Minor Deus Ex characters
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This guide details the role and background information of minor characters appearing in the video game Deus Ex.
[edit] UNATCO Employees
[edit] Janice Reed
Janice Reed is Joseph Manderley's secretary and, as such, her desk is located inside the waiting area, directly adjacent to his office. Although generally a decent person, and almost certainly oblivious to UNATCO's affiliation with Majestic 12, Janice has, like many of UNATCO's personnel, completely taken to the false ideals and rhetoric used to slander the NSF and the myriad of other resistance forces across the world opposed to UNATCO's political position. However she does voice some opposition to the U.S government by circulating an email about the U.S governments nationalization of an airline claiming it had a poor safety record. Early into the game, Janice will offer advice and assist JC as he undertakes operations for the unit, but after his defection and subsequent capture, if approached, she will scold JC as he attempts to escape from UNATCO headquarters. Janice appears to place a strong emphasis on the family-like atmosphere that she believes UNATCO presents to its employees, and seemingly feels personally betrayed by the Denton brothers when they decide to abandon the unit. Like almost all characters in Deus Ex, killing Janice is entirely the player's decision. Regardless of choice, it will have absolutely no effect on the overall plot.
[edit] Sergeant Michael Berry
Sgt. Berry is a UNATCO field operative. Being one of the highest ranked NCOs based on Liberty Island, his tasks will generally involve rallying the troops and relaying orders from command into the field. Berry takes a zero-tolerance stance when dealing with those who would dare question the actions of the government, and will label opponents of governmental procedure as traitors. Due to this fierce and unquestioning nature, Berry has risen through UNATCO's lower ranks far quicker than his less obedient comrades, as Manderley applauds such unwavering loyalty in his underlings. Unlike his colleague, Corporal Collins, Berry is a strong proponent of President Mead's distribution strategy, believing that those in places of power must always come before those who are not, as society would collapse without powerful leadership and important figures to uphold civil stability.
Berry attended the academy alongside JC's older brother, Paul, and has been a close friend of the latter ever since. Recently, as Paul has received an increasing amount of criticism from his rivals within the unit and elsewhere, such as Gunther Hermann, Anna Navarre and Walton Simons, Berry has spent much of his time and credibility defending Paul's failings from his precarious position as a lowly trooper, in danger of being effortlessly transferred or demoted by Paul's enemies for doing so. Berry is also one of the strongest supporters of UNATCO's hardline stance regarding the NSF threat and would happily see every member swiftly executed for their crimes. This is in stark contrast to Paul's permanent standing orders of "necessary force only" when confronting the enemy, of whom Paul is actually a clandestine member of, working alongside Juan Ivanovich Lebedev and Tracer Tong with the NSF, the same group that Berry so strongly despises.
After JC's defection to the NSF, Berry is nowhere to be found within UNATCO headquarters. When Paul reunites with Tracer Tong and his brother in Hong Kong, he mentions that Berry and several others were dismissed as part of Walton Simons overhaul of UNATCO.
[edit] Tech Sergeant Kaplan
Tech Sergeant Kaplan is a UNATCO field operative tasked with supplying UNATCO's troops with the necessary equipment and supplies needed to accomplish the task at hand. An extremely immoral and untrustworthy individual, Kaplan has been known to steal items and personal belongings from the bodies of fallen friend and foe alike, selling them to those able to afford his asking price. Kaplan is arrogant, brash and has an extreme hatred of the NSF, although it is unknown if this hatred stems from past experiences in combat or is simply the product of the U.S. Government's anti-NSF smear campaign. Because of this fierce hatred, Kaplan has little regard for JC's brother, Paul Denton, due to his "necessary force only" policy, and is initially hostile towards JC as a result. His perception changes depending on JC's attitude towards the NSF when conversing with Kaplan.
Kaplan also partakes in a scheme involving the theft and sale of weapons and equipment from the Liberty Island facility. Generally, this scheme would involve Shannon from UNATCO's administration team stealing expensive and highly sought weapons upgrades and various other tools and items from Quartermaster Sam Carter, which would then be handed over to Kaplan and fenced in the field. The pair would then split the earnings and repeat this process. Kaplan is eventually discovered and interrogated by Walton Simons, confessing all details regarding the elaborate plot, and is hastily discharged from UNATCO's forces.
[edit] Corporal Collins
Corporal Collins is the first UNATCO officer encountered by JC Denton upon arrival at the Liberty Island facility after completion of his academy training. Collins is a "grunt", one of UNATCO's many lowly field officers responsible for the containment of the continuing day-to-day riots and rising criminal activity in New York, as well as combating the rapidly escalating NSF menace. A good man at heart, Collins wholeheartedly believes in UNATCO's aims and achievements to date although he has recently become disillusioned with the U.S. Government, particularly President Mead's policies regarding the distribution of the "Ambrosia" vaccine. Collins finds that the decision to prioritise distribution by assisting specific individuals of higher social standing or perceived importance could be considered an almost fascist if not extremely unfair method of containing the "Gray Death" epidemic. He argues these opinions with his colleagues, often wondering if UNATCO's level of dedication to the nation's security isn't possibly bordering on overzealous.
Regardless of his personal beliefs, Collins continues to carry out his duties, keeping his personal feelings well enough in check to function as a dedicated protector of the masses, as he sees himself. After Paul and JC's defection and escape from UNATCO's headquarters, Collins is nowhere to be found. It should be noted that before JC swaps allegiances, Walton Simons mentions a plan to overhaul the unit by removing its "softer" elements. Collins' doubts regarding UNATCO's policies may have been reason enough for Simons to have him discharged from the force.
[edit] Private Lloyd
Lloyd is a rookie UNATCO operative, at the lowest rung of the unit's hierarchy. At the beginning of Deus Ex, Private Lloyd is in very much the same position as his nano-augmented colleague, JC Denton, in that the day of the NSF's attack on Liberty Island is also his first day on the job. However, unlike JC, Lloyd has been relegated to a minor desk position, away from harm and with very little skill requirements necessary for undertaking the tasks at hand. However, Lloyd appears an intelligent and competent individual, and his current position is most likely Manderley's way of avoiding having to commit troopers and resources to Lloyd's on-the-job training during the chaos of the NSF attack. Lloyd attended academy alongside JC, being quick to mention this fact to him upon his arrival at UNATCO headquarters. He is a young man, most likely in his early to mid-twenties, with an upbeat and positive personality.
