Military production during World War II

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During World War II women worked in factories throughout much of the Western and Eastern United States.
During World War II women worked in factories throughout much of the Western and Eastern United States.
US propaganda during World War II, urging citizens to increase production.
US propaganda during World War II, urging citizens to increase production.

Military production during World War II was a critical component to victory during the war.


[edit] GDP - Gross domestic product

This table shows the relationships in GDP (Gross domestic product) between a selection of Allied and Axis countries, from 1938 to 1945, counted in billion international dollars and 1990 prices.

Country 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945
Austria 24 27 27 29 27 28 29 12
France[1] 186 199 164 130 116 110 93 101
Germany 351 384 387 412 417 426 437 310
Italy[2] 141 151 147 144 145 137 117 92
Japan[3] 169 184 192 196 197 194 189 144
Soviet Union[4] 359 366 417 359 274 305 362 343
UK 284 287 316 344 353 361 346 331
USA[5] 800 869 943 1 094 1 235 1 399 1 499 1 474
Allied Total:[6] 1 629 1 600 1 331 1 596 1 862 2 065 2 363 2 341
Axis Total:[7] 685 746 845 911 902 895 826 466
Allied/Axis GDP:[8] 2.38 2.15 1.58 1.75 2.06 2.31 2.86 5.02

Notes on the table (remember that the distribution values are rough estimates):

  1.   France-Axis distribution: 1940: 56%, 1941-43: 100%, 1944: 58%.
  2.   Italy distribution: 1938-1943: 100% Axis, 1944-1945: 100% Allies
  3.   Japanese values are included in Axis totals for all years in order to illustrate potential contribution
  4.   Soviet Union-Allies distribution: 1939: Only 67% due to the pact with Germany, but none to Axis. During 1940 Soviet Union is not counted at all. 1941: 44% is distributed to the Allies (after Operation Barbarossa), 1942-1945: 100%.
  5.   US values are included in Allied totals for all years in order to illustrate potential contribution & Lend-Lease
  6.   The Allied total is not the immediate sum of the table values; see the distribution rules used above.
  7.   The Axis total is not the immediate sum of the table values; see the distribution rules used above.
  8.   Allied/Axis GDP: This row shows the relation in GDP between the Allies and the Axis; i.e. 2.00 means the Allied production was 2 times larger than the Axis. Please note that only a selection of countries are included in the table. The distribution of values into alliances is described in the previous notes.

Table data source: Harrison, Mark, "The Economics of World War II: Six Great Powers in International Comparison", Cambridge University Press (1998).

This chart shows the relationship in GDP between the Allied and the Axis during 1938-1945.
This chart shows the relationship in GDP between the Allied and the Axis during 1938-1945.

[edit] Summary of production

System                              Allies        Axis
Tanks and SP guns                  227,235      52,345
Artillery                          914,682     180,141
Mortars                            657,318     100,000+
Machineguns                      4,744,484   1,058,863
Military trucks                  3,060,354     594,859
Military aircraft total            633,072     278,795
Fighter aircraft                   212,459      90,684
Attack aircraft                     37,549      12,539
Bomber aircraft                    153,615      35,415
Reconnaissance aircraft              7,885      13,033
Transport aircraft                  43,045       5,657
Training aircraft                   93,578      28,516
Aircraft carriers                      155          16
Battleships                             13           7
Cruisers                                82          15
Destroyers                             814          86
Convoy escorts                       1,102           -
Submarines                             422       1,337
Merchant shipping tonnage       33,993,230   5,000,000+

[edit] Production by nation

[edit] Vehicles and ground weapons

[edit] Tanks and self-propelled guns

  1. Soviet Union = 105,251 (92,595)
  2. United States = 88,410 (71,067)
  3. Germany = 46,857 (37,794)
  4. United Kingdom = 27,896
  5. Canada = 5,678
  6. Japan = 2,515
  7. Italy = 2,473
  8. Hungary = 500

Note: Number in parenthesis equals the number of tanks and self-propelled guns equipped with main weapons of 75 mm or larger. Smaller producing nations do not have this differentiation.

[edit] Artillery

Artillery includes anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons with calibres above 37 mm

  1. Soviet Union = 516,648
  2. United States = 257,390
  3. Germany = 159,147
  4. United Kingdom = 124,877
  5. Japan = 13,350
  6. Canada = 10,552
  7. Italy = 7,200
  8. Other Commonwealth = 5,215
  9. Hungary = 447

[edit] Mortars (over 60 mm)

  1. Soviet Union = 200,300
  2. United States = 105,054
  3. United Kingdom = 102,950
  4. Germany = 73,484
  5. Commonwealth = 46,014

[edit] Machineguns

Machineguns does not include sub-machineguns, or machine guns used for arming aircraft.

