Miss Wisconsin USA

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The Miss Wisconsin USA competition is the pageant that selects the representative for the state of Wisconsin in the Miss USA pageant.

Wisconsin is one of the least successful Miss USA states. The states highest placing was Mary Cook earning 2nd runner-up in 1974, and they have not had a placement since 1979. In 2005, however, Melissa Ann Young won the Miss Congeniality award and Elyzabeth Pham won Miss Photogenic in 1999.

The Miss Wisconsin USA pageant is currently produced by The Pageant Agency. The Miss Wisconsin USA 2007 pageant finals will be held on September 2, 2006.

[edit] List of winners

Caitlin Morrall, Miss Wisconsin USA 2007
  • 2007 - Caitlin Morrall
  • 2006 - Anna Piscitello
  • 2005 - Melissa Ann Young (Miss Congenality)
  • 2004 - Jenna Schultz
  • 2003 - Judith Eckerle
  • 2002 - Cortney Owen
  • 2001 - Kari Jo Dodge
  • 2000 - Samantha Jo Picha
  • 1999 - Elyzabeth Pham (Miss Photogenic)
  • 1998 - Michelle Altman
  • 1997 - Tara Johnson
  • 1996 - Mary Stoker
  • 1995 - Tanae Geisler -- former Miss Wisconsin Teen USA 1993
  • 1994 - Gina Desmond
  • 1993 - Heather Hanson
  • 1992 - Kelly Bright
  • 1991 - Kimberly Totdahl
  • 1990 - Lynn Mulcahy
  • 1989 - Sherri Baxter
  • 1988 - Mary Anderson
  • 1987 - Regina Part
  • 1986 - Bonnie Bonnicksen
  • 1985 - Deborah Strauss
  • 1984 - Tamara Schoof
  • 1983 - Susan Peters
  • 1982 - Cheryl Maslowski
  • 1981 - Dawn Spreeman
  • 1980 - Susan McGaffigan
  • 1979 - Kathryn Wituschek (Semi-finalist at Miss USA)
  • 1978 - Cynthia Paulson
  • 1977 - Vicki Payne
  • 1976 - Susan Femrite
  • 1975 - Rita Pedder
  • 1974 - Mary Cook (2nd runner-up at Miss USA)
  • 1973 - Diane Modrow (Best State Costume)
  • 1972 - Suzan Nass
  • 1971 - Pamela Martin
  • 1970 - Joann Soller
  • 1969 - Christine Sachen
  • 1968 - Janice Kopps
  • 1967 - Jodi Bonham (3rd runner-up at Miss USA)
  • 1966 - Unknown
  • 1965 - Judith Achtor
  • 1964 - Carolyne Limquite
  • 1963 - Lynn Korchunoff
  • 1962 - Sherri Mathson
  • 1961 - Karen Reisweber
  • 1960 - Sharyn Chalik
  • 1959 - Charlene Krause
  • 1958 - Did Not Compete
  • 1957 - Natalie Lueck
  • 1956 - Priscilla Perkins
  • 1955 - Jeanne M. Boulay (Semi-finalist at Miss USA)
  • 1954 - Rita D. Younger (Semi-finalist at Miss USA)
  • 1953 - Jacque Kimmel
  • 1952 - Jeannie Huston (withdrew)

[edit] External links

The Pageant Agency
Miss Iowa USA
Miss Iowa Teen USA
Miss Wisconsin USA
Miss Wisconsin Teen USA
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