It becomes apparent throughout JC's brief stint as a UNATCO operative that Private Lloyd has a deep respect for the Denton brothers, particularly JC, whom he steadfastly defends when his comrades begin to doubt the latter's combat abilities. Lloyd also applauds JC's strategies, mentioning that his penchant for simply slipping past enemy troops and utilising stealth tactics is a smart approach to the situation. When JC is assigned to an assassination mission in Hong Kong, Lloyd advises him to keep his head down and watch his back, as UNATCO historically transfers suspected traitors and spies to said location as a way of keeping them in the dark and under surveillance. He also advises JC not to be seen with the "wrong" crowd, as this was the mistake his brother, Paul, had made whilst in Hong Kong earlier that week.
Following this conversation, JC soon defects to the NSF, and is apprehended by Gunther Hermann in Battery Park. Lloyd can still be found manning his position during JC's escape, although it will only become apparent that it actually is Lloyd if the player chooses to kill him, as his name will only be displayed after death. Killing or sparing Lloyd is entirely the player's decision. Neither choice will affect gameplay negatively.
[edit] Private Scott
Another lower-level UNATCO trooper, Scott is tasked with monitoring and recording the actions of personnel entering and exiting the Liberty Island facility via the only secure-access entrance to the bunker's inner-sanctum. He appears a moody and slightly glum character, possibly due to the mundane nature of his post. His political loyalties are never made clear, although it would seem that Scott has neither a fierce hatred for the enemy (such as Kaplan) nor an unwavering loyalty to UNATCO (such as Berry), making him one of the more balanced UNATCO operatives encountered by JC. Having become dissatisifed with his current menial security position, it becomes apparent that Scott is more than willing to be assigned to field combat duties so that he may participate in the action his fellow troopers experience on a regular basis. Upon arrival at Liberty Island, Private Scott speaks with JC Denton as he enters the facility for the first time, making his frustrations known by revealing that he had been informed of all the fighting topside but "couldn't hear a thing from down here" and will constantly console himself by muttering "I guess somebody has to watch HQ..." when in JC's presence. Each time JC is offered a new assignment, Scott will chime in with a "wish I was comin' with ya" as he leaves the building.
After Paul and JC's defection to the NSF, the pair are captured and imprisoned within the UNATCO facility. During his attempted escape, JC must pass through Private Scott's secure-access post, although Scott is now replaced with an unnamed trooper. It is likely that Scott's shift had ended and he was no longer on duty.
[edit] Allies
[edit] Harley Filben
Harley Filben is a double agent. Posing as a local informant for UNATCO, Filben is actually an NSF AND Illuminati operative. During the attack on Liberty Island, Filben assists JC Denton's efforts to infiltrate the Statue of Liberty by providing him with a key for access to the main entrance. This is, in actuality, the most difficult method of intrusion and Filben is well aware of this fact. Coming dangerously close to exposing his cover, Filben will ask that you spare the life of the NSF commander, Leo Gold, explaining that Gold provides much of the information gathered by Filben and sold to UNATCO, although this is almost certainly a lie. Filben appears to be a homeless derelict, although this may not be entirely true. His grimy and unkempt appearance ensures a low level of suspicion or curiosity by law-enforcement officers and UNATCO operatives when seen loitering around areas or in buildings not usually frequented by the average citizen. He is strongly opposed to President Mead's "Ambrosia" distribution strategy and has difficulty containing his frustrations and anger even when engaged in conversation with UNATCO personnel.
JC comes across Filben on numerous occasions during his time in Hell's Kitchen, and whilst Filben is willing to assist JC as a UNATCO operative (for a price), he becomes much more sympathetic after JC's defection to the NSF.
[edit] Jordan Shea
Jordan is the owner and operator of the "Underworld Bar" in Hell's Kitchen. A former UNATCO operative, Shea worked alongside Gunther Hermann and Anna Navarre during the "mech-aug" era. Although no specific reason is given for why she resigned from the service, her hostility is openly apparent when JC Denton mentions that he is "in the business". Jordan then retorts with an unimpressed remark, wishing him an insincere good luck with his "business", indicating that she is now strongly opposed to UNATCO's operations and personnel, no doubt due to her experiences with Hermann and Navarre in combat.
Shea allows JoJo Fine's associates to search for potential Ambrosia customers within her bar, indicating that she is opposed to the current distribution strategy enforced by the NYPD and UNATCO. Shea will sometimes provide JC with useful information depending on their relationship. Although not JC's enemy, Shea keeps a sawn-off shotgun below the bar and is more than willing to use it if the player continually harasses or attacks her customers. Like her UNATCO counterparts, Shea's body is implanted with an explosive device that will detonate upon her death.
[edit] Leo Gold
Gold is a high-ranking officer and stalwart supporter of the NSF, entrusted with the group's daring attack on Liberty Island. Although successfully accomplishing his mission, Gold and many of his men are unable to escape the island before UNATCO's forces blockade outgoing vessels and lay siege to its perimeter. JC is tasked by UNATCO with Gold's capture or elimination as an on-the-spot test of his abilities, and is asked by his brother, Paul, to utilize non-lethal force only, for reasons JC does not yet understand. When Agent Hermann is captured by Gold's men after attempting to storm the makeshift NSF command center located inside the Statue of Liberty, JC alternatively attempts a well-executed sneak attack, encountering Gold at the top of the ruined structure. Gold doesn't try to kill JC, instead stating that he is not a soldier, but rather just another citizen concerned with the plight of his country and its people. Depending on JC's attitude, Gold will debate the morals of UNATCO's actions and the Social Darwinist ethics which he believes are tearing the United States apart, or he will become angered and pull his sidearm if needlessly threatened or abused by JC.
Although JC does find truth in Gold's argument, he believes the NSF are inciting mass-hysteria needlessly, and takes Gold's words as little more than paranoid NSF rhetoric. If Gold is arrested by UNATCO's troops, he will later be executed by Majestic-12, and JC will be accused of his murder as Walton Simons and Bob Page further attempt to close in on JC's whereabouts.
[edit] Juan Ivanovich Lebedev
A wealthy and influential supporter of the NSF, as well as one of its chief financial backers, Lebedev owns a private terminal at LaGuardia International Airport in New York. He, alongside Paul Denton, masterminds the operation in which the NSF steal the "Ambrosia" vaccine from UNATCO and FEMA and attempt to have it transported to Tracer Tong for it to be synthesized and mass-produced in Hong Kong. However JC Denton manages to locate and seize Lebedev's terminal along with the Ambrosia supplies. JC is then confronted with the knowledge that his brother, Paul, is not only an NSF operative, but also a close friend of Lebedev, having assisted his resistance cell on numerous occasions. Lebedev offers JC valuable information regarding his parents, the truth behind UNATCO and the Majestic-12 conspiracy. The player is given the option of killing Lebedev, killing Agent Navarre, or letting Navarre kill Lebedev. Another possibility is to block Anna's path to Lebedev's bedroom using metal crates, allowing the player to spare both of their lives. It should be noted that even if the player chooses to spare Lebedev, he is ultimately apprehended and executed by Majestic-12. JC is then framed for his murder as public bulletin boards across New York request any known information pertaining to the incident (and several other murders designed to alienate JC from the public) be made known to law-enforcement personnel.
