Pseudometric space
- Pseudoperfect number
- Pseudoprime
- Pseudorandom
- Pseudorandom generator
- Pseudorandom number
- Pseudorandom numbers
- Pseudorhombicuboctahedron
- Pseudoscalar
- Pseudosphere
- Pseudotensor
- Pseudovector
- Psi function
- Ptolemeus theorem
- Ptolemy's theorem or Ptolemy's Theorem
- Public key cryptography
- Public-key cryptography
- Puiseux series
- Puiseux's theorem
- Pullback
- Pullback bundle
- Pullback map
- Puncture
- Punctured plane
- Punctured set
- Pure simplicial complex
- Pure subgroup
- Pure submodule
- Purely inseparable
- Purely inseparable extension
- Push
- Pushdown automaton
- Pushout map
- Putnam mathematical competition
- Puzzle
- Pyramid
- Pyramidal number
- Pythagoras prime
- Pythagoras theorem
- Pythagoras tree
- Pythagoras's constant
- Pythagoras's theorem
- Pythagorean Theorem or Pythagorean theorem
- Pythagorean means
- Pythagorean triad
- Pythagorean triangle
- Pythagorean triple
- Pythagorean triplet
- Péclet number
- Pépin's test
- Pólya Conjecture or Pólya conjecture
- Pólya enumeration theorem
- Pólya theorem
- Pólya-Vinogradov inequality