Milo, Tanzania

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Milo is a village in South Western Tanzania, East Africa. It has a mission run by the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and a hospital, St. Luke's.


[edit] Location

The hospital is situated in the village of Milo in the southern highlands of Tanzania, three hours drive from the nearest small town of Njombe.

[edit] St Luke's Hospital

St Luke's is an Anglican mission hospital run by the Diocese of South West Tanganyika. It serves a population of about 150,000 and people come from a radius of 40 kilometres, sometimes walking for two days to reach the hospital. The hospital has 50 beds with male, female and maternity wards. Relatives cook all the food required by ‘their’ patient whilst they are in the hospital, themselves staying in a very basic hostel. There is also an Out Patients Dispensary that treats about 5,500 people a year. Dr Douglas Lwoga is the only doctor and of retirement age himself. There is no mains electricity, only a diesel generator that operates for two hours every day. There is no gas or oil heating and patients can get very cold on the frosty nights. Pneumonia, malaria, TB, diarrhoea are commonly treated, but there is also a large incidence of AIDS. The Church is giving a lead in trying to make people aware of the dangers of HIV.

The mission has a link with The Parish Church of St. James, Hampton Hill, England. The information above comes from their website.

An early missionary to Milo was Gerald Edgcumbe Hadow

[edit] Local Area

Kiswahili, the national language of Tanzania, is widely spoken in Milo. The local language is known as Kipanga.

[edit] References and Further Reading