Minor Wheel of Time characters

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This article is about minor characters in Robert Jordan's extensive The Wheel of Time fantasy fiction series who do not have their own article.

For context, please see The Wheel of Time.


[edit] Shaidar Haran

A Myrddraal with the normal powers: can see with no eyes, strikes fear by looking at him and can disappear in the shadows. However, he is a head taller than most Myrddraal, can shield channelers from the True Source, and has a sense of humour, all of which are unusual. He is the voice of the Dark One, and possibly his avatar. His name literally means "Hand of the Dark" in the Old Tongue. He is usually the bringer of bad news; he summons the other Forsaken to Shayol Ghul, or punishes them, as he did with Mesaana after she failed to answer a summons. However he also marked Alviarin (a Black Ajah sister) as 'protected' against any attack by Shadowspawn. He cannot be away from Shayol Ghul for long, and wishes to sever his ties from there. His additional powers and comments made from his point of view indicate that he may be an extension of the Dark One into the real world. The most likely conclusion to this Myrddraal might be that he would be the form that the Dark One takes when he finally breaks free of Shayol Ghul.

[edit] Slayer

Slayer is the merger of two souls, Lord Isam Mandragoran and Lord Luc Mantear. Little is known about this dark creature, nor his origins. Isam was of royal blood in the Kingdom of Malkier, cousin of Lan Mandragoran, last of the Malkieri kings. When the Malkier was overrun by Trollocs, Isam was one of the few Malkieri to escape. His mother took him south but they were attacked by Trollocs.

Luc was brother to Tigraine, and a prince of Andor. Luc is also Rand's blood uncle (Rand is the son of Tigraine). Gitara Moroso, the Aes Sedai who possessed the Fortelling, urged him to seek his glory in the Blight. It is speculated by many fans that this is where Luc and Isam merged, becoming a sort of Super Darkfriend. The Slayer killed Janduin, Rand's biological father, when he came into the Blight.

Somehow, both of them survived in the Blight. They met in the Mountain of Dhoom and merged into something new. Slayer has many abilities. He can appear in both forms in the world of flesh, but he is also a master of the World of Dreams and can change easily there as well. Slayer is the name given to him by the wolves. He can also enter the Tower of Ghenjei. It's quite possible that he has something to do with creating Darkhounds. It also seems that both Luc and Isam's personalities have survived intact, and that Luc is just as evil as Isam. In fact, they seem to be quite the bosom buddies.

His attempt to kill Padan Fain in the Two Rivers was unsuccessful, and he fears Perrin. He still hunts Ordeith, but recently tried to kill Rand and Min. It was he who mysteriously killed the Grey Man who tried to kill Egwene in the White Tower. He also killed the Black Ajah sisters Amico Nagoyin and Joya Byir, who were being held in the Stone of Tear.

Rand is, at this time, completely unaware of Slayer's nature and relation to him. Birgitte states that he is a new occurrence, but perhaps an old evil.

[edit] Verin Mathwin

Verin Mathwin is an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. She has some graying in her hair - a sign of considerable age for an Aes Sedai. Like all members of the Brown Ajah, she devotes herself to knowledge and the pursuit of it; as a result, she has a tendency to ramble when talking about a particular subject or become lost in thought.

Verin's scatterbrained tendencies hide a calculating mind that is more aware of events in the world than she lets on. Speculation of whether she is Black Ajah is rife in fandom, particularly since she is the only Aes Sedai not known definitively to be Black Ajah to have lied, by contradicting another sister's account of the truth. (Aes Sedai are bound by one of the Three Oaths to "utter no word that is not true," but Black Ajah members have this restriction removed as a part of their turning.). In the final chapter of "Winter's Heart", Verin refers to the Forsaken/Chosen as "The Forsaken". It has been known through the series that Darkfriends of all levels, use "The Chosen" when referring to those few. Verin had also been ready to poison Cadsuane Sedai while in Far Madding when she thought that Cadsuane was going to directly/indirectly harm Rand.

[edit] Aes Sedai

There are about a thousand Aes Sedai scattered throughout the lands, although the highest concentration of them would be found, obviously, in Tar Valon, either in the White Tower or in the camps of the rebels besieging the city. Listed by Ajah, these are:

[edit] Red Ajah

  • Duhara Basaheen is a Domani who was Keeper of the Chronicles to Sierin Vayu. She is currently a Sitter in the Hall. She was sent by Elaida to be the Aes Sedai advisor to Elayne, although Elayne has refused to accept her.
  • Pevara Tazanovni is a Sitter in the White Tower and a supporter of Elaida. She is from Kandor, a nation in the Borderlands. Along with her best friend Seaine Herimon and several others, she has begun to expose the Black Ajah who have seemingly taken over the White Tower from within.
  • Sashalle Anderly is a blue eyed Aes Sedai with shoulder length curly hair. She was one of the Aes Sedai who kidnapped Rand, and was stilled when he broke the shield, along with Ronaille Vevanios and Irgain Fatamed. She has since been healed by Damer Flinn and has sworn fealty to Rand.
  • Silviana Brehon is the Mistress of Novices in the White Tower. Allied with Elaida.
  • Teslyn Baradon is a dark-eyed Sitter, who was captured by the Seanchan and made damane. Mat freed her, along with Edesina Azzedin.
  • Tsutama Rath had once been a Sitter until she was exiled along with Toveine Gazal and Lirene for reasons yet unknown. Allied with Elaida. Returned from exile, Tsutama is leader of the Red Ajah.

[edit] Blue Ajah

  • Aeldene Stonebridge is from Andor. She is the head of the Eyes and Ears of the Blue Ajah, and is allied with the Salidar Aes Sedai led by Egwene.
  • Aeldra Najaf was Keeper of the Chronicles when Tamra Ospenya. She was raised to replace Gitara Moroso. She is described as being lean with coppery skin and short white hair.
  • Cetalia Delarme is from Tarabon. She was head of the eyes-and-ears of the Blue Ajah under both Tamra Ospenya and Sierin Vayu. She is described as being tall and square-faced, with long steel grey hair in braids.
  • Moria Karentanis is from Illian. She has joined the Salidar Aes Sedai and is a Sitter in the Salidar Hall.
  • Kairen Stang was from Andor. After returning with an Embassy sent for the Dragon Reborn she was brutually murdered in the Aes Sedai camps. Her warder Llew, inconsolable since her death, has had his bond passed over to Myrelle.
  • Rafela Cindal is from Tear and has a warder named Mahiro Shukosa. She is allied with the Salidar Aes Sedai led by Egwene.
  • Tamra Ospenya was the Amrylin Seat, raised from the Blue Ajah, from 973 to 979 NE. Tamra was Amrylin when Gitara Moroso (her Keeper of Chronicles) Foretold the birth of the Dragon Reborn. She initiated a covert search for the Dragon Reborn by sending Accepted out to take a census of women who gave birth close to the time of the Foretelling. She was captured and tortured by Black Ajah, in particular Galina Casban, Chesmal Emry and Jarna Malari, for information on the Dragon Reborn. The story is put about that she 'died in her sleep'. She is tall, with gray-streaked hair and was considered to be kind, fair and just.

[edit] Green Ajah

  • Adelorna Bastine is allied with Elaida. She is the Captain-General of the Green Ajah in the White Tower. She is from Saldaea and has three Warders.
  • Bera Harkin is a stocky Andoran Aes Sedai, who is described as looking like a farmwife. She is one of the Salidar Aes Sedai, and was forced to swear fealty to Rand after the battle at Dumai's Wells. She has three Warders.
  • Joline Maza is a slender, pretty Aes Sedai with dark eyes. She has two Warders, Blaeric Negina and Fen Mizar. She was sent by Elaida as an ambassador to the Tarasin Palace in Ebou Dar. Mat helped her to escape Ebou Dar, and she is currently travelling with him.
  • Kiruna Nachiman is an elegant, statuesque Aes Sedai, who is sister to King Paitar of Arafel. She is one of the Salidar Aes Sedai and was part of the group of Sisters who rescued Rand at Dumai's Wells.

[edit] Yellow Ajah

  • Narenwin Barda is allied with the Tower and Elaida. She is the head of the Yellow Ajah's Eyes and Ears.
  • Nisao Dachen is an Aes Sedai on the side of the Salidar Aes Sedai. Her interests lie in the healing of the mind. Her Warder is Sarin Hoigan.
  • Romanda Cassin was a Sitter in the White Tower and First Weaver of the Yellow Ajah. She has been re-elected to both these positions as a member of the Salidar Aes Sedai. She has dark eyes, and wears her gray hair pulled back in a bun. Romanda, along with Lelaine Akashi, have been trying to gain control over Egwene as Amrylin.
  • Salita Toranes is from Tear and is allied with the Salidar rebels supporting Egwene.

