Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf

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Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf (MSAD) is a fully accredited school for the Deaf, located in Faribault, Minnesota.


[edit] History

When the first school for the Deaf was established in Minnesota, it was named Minnesota School for the Deaf (MSD). In 1986, the name changed to Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf.

[edit] Philosophy

  • Vision Statement
    • We Build the Foundation So They Can Build Their Future.
  • Mission Statement
    • The Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf, in partnership with students, families, and the community, provides an exemplary learning experience promoting quality communicative, intellectual, social, physical, and emotional development, thereby preparing each individual to be a contributing member of a dynamic world community. The mission is accomplished by:
      • Providing a linguistically rich environment where American Sign Language and English are equally valued, appreciated, and used to foster effective communication;
      • Providing a personalized learning experience which cognitively challenges learners to become self-directed, accountable, and actively involved in their education;
      • Providing social opportunities that develop positive self-worth, sense of community, responsibility, and self-advocacy skills;
      • Establishing an atmosphere in which individuality and cultural diversity are respected and valued;
      • Promoting health and wellness through extra-curricular, recreational, athletic, and educational activities; and
      • Preparing individuals to become life-long learners and productive citizens in an ever changing world.
  • Belief Statement
    • We believe all MSAD students:
      • Need love, encouragement and acceptance;
      • Can learn at different rates and in different ways;
      • Are entitled to an education of high rigor and high standards;
      • Have a right to a safe, healthy, nurturing environment, conductive for learning;
      • Can benefit from opportunities to make sound and responsible personal choices/decisions to develop their full potential;
      • Should respect all forms of communication and technology, such as: American Sign Language, Signed English, Cued Speech, Total Communication, Cochlear Implants, Hearing Aids (of all colors), etc.;
      • Should have an Individual Education Plan, Individual Family Service Plan, or Individual Interagency Intervention Plan to be used as the foundation for his/her educational program.
  • Student Rights and Expectations
    • MSAD students have the right to:
      • Receive a high-quality education based on their individual needs as identified on their IEP;
      • After age 14, participate in the development of their IEP;
      • Develop to their full potential in all areas of development: communicative, intellectual, social, physical, and emotional;
      • Be respected as an individual;
      • Attend school and participate in related activities in a safe and healthy environment.
      • Share and discuss their views and opinions;
      • Organize, meet for discussion, and express their thoughts and feelings about issues in the manner respectful of others;
      • Know and ask questions about MSAD procedures;
      • Request and expect confidentiality with regard to their school records;
      • Tell their side of the story and explain what happened in their own words (due process).
      • Right to no discrimination through equal treatment and opportunities to participate in school and after-school activities. They cannot be denied participation because of gender, race, creed, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital or parental status, or mental, physical, emotional or learning disability.
    • MSAD students are expected to:
      • Respect and obey MSAD rules (see Student Code of Conduct);
      • Accept the consequences of their actions, behaviors, decisions, and choices, by receiving intervention as needed, and praise when they are right;
      • Respect the views and opinions of other people by allowing others their right to speak.
      • Respect and care for MSAD properties;
      • Take care of their personal property as well as others’;
      • Try to attain their IEP goals;
      • Demonstrate self-discipline and citizenship in class, after-school activities as well as while participating in extracurricular activities (e.g. sports).

[edit] Academics

MSAD offers several programs ranging from infants to high school. They are as follows: Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, and High School.

[edit] Residency

MSAD is also a residential school. It has dormitories where students reside throughout the week. Students arrive on Sundays and depart on Fridays. Dormitories are for students who live more than 20 miles from the school. MSAD's residential programs offers extracurricular activities, peer interaction, student growth and development, achievement, and more.

[edit] Athletics

MSAD offers several athletics starting from 4th grade to 12th grade.

  • Male Sports
    • Football
    • Cheerleading
    • Basketball
    • Track and Field
  • Female Sports
    • Volleyball
    • Basketball
    • Cheerleading
    • Track and Field

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links