[edit] Sandra Renton
Sandra is the daughter of Gilbert Renton, the owner and operator of the run-down "Hilton Hotel" located in Hell's Kitchen. Due to the 'Ton's declining profits, Sandra has been tasked with maintaining the hotel in place of paid employees while her father works reception. Cleaning up the mess left by prostitutes, thugs and junkies on a daily basis has left Sandra despising her lot in life and she seeks to escape the 'Ton by any and all means necessary. When Sandra agrees to work for local thug and part-time NSF operative, JoJo Fine, Gilbert becomes enraged and the two begin a bitter dispute which ultimately leads Sandra to abandon her father and the 'Ton to live wherever she can get by, which is usually in abandoned buildings and crackhouses. As one of JoJo's working girls, she is exploited, beaten, abused and threatened by JoJo's enforcers, who force her to receive clients at all hours of the day. Eventually, the abuse becomes too much for Sandra, and she attempts to escape JoJo's clutches by hiding away with her friend and colleague, Janey. One of JoJo's enforcers, Johnny, eventually locates and corners Sandra as she attempts to find the secret entrance to Smuggler's hideout to plead for his assistance in escaping New York. Johnny attempts to force Sandra to continue receiving clients, but is met with resistance by Sandra, who refuses to sell herself for JoJo's gain any further.
Sandra's fate depends upon the actions of the player. JC Denton will arrive shortly before Johnny attempts to kill Sandra for refusing to comply with his demands. If the player does not to intervene, Sandra will be killed. Should the player rescue Sandra, she will provide information pertaining to the location of Smuggler's lair in return for assisting her. Ultimately, Sandra may reunite with her father, flee New York or yet be killed later in gameplay. Her fate depends heavily on the player's actions and decisions when interacting with Sandra and Gilbert during the Hell's Kitchen levels.
[edit] Gilbert Renton
Gilbert Renton is the owner and operator of a neglected, old hotel in the middle of crime-ridden Hell's Kitchen. Although actually the "Hilton Hotel", the building is often referred to as the 'Ton by its residents and locals because neo light letters h,i,l had fused. The building is inhabited by a myriad of undesirable occupants; Junkies, criminals and perverts pass through the 'Ton on a regular basis, and not all are welcomed openly by Gilbert. Paul Denton, JC Denton's older brother, is a permanent resident of the 'Ton and one of Gil's favoured tenants. Due to its poor location and declining rate of business, the 'Ton Hotel does not have any official employees, instead Gil's daughter, Sandra, is charged with maintaining the crumbling building alone whilst her father attends the desk, much to her chagrin. Becoming increasingly tired and fed-up with her situation, Sandra abandons her father and the 'Ton, choosing to sell herself on the streets as one of JoJo Fine's many poorly treated prostitutes. Sandra's reckless decisions and precarious situation have left Gilbert an emotional and psychological wreck, as he constantly fears for her safety and pleads with her at every turn to stay well clear of JoJo and his thugs. In an act of desperation, Gil offered his daughter a well-paid position attending the 'Ton's desk, to which she strongly declined.
Although not a politically active individual, Gilbert's perception of the NSF is severely skewed when he finds himself and his beloved 'Ton Hotel in the middle of a hostage crisis brought about by a handful of desperate NSF troopers intent on slowing UNATCO's advance at all costs. At a later period, the 'Ton Hotel is once again forcefully occupied, this time by Sandra's former employer, JoJo Fine. Determined not to allow his daughter and the 'Ton to become the property of a lowlife criminal such as JoJo, Gilbert plots to take matters into his own hands. There are many alternative ways in which Gilbert's story can play out, generally depending on Sandra and Gil's decisions and/or status after interaction with the player at a previous point in the game. The 'Tons fate is eventually sealed when a UNATCO incursion force, by order of Majestic-12, attempts to eliminate the Denton brothers in a raid on Paul's apartment. The subsequent firefight involving heavy smallarms and explosives encompasses the entire 'Ton Hotel, leaving the building badly damaged and unsafe for its remaining occupants. Gilbert is forced to have the building condemned, mentioning a new start somewhere far from New York.
[edit] "The Smuggler"
An infamous weapons trafficker, The Smuggler; as he is known to his clientele, is a man often approached when in need of a low-cost and untraceable alternative to the legitimate but expensive biometrics and firearms industries. Smuggler is a highly intelligent, curious and careful individual, being very fond of books and learning. He is also an avid conspiracy theorist, and staunch supporter of the NSF's political ideals, although somewhat disillusioned by their actions. Having been pursued by law-enforcement officials for many years, Smuggler has become extremely paranoid and cautious, rarely leaving the safety and seclusion of his well fortified base-of-operations. So prudent is Smuggler that almost all of his business is conducted through fake avatars and identities over the Internet, dealing only with his closest and most trusted customers face-to-face. When JC Denton, one of UNATCO's most prized and talented new operatives, decides to confront Smuggler in an attempt to procure information regarding local NSF operations, Smuggler is hardly pleased and initially uncooperative. However, JC, with the rescue of one of Smuggler's closest friends from the clutches of Majestic 12, and various other examples of decency and honesty, manages to earn The Smuggler's trust.
After the successful rescue of his friend, Ford Schick, Smuggler offers to lower his stock's prices considerably to help accommodate JC's rather restricted budget, and further provides JC with additional information and evidence regarding the Majestic-12 conspiracy. However, after JC's defection, Smuggler becomes a prime target for UNATCO and Majestic-12 forces, due to his contact and interaction with the Denton brothers. JC's decisions further into the game eventually decide Smuggler's fate. He is either killed during a raid on his hideout, or will manage to escape the attack if tipped-off by JC.
[edit] Gordon Quick
The Luminous Path's Dragon Head. He can be found personally guarding the entrance to the Luminous Path's compound. Not much is known about him except that he and his triad provide safe harbor and an operating base for Tracer Tong. He tells JC Denton about Maggie Chow's manipulation of the Triads and how to stop her (by proving to Max Chen that it was her that murdered the Red Arrow's former leader and tricked them both into a triad war). A sub-plot removed from the final release of Deus Ex was Gordon's love for the daughter of Max Chen. While cut, it is still referenced to in his diary, in the Luminous Path compound.
