Missy Meanie
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Missy Meanie (Played by Carlie Casey) is a cheerleader and one of the most popular girls in school. Ned actually asked her out on a date, but only because he was dared to. It was said in that very same episode, that Ned and Missy got on very well, seeming to like the same things. In that same episode, Missy over-heard Ned saying the date was a dare, and pushed him into the pool with the shark swimming in it. She is usually seen ridiculing and tormenting less-popular kids and wearing pink. She hates Jennifer Mosely and had a falling out with her former cheerleader rival Suzie Crabgrass after she discovered that Suzie was working in the cafeteria. In the School Clubs episode she started Missy's Declassified School Survival Manual Club, which was actually a trick to get less-popular kids to do her work and other stuff for her. Ned told the kids, and they quit the club. In that episode she had bodyguards called "Missy Buddies". They quit also. She dated Loomer just to freak out her parents so that they would send her to Paris for the summer. It worked and when Loomer spilled his "Kissy-Missy secret" about kissing her while dating Suzie Crabgrass (who was disguised so she saw everything) she broke up with him along with Suzie. In the guide to Clothes, Missy was the fashion police director, and ended up getting so frustrated because every one gave her a ticket for being too selfish about what to wear to school. In another episode, Missy sabotages Ned by having him wear body piercings, in order for Ned to like Missy more, and for Suzie Crabgrass to not like Ned anymore. Missy kisses Ned in this epsiode, but it is hidden by Ned's head.