[edit] Brown Ajah

  • Danelle is a young, dreamy-eyed Aes Sedai who is allied with the White Tower. She was one of the group of Aes Sedai that took Suian into custody.
  • Demira Eriff is a gracefully beautiful Domani with coppery skin. She was a part of the embassy sent to Rand from the Salidar Aes Sedai, but was attacked (allegedly by Aiel) in Caemlyn and left with the message to stay away from the Dragon Reborn. She has one Warder, Stevan.
  • Jesse Bilal is the head of the Brown Ajah in the White Tower. She supported Elaida during the Tower split.
  • Kumira was from Shienar, one of the Borderland countries. She had allied herself with the legendary Cadsuane Melaidhrin of the Green Ajah, but was killed by Darkfriends at Shadar Logoth.
  • Masuri Sokawa is a slender, pretty Arafellan and is one of the Salidar Aes Sedai. She is considered to be an expert on Darkhounds. She has one Warder, Rovair Kirklin.
  • Morvrin is stout, with a round face and gray-streaked hair. She is one of the original leaders at Salidar. Her Warder's name is Jori.
  • Nesune Bihara is a slender, dark-eyed Kandori, who is allied with the White Tower. She taught Egwene as a novice. She has sworn fealty to Rand Al'Thor.
  • Saerin Asnobar is an olive-skinned Altaran with dark hair and a scar on one cheek. She is loyal to the White Tower and has proved she is not Blach Ajah by reswearing her oaths.
  • Takima is one of the Salidar Aes Sedai, allied with Lelaine. She has long black hair and a dark complexion, and is very knowledgable about history and Tower law.
  • Theodrin Dabei is a willowy, graceful Domani wilder, who was raised to Aes Sedai by the Salidar Aes Sedai. She tries to assist Nynaeve in breaking her block.

[edit] White Ajah

  • Daigian Moseneillin is a plump and pale Cairhienin of a lesser House. She is one of the weakest Aes Sedai in the Tower. She is allied with Cadsuane. She bonded Eben Hopwil (an Asha'man) as a Warder but he was killed in a fight with Aran'gar.
  • Ferane Neheran is the First Reasoner of the White Ajah. She is allied with the Tower Aes Sedai supporting Elaida and had once been a Sitter.
  • Sarene Nemdahl initially supported Elaida but has sworn an oath to the Dragon Reborn. She hails from Tarabon, and is known to have a temper. Her warder's name is Vitalien.
  • Seaine Herimon is a sitter who is allied with Elaida. She was given the job of finding traitors within the White Tower. However, she and her novice hood friend Pevara discovered Darkfriends and worse.

[edit] Gray Ajah

  • Andaya Forae. A Sitter for the Gray Ajah in the White Tower, she has been an Aes Sedai for less than seventy years and was hand-picked as a Sitter after the Tower's breaking by Serancha Colvine, head of the Gray Ajah herself. She hails from Tarabon.
  • Annoura Larisen is a dark haired Taraboner with braided hair. She is the Aes Sedai advisor to Berelain.
  • Beonin Marinye is a pretty Taraboner, with honey-coloured hair and blue-gray eyes, who has been Aes Sedai for about forty years. She is one of the Salidar Aes Sedai, but has since left and returned to Elaida, along with her Warder, Tervail Dura. She has revealed the existence of Salidar Aes Sedai moles in the White Tower to Elaida, as well as teaching her the new weaves that have been discovered.
  • Delana Mosalaine is a stout Shienaran with light blue eyes and very fair hair, who is a sitter in the Hall of the Salidar of the Aes Sedai. She is also Black Ajah. She is being manipulated by Halima, but fled with Halima Saranov and Miesa (one of Delana's servants) when Jahar Narishma arrived at Salidar and detected a man channelling.
  • Merana Ambrey is a slim, hazel-eyed Andoran. Her Warder, Basan, died before the Aiel War and she has not bonded another. She was forced to swear fealty to Rand after the battle at Dumai's Wells and, along with Rafela Cindal, was involved in negotiations with the Sea Folk on behalf of Rand.
  • Merilille Ceandevin is an elegant, slender Cairhienin with dark hair and eyes, who is the ambassador of the Salidar Aes Sedai to the Ebou Dari court. She has been a part of the Gray Ajah for over a hundred years. She was teaching Renaile din Calon Blue Star and other Windfinders as a part of the bargan made over the Bowl of the Winds, but she has fled from the Royal Palace in Caemlyn with a Sea Folk apprentice.
  • Yukiri. A Sitter for the Gray Ajah in the White Tower, she supports Elaida. Her warder has been dead over a dozen years. Along with Saerin and several others, she is trying to root out the Black Ajah within the White Tower.

[edit] Black Ajah

The Black Ajah mentioned below are all a part of the thirteen who left the White Tower with Liandrin.