[edit] Max Chen
Chen is the newly appointed "Dragon Head" or "Mountain Master" of the "Red Arrow" triad. He commands and controls his syndicate from within the "Lucky Money" nightclub, which serves as a legitimate front company for the Red Arrow's illicit activities. Chen has prominent influence throughout the affluent Wan Chai District of Hong Kong, where the Red Arrow holds significant sway over its long time rivals, the "Luminous Path" triad. Chen's predecessor was murdered by Maggie Chow, a member of the Majestic-12 organisation, which sought to weaken the two triads by plunging them into full-scale warfare. Chow blamed the murder of the Red Arrow's leader on the Luminous Path, thereby successfully turning the rival factions against one another. This conflict lead to several brutal confrontations, with both groups suffering casualties. With neither Max Chen nor Gordon Quick wishing to relinquish ground to the opposition, the Luminous Path sympathiser, Tracer Tong, set a series of plans into motion in an attempt to halt the conflict before it became a prolonged and bloody war.
Tong had his newest ally, JC Denton, act as a go-between for the two factions, with JC confronting Chen at the "Lucky Money" to reveal the truth behind the ongoing conflict. Chen, who wished to resolve the conflict if possible, asked that JC procure the "Dragon's Tooth" sword stolen at the time of his predecessor's murder, to help prove his theory. After JC returned with the sword, Chen quickly called a ceasefire between the Red Arrow and the Luminous Path. Chen and Quick then conduct a ceremony designed to return the two factions to the uneasy truce which had long prevailed before Majestic-12's interference.
Max Chen is the father of Lin-May Chen, the High Augur of The Order, appearing in the Deus Ex sequel; Deus Ex: Invisible War.
[edit] Nicolette DuClare
Nicolette DuClare is the daughter of Elizabeth DuClare, a former leading member of the defunct Illuminati. Although a relatively minor character in the original game, Nicolette later becomes a major character and antagonist in the game's successive release; Deus Ex: Invisible War. In Deus Ex, after her mother is assassinated by Majestic-12, Nicolette assumes control of Beth's activities and assets. With her mother's considerable amassed fortune and Illuminati contacts, she collaborates with alleged terrorist group, Silhouette, by providing financial support and strategic intelligence to help the largely propaganda-based group avoid open conflict with Majestic-12's elite military forces. Nicolette appears apathetic and uninterested in the clandestine war being fought across the globe by Majestic-12 and its myriad of international opposing forces. Her continued assistance is almost certainly due to her relationship with Silhouette leader, Chad Dumier, and fierce hatred towards Majestic-12 for usurping power from and subsequently murdering her mother.
When JC Denton arrives in Paris, France in an attempt to contact former Illuminati leader, Morgan Everett, he must enlist the assistance of Silhouette and Nicolette DuClare to do so. After rescuing the besieged Silhouette forces that have been discovered by Majestic-12's commando units in the city's labyrinth of underground catacombs networks and bunkers, JC is informed by Chad of Nicolette's whereabouts. After JC's subsequent contact with Nicolette, he is lead to Beth DuClare's chateau, where he successfully establishes contact with Morgan Everett. After this event occurs, Nicolette and JC then part company.
[edit] Chad Dumier
Dumier is the leader of the French resistance movement, Silhouette, and also the lover of Nicolette DuClare. DuClare provides the bulk of Silhouette's funding and intelligence through her late mother's massive fortune and former Illuminati contacts, which Dumier then shares with his allies throughout the resistance community. An idealistic young man who embraces pacifism wherever possible, his forces generally conduct operations of propaganda-based activism, rather than the perceived terrorist atrocities that have become associated with the group through government manipulation and false blame. These operations range from hijacking media applications such as television broadcasts and public bulletin board links across Paris, to dropping leaflets from buildings into the populated streets below. In order to tarnish Silhouette's image in the eyes of the public, President Mead had UNATCO covertly demolish the Statue of Liberty with C-4 explosives, and then blamed its destruction on Silhouette. This strategy worked, as Silhouette's political status escalated from minor activist nuisance to extremist terrorist organisation almost immediately. Unlike his foreign allies, such as the NSF, Dumier loathes the use of violence against his opponents, who are largely unaware of Majestic-12's existence and unintentionally enforce the organisation's will through corrupt law-enforcement and security agencies. Dumier has been hailed as the "brains of the resistance movement," due to his efforts to bring together the many seperate rebel factions across the world to successfully form a single, cognitive entity capable of dealing swift and crippling damage to the Majestic-12 conspiracy.
After Juan Lebedev's failed attempt to hijack the "Ambrosia" vaccine from UNATCO, Dumier is forced to evacuate his forces from their headquarters, after Director Manderley provides Majestic-12 with detailed information regarding Silhouette's activities and operational locations obtained from Lebedev's computers. With Majestic-12's elite commandos hunting them down, Dumier loses many members before he and his remaining forces are finally cornered underground in the Parisian catacombs. With two stragglers captured and held hostage by the Majestic-12 unit scouring the vast network of tunnels for their location, and only several members (including unarmed women and children) comprising the remainder of his forces, Chad believes his situation to be utterly hopeless, and contemplates surrender to the enemy. When JC Denton locates their position, offering to rescue Chad's people from Majestic-12 in return for information regarding the whereabouts of Nicolette DuClare, Chad hastily agrees. JC Denton successfully rescues Dumier's people and eliminates the enemy unit hunting the group in the catacombs, winning their trust. Chad informs JC of his girlfriend's location and the two part company.
Chad Dumier returns in Deus Ex: Invisible War. However, Chad has abandoned his youthful ideals and instead sided with the Illuminati, which he controls alongside Nicolette DuClare through a veil of decoy organisations, political groups and religious sects. Embracing the same oppressive principles he once fought to destroy, he is a major recurring antagonist throughout the game.
[edit] Lucius DeBeers
DeBeers is the true head of the Illuminati, although unbeknownst to him, he was usurped by his treacherous lieutenant, Morgan Everett, many years earlier. The reason DeBeers is oblivious to this fact is that he has been virtually imprisoned within a hidden room located inside Everett's residence. DeBeers is not only extremely old, but he also suffers from a terminal illness and thus must be preserved in a semi-suspended cryonic state to survive. He was the man responsible for the power and success afforded to the Illuminati during the 20th Century, and his exploits ultimately led to the Illuminati's finest hour. He once had powerful corporate and political leaders obeying his every whim, and commanded his large and faceless organisation from the shadows of society with absolute authority and respect. After an unexpected rapid decline in health, DeBeers was forced to appoint Everett as acting commander in his stead and await the advance of medical technology to cure his fatal condition.
