User:Misza13/Scripts/Watchlist sorter
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< User:Misza13 | Scripts
- Upset about your watchlist being cluttered?
- Keep missing edits to important articles/discussions?
- Tried the Watchfilter but want to see all namespaces at once?
Then this function is for you. It will (when placed in your monobook.js file):
- Sort your watchlist by namespace,
- Sort the namespaces by time of newest diff.
Any comments/praises/bug reports/flames go to the author, Misza13 T C 16:48, 25 March 2006 (UTC).
// WATCHLIST SORTER addOnloadHook(function (){ if (location.href.indexOf('Special:Watchlist') == -1) return; //Are we on a watchlist? //days = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('ul'); days = document.evaluate( //Hell knows how it works - found in "Dive into Greasemonkey" "//ul[@class='special']", document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for (d = 0; d < days.snapshotLength; d++) { //For each day day = days.snapshotItem(d); newday = document.createElement('ul'); //This will replace the old listing while ((diffs = day.getElementsByTagName('li')).length > 0) { //Are there any diffs left? //Try to extract the namespace As = diffs[0].getElementsByTagName('a'); if (As[0].innerHTML == 'diff') pagename = As[2].innerHTML; else pagename = As[1].innerHTML; if (pagename.indexOf(':') == -1) namespace = 'Main'; else namespace = pagename.split(':')[0]; //This will fail for articles which contain ":" in name hdrs = newday.getElementsByTagName('h5'); //Get the list of namespace headers hdr = null; for (j=0; j<hdrs.length; j++) //Find the header if (hdrs[j].innerHTML==namespace) { hdr = hdrs[j]; break; } if (hdr==null) { //Not found? Make a new one! hdr = document.createElement('h5'); hdr.innerHTML = namespace; newday.appendChild(hdr); namespacesub = document.createElement('ul'); newday.appendChild(namespacesub); } hdr.nextSibling.appendChild(diffs[0]); //Move the diff } newday.appendChild(document.createElement('hr')); //For readablility day.parentNode.replaceChild(newday,day); } }); //