  1. United States = 2,679,840
  2. Soviet Union = 1,477,400
  3. Germany = 674,280
  4. Japan = 380,000
  5. United Kingdom = 297,336
  6. Canada = 251,925
  7. Other Commonwealth = 37,983
  8. Hungary = 4,583

[edit] Military trucks

  1. United States = 2,382,311
  2. Canada = 815,729
  3. United Kingdom = 480,943
  4. Germany = 345,914
  5. Soviet Union = 197,100
  6. Japan = 165,945
  7. Italy = 83,000

[edit] Aircraft

[edit] Military aircraft of all types

  1. United States = 324,750
  2. Germany = 189,307
  3. Soviet Union = 157,261
  4. United Kingdom = 131,549
  5. Japan = 76,320
  6. Canada = 16,431
  7. Italy = 11,122
  8. Other Commonwealth = 3,081
  9. Hungary = 1,046
  10. Romania = 1,000

[edit] Fighter aircraft

  1. United States = 99,950
  2. Soviet Union = 63,087
  3. Germany = 55,727
  4. United Kingdom = 49,422
  5. Japan = 30,447
  6. Italy = 4,510

[edit] Attack aircraft

  1. Soviet Union = 39,549
  2. Germany = 12,539

[edit] Bomber aircraft

  1. United States = 97,810
  2. United Kingdom = 34,689
  3. Soviet Union = 21,116
  4. Germany = 18,235
  5. Japan = 15,117
  6. Italy = 2,063

[edit] Reconnaissance aircraft

  1. Germany = 6,299
  2. Japan = 5,654
  3. United Kingdom = 3,967
  4. United States = 3,918
  5. Italy = 1,080

[edit] Transport aircraft

  1. United States = 23,929
  2. Soviet Union = 17,332
  3. Germany = 3,079
  4. Japan = 2,110
  5. United Kingdom = 1,784
  6. Italy = 468

[edit] Training aircraft

  1. United States = 57,623
  2. United Kingdom = 31,864
  3. Japan = 15,201
  4. Germany = 11,546
  5. Soviet Union = 4,061
  6. Italy = 1,769

[edit] Naval ships

[edit] Aircraft carriers

  1. United States = 22 (141)
  2. Japan = 16
  3. United Kingdom = 14
  4. Germany = 0 Non completed by the end of the war.

Figure in parentheses indicates merchant vessels converted to Escort carriers.

[edit] Battleships

  1. United States = 8
  2. United Kingdom = 5
  3. Italy = 3
  4. Japan = 2
  5. Germany = 2

[edit] Cruisers

  1. United States = 48
  2. United Kingdom = 32
  3. Japan = 9
  4. Italy = 6
  5. Soviet Union = 2

[edit] Destroyers

  1. United States = 349
  2. United Kingdom = 240
  3. Japan = 63
  4. Soviet Union = 25
  5. Germany = 17
  6. Italy = 6

[edit] Convoy escorts

  1. United States = 498
  2. United Kingdom = 413
  3. Canada = 191
  4. Germany = 23

[edit] Submarines

  1. Germany = 1,337
  2. United States = 422
  3. Japan = 167
  4. United Kingdom = 167
  5. Soviet Union = 52
  6. Italy = 28

[edit] Merchant tonnage

  1. United States = 33,993,230
  2. United Kingdom = 6,378,899
  3. Japan = 4,152,361
  4. Commonwealth = 2,702,943
  5. Italy = 469,606

[edit] Materials

[edit] Coal

In millions of metric tons

  1. Germany = 2,420.3
  2. United States = 2,149.7
  3. United Kingdom = 1,441.2
  4. Soviet Union = 590.8
  5. Japan = 184.5
  6. Canada = 101.9
  7. Italy = 16.9
  8. Hungary = 6.6
  9. Romania = 1.6

[edit] Iron Ore

In millions of metric tons

  1. United States = 396.9
  2. Germany = 240.7
  3. United Kingdom = 119.3
  4. Soviet Union = 71.3
  5. Japan = 21.0
  6. Hungary = 14.1
  7. Romania = 10.8
  8. Italy = 4.4
  9. Canada = 3.6

[edit] Crude Oil

In millions of metric tonnes

  1. United States = 833.2
  2. Soviet Union = 110.6
  3. United Kingdom = 90.8
  4. Germany = 33.4 (including 23.4 synthetic)
  5. Romania = 25.0
  6. Canada = 8.4
  7. Japan = 5.2
  8. Hungary = 3.2

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • GDP values: Harrison, Mark, "The Economics of World War II: Six Great Powers in International Comparison", Cambridge University Press (1998).
  • Milward, Alan S., "War, economy, and society, 1939-1945", University of California Press (1979).
  • Overy, Richard, "Why the Allies Won (Paperback)", W. W. Norton & Company; Reprint edition (1997).
  • Barnett, Correlli, "The audit of war : the illusion & reality of Britain as a great nation", Macmillan, (1986).
World War II
Theatres Main events Specific articles Participants

in Europe
in Asia

Main theatres:
Eastern Europe
Middle East
Asia & Pacific

General timeline:

Invasion of Poland
Winter War

Invasion of Denmark and Norway
Battle of France
Battle of Britain

Invasion of Soviet Union
Battle of Moscow
Attack on Pearl Harbor

Battle of Midway
Battle of Stalingrad
Second Battle of El Alamein

Battle of Kursk
Guadalcanal campaign
Invasion of Italy

Battle of Leyte Gulf
Battle of Normandy
Operation Bagration

Battle of Okinawa
Battle of Berlin
End in Europe
Atomic bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Surrender of Japan

Home Front
Military Engagements

Civilian impact and atrocities:
Siege of Leningrad
Allied war crimes
Dutch famine of 1944
Hiroshima & Nagasaki
German war crimes
Japanese war crimes
Strategic bombings

Expulsion of Germans
Cold War

The Allies
Soviet Union
United Kingdom
United States
Republic of China
New Zealand
South Africa

The Axis
Kingdom of Italy Italy

See also

Category: World War II
Total war
WWII in contemporary culture
Military awards of World War II
Attacks in North America
Comparative military ranks of World War II

More information on World War II:

 World War II from Wiktionary
 WWII Textbooks from Wikibooks
 WWII Quotations from Wikiquote
 WWII Source texts from Wikisource
 WWII Images and media from Commons
 WWII News stories from Wikinews

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