Everett once promised his former commander a series of lifesaving surgical procedures which would allow DeBeers to reassume command of the Illuminati as a rejuvenated human being when the technology for said procedures became available. However, Everett informs JC Denton that the technology in question has existed for decades, and that he has absolutely no intention of returning authority to Lucius DeBeers. In fact, Everett now only preserves DeBeers so that he may serve the Illuminati as its most knowledgeable and capable advisor. After almost two centuries of existence, Everett has come to view DeBeers as an all-knowing paragon of wisdom and seeks his counsel at every available opportunity in the fight against Majestic-12. Denton is given the opportunity to inform DeBeers of Everett's true intentions. If this option is chosen, DeBeers will become enraged and request that JC deactivate his life-support system as a final act of spite against Everett. DeBeers's death will anger Everett, although it will not affect the outcome in any significant way.
[edit] Decker Parkes, Erin Todd & Wayne Young
Parkes, Todd and Young are three high-ranking NSF officers participating in the "Ambrosia" hijack operation orchestrated by Paul Denton and Juan Ivanovich Lebedev. The three are never physically present during the game, and are seemingly one step ahead of JC Denton at every point of his mission. Their experiences and actions are made known through the various datacube diaries and standing operational orders left at each given objective for relay to the troops holding the rearguard defence as the NSF forces conduct a strategic retreat. Decker Parkes is the highest ranking officer of the three, and seems to be Juan Lebedev's most experienced lieutenant and supreme commander of the NSF's field operations throughout the mission. Erin Todd and Wayne Young are romantically involved and appear to be platoon commanders operating directly under Parkes authority.
The three move throughout each locale encountered in gameplay during JC's short stint as a UNATCO operative, initially assisting the Liberty Island offensive alongside Leo Gold, and eventually making their escape via speedboat to Castle Clinton. They then move through Hell's Kitchen, arming civilians that express interest in the NSF's cause, and after this, through the warehouse district to assist in erecting automated defenses and traps to slow UNATCO's drive towards JoJo Fine's generator facility. At some point, the trio separates, Erin Todd joins Paul Denton and helps coordinate the transport of the "Ambrosia" vaccine through the subway system, whilst Young and Parkes attempt to alert the NSF's allies of UNATCO's imminent raid and doubtless capture of sensitive intelligence from the NSF's mainframe at their warehouse headquarters in Hell's Kitchen. They fail to do so, having to make a hasty escape, as Lebedev mentions in a datacube that UNATCO's counterattack had been far quicker and even more merciless then he had originally predicted. Parkes manages to leave instructions detailing the activation of the emergency transmission signal, which is then sent by JC after he abandons UNATCO.
After Lebedev's forces are overrun at LaGuardia Airport and the "Ambrosia" vaccine is recaptured by UNATCO's troops, the trio are reunited and forced into hiding. Initially planning their escape onboard Lebedev's private Boeing 747 airliner, they are instead forced to pay The Smuggler to help them in their escape from New York. Following the discovery of their identities, Majestic-12 attempts to track down and eliminate Parkes, Todd and Young. However, Smuggler manages to successfully transport all three to safety, with Parkes sending him an e-mail of gratitude at a later point in the game. It is believed they escaped to Paris, France as they are all listed in a Majestic-12 "Compromised Individuals List," which specifically details the attempted tracking of known enemy operatives who pose a serious threat to the organisation.
[edit] General Ed Garner
Garner was a high-ranking military official within the United States Army. Although an enemy of the NSF, Garner, much like his former colleague Sam Carter, had come to realise that the threat posed by certain political elements operating from within Washington D.C. was not entirely the fiction and propaganda it had been labelled by the country's political leadership. Garner directly opposed the appointment of Walton Simons as Director of FEMA, possibly due to the sudden and irrational nature of Simons' promotion. Eventually, after President Mead instituted martial law across the country, Garner revolted against the United States government, citing reckless endangerment of the American public as his reason for doing so. Following the institution of martial law, Garner appeared on a live NetCast where he then stated that he would "Give no order, nor allow any order to be given to those under my command that would lead to their taking potentially lethal measures against an unarmed civilian population". Garner then concluded his statement by adding that "Our neighbors are not our enemies," obviously referencing the fact that the NSF's ranks are almost entirely comprised of average American citizens with no prior criminal or terrorist history. Garner was relieved of command by Simons immediately following his public statement and was likely charged with treason. This action resulted in the resignation of the Secretary of Defense, N.D. Goper, effectively blocking President Mead's ability to authorise the use of nuclear weaponry in the face of total rebellion. Garner's fate is never made clear, although his high-profile status would make it difficult for Majestic-12 to assassinate him. It is probable to assume that Garner would be incarcerated within a military prison facility so that he may later stand trial before a military tribunal for his actions. Majestic-12 would likely arrange for his "suicide" or an "accidental death" of some kind before this could occur, although it is unlikely this took place before Majestic-12's destruction at the hands of JC Denton. However it is also possible that Garner slipped through MJ-12`s fingers with the aid of sypathizers in the miltary and could be aiding the NSF along with elements of the U.S military unhappy with Walton Simons and Govenors Findley, Haddock and Leicht, who have refused to comply with Walton Simons
Garner does not actually appear in gameplay, but is referenced in media available to JC throughout Deus Ex. His appearance and actions are designed to express to the player the escalation of public violence and national chaos occurring across the United States as Majestic-12's coup d'etat plot reaches its crescendo.
[edit] Governors Findley, Haddock and Leicht
Jason Findley, Gray Haddock and Christina Leicht were the govenors of Colorado, Texas and California respectively. They refused to comply with President Mead's declaration of martial law across the U.S or acknowledge the authority of Walton Simons, Director of FEMA. Findley, Haddock and Leicht are govenors of areas where there is much NSF activity so it is unknown that if they were removed by Walton Simons that they did not lose control of their states but merely gained control of the NSF and the US Army and National Guard who were probably in full mutiny against UNATCO and MJ-12 with the removal of General Ed Garner by Walton Simons and resignation of Secretary of Defence N.D Goper in protest.
All three govenors are probably playing a full part with the resistance to Walton Simons, UNATCO and MJ-12.
[edit] N.D Goper
N.D Goper is the U.S Scretary of Defence. It is not known whether he is a member of MJ-12. However following the removal of General Ed Garner by Walton Simons, Goper resigned as Secretary of Defence.
