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Initiated as EU-funded project in 2004, MINDS (Mobile Information and News Data Services) represents a Pan-European initiative of national news agencies in the mobile and digital business. MINDS is aiming to present innovative information services for mobile phones, to define technical standards and to simplify business processes.
MINDS International is the operational entity, which was founded by several news agencies at the end of the initial project. The MINDS network, which is constantly growing, consists of the following agency partners at present:
- dpa-infocom GmbH (Germany)
- ANP Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau (Netherlands)
- SDA-Schweizerische Depeschen Agentur AG (Switzerland)
- APA-Austria Presse Agentur reg. GenmbH (Austria)
- Belga Agence de presse Persbureau (Belgium)
- CTK Ceska Tiskova Kancelar (Czech Republic)
- NTB Norsk Telegrambyra AS (Norway)
- PAP Polska Agencja Prasowa SA (Poland)
- STT Suomen Tietotoimisto (Finland)
It is the vision of the MINDS partners to remove the barriers that restrain mobile media services from turning into a mass market. Still a broad diversity of incompatible technical standards, complex and often one-sided business models, or the lack of usability from the consumers perspective prevent the breakthrough of mobile data services in all European countries.