  • Amico Nagoyin was originally of the Yellow Ajah. She is the youngest of the Black Ajah who left the White Tower with Liandrin and is slender and pretty with a long neck, pale skin and dark eyes. She was responsible for guarding the cell where Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve were held when they were captured by the Blach Ajah in Tear. She was murdered along with Joiya Byir by Isam.
  • Asne Zeramene is a Saldean, with dark, tilted eyes and a bold nose, originally of the Green Ajah. She was a part of that Ajah for about a hundred and thirty years. She was killed by lightning hurled by Windfinders when trying to kidnap Elayne.
  • Berylla Naron, originally of the Blue Ajah. She is lean to the point of being scrawny. She is currently with the remaining members of Liandrin's group in Amador.
  • Chesmal Emry is a Ghealdan, formerly of the Yellow Ajah. She is stern but handsome with dark hair and eyes. She healed Moghedien after she was wounded by Birgette and is considered one of the best at Healing in generations. She was captured after the attempt to kidnap Elayne and is currently in captivity, along with Lady Shiaine, in the Royal Palace dungeon in Caemlyn.
  • Eldrith Jhondar, a round-faced and plump Aes Sedai formerly of the Brown Ajah. She has a Warder named Kennit. She was captured after the attempt to kidnap Elayne and is currently in captivity, along with Lady Shiaine, in the Royal Palace dungeon in Caemlyn.
  • Falion Bhoda, a cold, long-faced Kandori with dark, glossy hair, originally of the White Ajah. As a punishment for failing to retrieve a stash of angreal in Ebou Dar, she was given to Lady Shiaine by Moridin to punish and do with what she will.
  • Jeaine Caide, a slim Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah from Arad Doman, with typically typical Domani coppery skin. She was originally present to bring Moraine and Siuan Sanche to the ceremony where they were raised to the shawl. She is currently with the remaining members of Liandrin's group in Amador.
  • Joiya Byir was originally of the Gray Ajah. She has a friendly face with dark hair and gray eyes and is described as being "old enough to be Egwene's grandmother". She was murdered by Isam.
  • Marillin Gemalphin is skinny, with dreamy blue eyes, lifeless pale brown hair and thin lips. She loves cats and was captured after the attempt to kidnap Elayne and is currently in captivity, along with Lady Shiaine, in the Royal Palace dungeon in Caemlyn.
  • Rianna Andomeran is a Kandori with black hair and a stark white streak above her left ear. She is currently with the remaining members of Liandrin's group in Amador.
  • Temaile Kinderode was originally of the Gray Ajah. She is diminutive and fox-faced with large blue eyes. She is from Cairhien and is described as being sadistic and enjoys causing pain. She was tormenting Amathera, the Panarch of Amador, before Elayne rescued her. She was captured after the attempt to kidnap Elayne and is currently in captivity, along with Lady Shiaine, in the Royal Palace dungeon in Caemlyn.

The other Black Ajah mentioned below are not members of Liandrin's thirteen, but have been encountered at various points during the series.

  • Elza Penfell is an Andoran originally of the Green Ajah but has defected to the Black Ajah. She is handsome and has brown eyes. Her warder, Fearil, is also a Darkfriend.
  • Katerine Alruddin is a dark haired, hard-eyed Aes Sedai originally of the Red Ajah. She is one of the Aes Sedai who kidnapped Rand Al'Thor. She is still present in the White Tower and was present during Egwene's capture.
  • Talene Minly is formerly of the Green Ajah and is a Sitter. She was exposed as Black Ajah when she refused to reswear her Oaths in front of Doesine, Pevara, Saerin, Seaine and Yukiri. She has since been forced to reswear her Oaths and reveal several other Black Ajah members within the White Tower.

[edit] Aiel

  • Bain is a Maiden of the Spear and is first-sister to Chiad, another Maiden.
  • Chiad is of the Stones River Sept of the Goshien Aiel. Chiad is a Maiden of the Spear and is first-sister to Bain, another Maiden.

[edit] Olver

A young boy discovered by one of the main characters--Matrim Cauthon--in Book 6: "Lord of Chaos"

In Book Seven: "A Crown of Swords" Olver travels with the Band of the Red Hand and even has some humorous moments. Like when one of the leaders of the Band tells Mat that Olver pinched the bottom of a waitress in an inn in Ebou Dar and received a spanking from her over it.

Due to the time of his birth, and his current hero tendencies, it is often speculated that Olver is the current form taken by Gaidal Cain, lover of Birgitte. Robert Jordan has stated that this is not true.

The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan

Prequel: New Spring
Book 1: The Eye of the World
Book 2: The Great Hunt
Book 3: The Dragon Reborn
Book 4: The Shadow Rising
Book 5: The Fires of Heaven
Book 6: Lord of Chaos

Book 7: A Crown of Swords
Book 8: The Path of Daggers
Book 9: Winter's Heart
Book 10: Crossroads of Twilight
Book 11: Knife of Dreams
Book 12: A Memory of Light

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