[edit] Antagonists
[edit] Joe Greene
A supposed tabloid journalist, Joe Greene is as intelligent as he is cunning. Able to garner information from even the most loyal and secretive of sources, Greene is not only able to engage JC in conversation of a classified nature, but even manages to trick him into revealing scraps of information regarding UNATCO and NSF operational activities in the Hell's Kitchen region. JC soon realizes that even harmless small-talk can be as dangerous and insidious as any number of terrifying interrogation techniques when in the company of individuals such as Joe Greene.
Greene's ability to so skillfully charm information from his hapless victims is soon made clear, when it is discovered that he is actually a UNATCO agent and informant, whose objectives include gathering information pertaining to NSF cells and rebel networks operating throughout New York. JC is made aware of this fact by local sources after returning to New York in an attempt to track down former Illuminati leader, Stanton Dowd. Not willing to jump to conclusions, JC initially confronts Greene at the "Tenderloin Clinic," demanding answers regarding his connections to the government. Greene passionately denies his affiliation with UNATCO, leading JC to believe his sources may be incorrect. JC must then choose to either believe Greene's lies or call his bluff. If JC returns to his source, having instead accepted Greene's words as truth, Greene will use the opportunity to flee Hell's Kitchen and escape his untimely death. If JC decides that he is lying, Greene will pull a 10mm Automatic sidearm and attempt to escape judgement by shooting his way to out of JC's path. Greene, however, is no match for the nano-augmented protagonist.
[edit] Johnny
Johnny is one of JoJo Fine's many personal enforcers. His employer, although a member of the NSF, runs illicit operations involving narcotics, protection, arms deals and kidnapping from within the slums of New York and has at least one successful prostitution operation located within Hell's Kitchen. Janey, Sally and Gilbert Renton's daughter, Sandra, are three of JoJo's "employees" who are constantly hassled and kept under thumb by enforcers such as Johnny. Aside from ensuring that JoJo's working girls are kept in line, Johnny's job generally includes intimidation and battery. However, if any of JoJo's "clients" or employees decide to disobey procedure regarding their contractual "business" agreements, Johnny's tasks may also extend to murder in order to preserve the atmosphere of terror which drives the bulk of his employer's business. Johnny has an outwardly cool persona, appearing calm and even polite when conversing with others, although his true nature becomes apparent when agitated or tense.
As JC Denton begins his first operation for UNATCO, hunting for a local NSF generator facility run by JoJo from within the Hell's Kitchen warehouse district, he comes across a frightened Sandra Renton cornered in an alley and attempting to bargain her way out of JoJo's employment via an unsympathetic Johnny. Depending on JC's interaction or lack thereof, Sandra will be shot dead by Johnny unless the player confronts him and either frightens him away, incapacitates him or outright kills him. In return, the grateful Sandra will provide valuable information to JC regarding the location of "The Smuggler," a man who will later become a useful ally to JC and his brother, Paul.
[edit] JoJo Fine
JoJo Fine is a two-bit pimp, drug dealer and all-round low-life coordinating his petty operations from within the poorest and most neglected areas of New York. Having deluded himself into believing that he is a highly feared and respected gangster, JoJo has become intolerably egotistical, threatening physical violence and even death to those who would dare question his authority. JoJo is also a NSF officer, due to the manpower and knowledge of Hells Kitchen he is capable of providing to its cause, as the NSF command favour sending JoJo's thugs on high-mortality operations in place of their own troops. JoJo is more than happy to supply the NSF with his men, provided they continue to pay his asking price in return. Due to his mercenary nature, criminal background and lack of even the slightest semblance of moral integrity, JoJo is despised amongst his NSF colleagues and is tolerated solely due to the fact that the actual NSF forces within Hell's Kitchen are already spread too thinly to coordinate effective combat operations against UNATCO forces in the region. Capable of providing the manpower necessary for the defence of priority sectors, JoJo is tasked with the command of the NSF's generator facility, receiving generous financial support from Juan Ivanovich Lebedev for doing so, much to Lebedev's chagrin.
When the generator facility is raided by UNATCO's forces, JoJo abandons his men, leaving them to die in defence of the doomed facility as he flees to a secure location to cower for his life. After JC's defection, UNATCO alters its priorities, dropping their ongoing pursuit of remnant NSF operatives in New York in favour of hunting down and eliminating Denton instead. JoJo takes this opportunity to sever ties with his NSF allies, instead focusing on his "career" by returning to criminal activity. In JC's absence, JoJo forcefully occupies the 'Ton Hotel, Paul Denton's former residence. JC, feeling obliged to assist Gilbert Renton for the continual hospitality and generosity he provided for Paul, intervenes in the situation. Depending on the player's actions and response time, JoJo may be knocked out or killed by the player during the subsequent conflict following interaction with JoJo, although the player should be aware that one of, if not both, Gilbert and Sandra Renton may also be killed during the ensuing firefight.
[edit] Maggie Chow
Maggie Chow is a famous politician and celebrity. Her popularity stems from her previous work as a kung-fu actress in the popular Hong Kong action cinema industry. Chow is not only a deadly unarmed combatant, but is also extensively trained in the use of weaponry such as the Jian, the Dao, the Ji, and the Qiang. Chow was also in a relationship with the newly appointed leader of the "Red Arrow" Triad, Max Chen, from which she bore a daughter named Lin-May Chen, who appears in the Deus Ex sequel; Deus Ex: Invisible War. She lives in a luxurious high-rise penthouse located in the affluent Wan Chai District of Hong Kong. Chow is an exceptionally greedy and deceptive individual, and this greed has been known to play part in the immoral and unethical decisions she has made in the past. Chow came to the attention of Majestic-12 when the organisation sought to conquer Hong Kong and eventually China through subtle manipulation of the government and domination of its powerful Triad syndicates. Being a government official, and having an established romantic link to a high-ranking member of the Red Arrow Triad made Chow a prime candidate for employment within the organisation. When she was approached and offered a position within its secretive structure, she hastily agreed, as was expected.
Chow was tasked with weakening the Triads without bringing attention to outside influence. She devised a plan to plunge the Red Arrow into war with its fiercest competitor, the "Luminous Path" Triad. Although the two factions had maintained an uneasy truce for many years, Chow realised that somehow exploiting the rivalry between the groups could easily ignite a full-scale war. To this end, Chow murdered the leader of the Red Arrow Triad and stole his most prized possession, the "Dragon's Tooth" sword, which she then offered to Bob Page as a symbol of her loyalty. Max Chen, second-in-command of the Red Arrow and Maggie's lover, was appointed to the position of "Dragon Head" and immediately assumed control of the Red Arrow. With no reason to suspect his lover's collusion in the recent events, Chen was quick to believe Chow when he was told that her sources had uncovered damning evidence of the Luminous Path having orchestrated the assassination. The Red Arrow then declared war on its rivals, leading to the deaths of many Triad members and hapless civilian onlookers in bombing attacks and street battles. It was not until JC Denton, with the help of Tracer Tong, was able to uncover the truth behind the incident that a truce was declared between the factions. Her plans ruined, Chow attempted to assassinate JC for his interference in her schemes, but was soundly defeated inside the "Universal Constructor" facility hidden within the VersaLife building.
