Minke Whale

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iMinke Whale
A surfacing Minke Whale, Skjálfandi, Iceland
A surfacing Minke Whale, Skjálfandi, Iceland
Size comparison against an average human
Size comparison against an average human
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Subclass: Eutheria
Order: Cetacea
Suborder: Mysticeti
Family: Balaenoptiidae
Genus: Balaenoptera
Species: B. acutorostrata
B. bonaerensis

Binomial name
Balaenoptera acutorostrata
Lacepede, 1804
Balaenoptera bonaerensis
Burmeister, 1867
Minke Whale range
Minke Whale range
Antarctic Minke Whale range
Antarctic Minke Whale range
Dwarf Minke Whale range
Dwarf Minke Whale range

The Minke Whale or Lesser Rorqual is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales. The Minke Whale was first identified by Lacepede in 1804.


[edit] Taxonomy

Most modern classifications split the Minke Whale into two species; the Common or Northern Minke Whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and the Antarctic or Southern Minke Whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) [3]. Taxonomists further categorize the Common Minke Whale into two or three subspecies; the North Atlantic Minke Whale, the North Pacific Minke Whale and Dwarf Minke Whale. All Minke Whales are part of the rorquals, a family that includes the Humpback Whale, the Fin Whale, the Bryde's Whale, the Sei Whale and the Blue Whale.

The junior synonyms for B. acutorostrata are B. davidsoni Cope 1872, B. minimia (Rapp, 1837) and B. rostrata (Fabricius, 1780). There is one synonym for B. bonaerensis - B. huttoni Gray 1874.

Writing in his 1998 classification, Rice recognised two subspecies of the Common Minke Whale - B. a. scommni (Scommon's Minke Whale) and a further (taxonomically) unnamed subspecies found in the southern hemisphere to which he gave the common name the Dwarf Minke Whale

[edit] Physical characteristics

The Minke Whale is the second smallest of the baleen whales - only the Pygmy Right Whale is smaller. Male and female Minke Whales measure an average of 6.9 and 7.4 metres (22'8" to 24' 3") in length, respectively, at sexual maturity (6-8 years of age). Estimates of maximum length vary from 9.1m to 10.7m (28'10" to 35'1") for females and 8.8m to 9.8m (28'8" 10" to 32'5") for males. Both sexes typically weigh 4-5 tonnes at maturity, and the maximum weight may be as much as 14 tonnes. The gestation period for Minke Whales is 10 months and babies measure 2.4 to 2.8 metres (7'10" to 9'2") at birth. The newborns nurse for five months.

Minke Whales are distinguished from other whales by a white band on each flipper. The body is usually black or dark-grey above and white underneath. Most of the length of the back, including dorsal fin and blowholes, appears at once when the whale surfaces to breathe. The whale then breathes 3-5 times at short intervals before 'deep-diving' for 2-20 minutes. Deep dives are preceded by a pronounced arching of the back. The maximum swimming speed of Minkes has been estimated at 20-30km/h. Minke Whales have between 240 and 360 baleen plates on each side of their mouths. Minke Whales typically live for 30-50 years; in some cases they may live for up to 60 years.

[edit] Population and distribution

Multimedia relating to the Minke Whale
Note that whale calls have been sped up to 10x their original speed.

The total population of Minke Whales is estimated to be in the order of 184,000 (95% confidence interval, IWC Scientific Committee 2004) in the Central and North East Atlantic. As of 2005, there are no agreed estimates for North Pacific or Southern Hemisphere. In the early 1990s the IWC Scientific Committee, after analysing the available data, agreed that Minkes in the Southern Hemisphere numbered 760,000, which the Japanese whaling industry uses as the current (2005) estimate. In 2000, however, the Committee withdrew this advice in light of new survey data suggesting population estimates 50% lower than in the 1980s (Branch & Butterworth 2001). The IWC IDCR/SOWER population surveys (1978/79-2003/04) will give a revised estimate to the IWC scientific committee at the annual IWC meeting in 2006. Minke Whales are widely distributed throughout the world, commonly found from the poles to the tropics but prefer the open sea.

The IUCN list the northern species as Lower Risk/Near Threatened and the southern as Lower Risk/Conservation dependent. CITES list both of the species in Appendix I (endangered) with the exception of the West Greenland stock, which is given in Appendix II (trade controls required).

[edit] Whaling

Main article: Whaling
Norwegian Minke Whale quotas (blue line, 1994-2006) and catches (red line, 1946.2005) in numbers (From Norwegian official statistics)
Norwegian Minke Whale quotas (blue line, 1994-2006) and catches (red line, 1946.2005) in numbers (From Norwegian official statistics)

Whaling was mentioned in Norwegian written sources as early as the year 800 and hunting Minke Whales with harpoons was common in the 11th century. In Western Norway, Minkes were trapped in bays and coves and killed with the help of bacteria infected arrows, a form of whaling that continued up until the 20th century.

By the end of the 1930s they were the target of coastal whaling from countries including Brazil, Canada, China, Greenland, Japan, Korea, Norway, and South Africa. Minke Whales were not then regularly hunted by the large-scale whaling operations in the Southern Ocean on account of their relatively small size. However, by the early 1970s, following the over-hunting of larger whales such as the Sei, Fin, and Blue Whales, Minkes attracted the attention of these whalers too. By 1979 the Minke was the only whale caught by Southern Ocean fleets. Hunting continued apace until the general moratorium on whaling was introduced in 1986. According to a study by the International Whaling Commission, 116,568 Minke Whales were caught by whalers between 1904 and 2000. Around 100,000 of these were killed in the Southern Ocean.

Following the moratorium, most hunting of Minke Whales ceased. Japan and more recently Iceland (in August 2003) have continued hunting for Minkes on scientific grounds, however, these "scientific grounds" are criticised by many organisations as being a cover for commercial whaling. Both Iceland and Japan have the long term goal of resuming open commercial whaling. Although Norway initially followed the moratorium, they placed an objection to it with the IWC and resumed a commercial hunt in 1993. Norwegian whalers caught 639 in 2005. The quota for 2006 was set at 1052 animals, from which a catch of 521 was taken. [1]

[edit] Minke Whale-watching

On account of their relative abundance Minke Whales are often the focus of whale-watching cruises setting sail from, for instance, the Isle of Mull in Scotland, and Húsavík in Iceland. Minke Whales are frequently inquisitive and will indulge in 'human-watching'. In contrast to the spectacularly acrobatic Humpback Whale, Minkes do not raise their fluke out of the water when diving and are less likely to breach (jump clear of the sea surface). This, combined with the fact that Minkes can dive under water for as long as twenty minutes, has led some whale-watching enthusiasts to label them 'stinky Minkes'. The name may also be applied because it is frequently possible to smell the breath of a Minke Whale whilst observing it from a boat.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Cetacean Specialist Group (1996). Balaenoptera acutorostrata. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2006. Retrieved on October 22, 2006.
  2. ^ Cetacean Specialist Group (1996). Balaenoptera bonaerensis. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2006. Retrieved on =October 22, 2006.
  3. ^ Mead, James G. and Robert L. Brownell, Jr (November 16, 2005). Wilson, D. E., and Reeder, D. M. (eds): Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition, Johns Hopkins University Press, 723-743. ISBN 0-801-88221-4.
General references

[edit] External links