Mission Habitat

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Missions of the Bolivarian Revolution
— food — housing — medicine —
Barrio Adentro  · Plan Bolivar 2000
Hábitat  · Mercal
— education —
Ribas  · Sucre
Robinson I  · Robinson II
— indigenous rights — land — environment —
Guaicaipuro  · Identidad
Miranda  · Piar
Vuelta al Campo  · Vuelvan Caras
— (Hugo Chávez) — (Venezuela) —

Mision Hábitat ("Mission Habitat") is a Venezuelan Bolivarian Mission that has as its goal the construction of thousands of new housing units for the poor. The program also seeks to develop agreeable and integrated housing zones that make available a full range of social services — from education to healthcare — which likens its vision to that of New Urbanism. Critics have criticized the slow rate of construction (less than 10,000 housing units built over the last six years, the duration of Hugo Chávez's tenure).