Maggie wields a mass-produced version of the "Dragon's Tooth" sword developed by Majestic-12, but a player with his own Dragon's Tooth can eliminate her fairly easily due to faster draw speed and superior movement abilities. Killing or sparing Maggie is entirely the player's decision and will not affect gameplay.
[edit] Howard Strong
Strong is one of Majestic-12's "cleaner" operatives. Even when compared to the likes of Walton Simons and Bob Page, Strong stands out as a particularly ruthless and cruel individual. He is responsible for conducting Majestic 12's most vile and horrific wetworks operations, including the execution of witnesses, former associates and even his own colleagues who have been deemed no longer "viable" to the organisation. Strong is also a sadist, and his methods can often include torture and mutilation, meaning an encounter with Strong will likely lead to a slow and painful death for an intended target. What distinguishes Strong from the many other thugs and murderers in his field of work are his additional talents, including a vast knowledge of computer software, technical operations and engineering methods, proving Strong an obviously intelligent person. This is likely the reason that he was selected by Majestic-12, as it is generally out of character for the group to employ the use of operatives without a specific position or skill to contribute to its agenda.
During the events of Deus Ex, Strong is tasked with the attack and capture of an I.C.B.M. facility. Initially infiltrating the target as an employee of the United States Missile Defense Agency and becoming familiar with its operational procedures and protocols, Strong then intended to take the facility during Majestic-12's coup d'etat attempt later in the year. However, after JC Denton, with the assistance of Morgan Everett, Tracer Tong, the NSF, and X-51, begins to seriously damage the organisation's upcoming plans, Strong is ordered to hasten the plot so that the facility may be used to destroy the opposing forces. With the assistance of Majestic-12's elite commandos and troopers, Strong betrays his fellow employees, murdering almost every last member of the facility before activating a dormant warhead and beginning the launch procedure. The intended target is Vandenberg Air Force Base, the current base-of-operations of Majestic-12's greatest threat, the X-51 consortium and the "Universal Constructor" in its possession. JC Denton infilitrates the facility before Strong can finish inputting the guidance configurations necessary for maintaining the missile's flight-pattern. Strong manages to ready the warhead for launch, but is killed alongside his troops by Denton, who instead launches the missile at Area 51, Majestic-12's base of operations.
Strong is often seen as somewhat of a joke amongst fans of the series, due to his over-the-top and cliche personality, which is generally only parodied by comedic villains in today's media. Adding to this fact is Strong's tendency to almost always kill himself by hurling a LAM at JC Denton with virtually no effort by the player to cause this event to occur. It is also possible to kill him by climbing to the top of the missile silo and jumping on him with the player's Run Fast augmentation turned on, a stunt popularized by the Sunglasses at Night walkthrough of the game.
[edit] President Mead
Philip Riley Mead is the President of the United States and, seemingly, the most powerful and influential man in the world. In actuality, Mead is simply another of Bob Page's many puppets, placed in the position of absolute power and authority to assist Majestic-12 in achieving its ultimate goal of global conquest. Although never physically present within Deus Ex, Mead's oppressive influence is seen and felt throughout the game when exploring areas such as Battery Park and Hell's Kitchen. A massive portion of the population has been left homeless and starving, largely the indirect result of Mead's harsh policies.
In accordance with Page's orders, Mead has also helped to ensure that the "Gray Death" has successfully spread throughout the lower-classes whilst ensuring that the wealthy and influential have remained almost entirely unscathed by the epidemic. Those wealthy few that do somehow contract the "Gray Death" are quickly administered with a small dosage of the "Ambrosia" vaccine, specifically designed to prevent the spread of the virus amongst Page's chosen social elite. Mead's policies regarding the production of said vaccine have been the target of massive media and public scrutiny, as witnessed on many occasions by JC Denton throughout gameplay, due to the extremely unfair method of distribution. The first to receive the vaccine are important political and corporate leaders, followed by wealthy individuals such as doctors, lawyers and celebrities. Finally, Page's enforcers, witting and unwitting alike, are administered with the vaccine on a monthly basis. This includes UNATCO operatives, Majestic-12 troopers and law-enforcement officers.
For some time, Mead has managed to contain public speculation and anger regarding the spread of the "Gray Death" by instead focusing attention on the supposed threat of terrorist activities within the United States. The destruction of the Statue of Liberty and subsequent placement of blame on the French terrorist syndicate, Silhouette, was one of many tactics utilised by Mead to incite mass-hysteria amongst the public, avoiding the true threat in the process. However, the epidemic has recently engulfed entire regions throughout Northern America, and the public has returned its attention to the now blatantly obvious danger posed by the "Gray Death", inciting uprisings and riots throughout much of the country in an attempt to force the government's submission. As the events continue to escalate, Walton Simons informs Page that the situation is now almost uncontrollable and has Mead insitute martial law throughout much of the country until Majestic-12's coup can be completed. However this does little with Govenors, National Guard troops and U.S military personnel rebelling against Mead. It is unknown what becomes of Mead after the events of "The Collapse".
[edit] Captain Kang Zhao
Captain Zhao is captain of the PRCS Wall Cloud, a superfreighter formerly owned by Stanton Dowd, that has been sent from Hong Kong to New York by Walton Simons with a large consignment of the Grey Death to infect the population of New York.
MJ-12 gained use of Zhao's ship for transporting the virus by threatening his family. Zhao's seemingly inexplicable actions attracted the attention of the We-Tu, the Chinese intelligence agency, who were interested in his relationship with Walton Simons. It is suggested in Deus Ex that some parts of the Chinese government were aiding Tracer Tong and the NSF in their war against MJ-12.
It is not known what happens to Zhao after JC destroys the Wall Cloud however it is assumed he dies when the ship sinks.
[edit] Artificial Intelligences
[edit] Daedalus
The AI that would later be known as Daedalus was conceived by the brilliant mind of Morgan Everett, the current leader of Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati. Everett conceived the program that would eventually create Daedalus, as a way to create the near perfect advisor, with the ability to sift through gigantic amounts of data, and through that predict disasters, both natural and man-made, and to make plans to prevent them, which the Illuminati could then choose to either ignore or execute.
Daedalus was never meant to have an actual sentience or self-awareness, and was only to give advice - not to do anything itself. Everett's protege Bob Page, however, saw Daedalus as the means to keep tabs on and control the huge amounts of electronic information that filtered though the Internet and other electronic media, a feat that both the Illuminati, and its splinter cell, Majestic-12, that Page controlled, had not been able to pull off.
Page's ideas for Daedalus' reconfiguration did not fly totally under the radar as the entire project became linked, logically enough, to the creation of the ECHELON IV's replacement. Before the Illuminati and MJ-12 could put a stop to it, a few rumours filtered though to the various conspiracy theorist groups on the Internet. Meanwhile, Page completed Daedalus, which soon after, without even alerting Page that he had succeeded, fled into the Internet and began to become self-aware. Page originally intended Daedalus as a tool to keep track of any developments that would threaten MJ-12, which meant all terrorist groups. This greatly backfired when its pattern matching system classified MJ-12 itself as a terrorist group.
After having sorted though much of the information on the Net, Daedalus found that the world was on the verge of collapse. Still retaining some of the basic parameters that Everett had encoded in the basic template, Daedalus began to ponder how it was going to save the world from itself, and not least MJ-12.
Daedalus was not designed to reside in one major mainframe or hub, but rather to exist simultaneously as a line of code or two on every single device connected to the Internet, not unlike the distributed computing of today. This not only made Daedalus almost impossible to trace, but also gave it huge amounts of processing power.
Daedalus eventually found Paul Denton to help him. When Paul became unable to continue the fight against MJ-12, Daedalus abandoned him in favour of his brother JC. In the end, Daedalus was tricked into merging with his MJ-12-friendly, and slightly crazed, "brother" Icarus, which Page had made as a replacement, creating the AI Helios.
Daedalus' avatar icon is a flat, heavily-stylized silhouette of a grim or emotionless face. As mentioned earlier, Daedalus' global presence can be noted even early on in the game, well before direct contact is made with JC; "Daedalus" is the name of the primary Internet3 communications protocol that replaces HTTP (and possibly all other protocols), and as such appears as the URL scheme preceding all Uniform Resource Locator addresses. For all intents and purposes, Daedalus is the Internet.
[edit] Icarus
Icarus was created by Bob Page (head of Majestic-12) as a replacement for Daedalus, which had escaped from his control, and has similar functions to its predecessor. Icarus is one of the game's antagonists; it is used by MJ-12 to track the movements and activities of the main character, JC Denton, after he escapes from a holding cell in the secret MJ-12 Headquarters on Liberty Island. According to Sam Carter, Icarus is of the same design of Daedalus. However Icarus has modifications different to Daedalus. JC Denton has brief contact with Icarus throughout the game; these involve taunts, warnings, questions and misinformation received as voice messages, phone calls, and posted messages on public computer terminals. Icarus eventually merges with the Daedalus AI to become Helios.
Icarus' avatar icon is an eyeball with a protruding iris, and emanating thin spikes all around. Surrounding the eyeball is a series of curved plates that gives the impression the eye is within a sphere. The eye probably represents Icarus' ability to see everything thanks to its connection with Aquinas (ECHELON).
[edit] Helios
Helios is an A.I. that was created when the artificial intelligences Icarus and Daedalus merged. Bob Page knew the merge would happen, and planned to merge himself with the AI, becoming a biological component of it. He was however unable to control Helios, which itself wanted to control the world as a benevolent dictator, citing history as evidence that humanity will inevitably destroy itself if left on its own. Helios selects JC Denton instead as its biological component, believing that Denton could provide the necessary ability to understand humans that a benevolent dictator would need to rule effectively. The player of Deus Ex could choose to help Helios, or choose one of the other two endings of the game.
Even before the ending is chosen however, Helios begins to assert its influence by interfacing with the Aquinas system located in Area 51 which surveys the entirety of the Internet. In Hong Kong Helios shuts down power to all government buildings, disables the Triads electronically and orders free flow of traffic to begin anew.
Helios' avatar icon is similar to Icarus', with the exception that in the center is a large organic mass resembling a face; the spikes are replaced by thick fleshy protrusions, and a single eye that rests atop the center. It seems likely that this picture is a merger of the face of Daedalus and the "machine" surrounding Icarus' "eye".
[edit] Morpheus
Morpheus is possibly Deus Ex's most poignant element. A semi-hidden AI, Morpheus sees man's obsession with the machine with utter clarity. He observes man's madness, narcissism and desire for judgement with an eerie, almost childlike accuracy. He is found in Morgan Everett's apartment in Paris. Morpheus served as the prototype testbed for Daedalus and according to a book in his room, was behaving erratically as of late, exhibiting what may be cursory signs of true consciousness.
Unlike the other globe-spanning AIs in the game, Morpheus is confined to an isolated system, though he is equipped with a rough projection of a face. The presence of a virtual face is probably due to his unofficial job as 'entertainment': people would probably find it easier to talk to a fake face than a mere computer screen. Morpheus is the source of one of the most often-quoted lines from the game, "God was a dream of good government. You will soon have your God, and you will make it with your own hands".
[edit] The Oracle
An extremely minor AI in the game, whose only communications appear in emails to Smuggler and Alex Jacobson, found on their computers. The Oracle is an AI that provides information to people, in return for information it doesn't already have. It attempts to hide its true nature in plain sight, pretending to be an automatic server that responds to messages. It should be noted that the Oracle is the only AI in the entire game that doesn't interact with JC Denton in any manner at all.
A writer for Deus Ex, Chris Todd, has suggested that in the internet of the future, information is so concentrated that AIs may be spontaneously created in cyberspace. The Oracle is one of these AIs. The Oracle was inspired by an old Usenet phenomenon, where people would post queries to the 'Usenet Oracle' and have to answer a question from the Oracle in turn (This is referenced in-game by having the Oracle sign off each email with a question requesting trivial information such as what one had for lunch). Questions, responses and queries regarding the Usenet Oracle usually wound up in rec.humor.oracle.
[edit] Organizations
Deus Ex series by Ion Storm | ||
Games | Deus Ex · Deus Ex: Invisible War | |
Characters | JC Denton · Paul Denton · Tracer Tong · Alex D · Major Deus Ex characters · Minor Deus Ex characters · Deus Ex: Invisible War characters | |
Organizations | UNATCO · NSF · Majestic 12 · X-51 · The Illuminati · The Knights Templar · The Order · WTO · The Omar · ApostleCorp | |
Miscellaneous | Robots in Deus Ex · The Collapse |