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Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer inaugurates the construction of TCG Heybeliada
Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer inaugurates the construction of TCG Heybeliada
Model of the Milgem class corvette
Model of the Milgem class corvette
Rendering of the Milgem class corvette
Rendering of the Milgem class corvette
Milgem class corvette of the Turkish Navy
Milgem class corvette of the Turkish Navy

Milgem, from the Turkish words Milli Gemi (National Ship), is the name of the Turkish corvette program; the purpose of which is to build a modern corvette with indigenous capabilities. Construction of the first Milgem class corvette, TCG Heybeliada, began on 26 July 2005. TCG Heybeliada will be put to sea on 23 August 2007 and is scheduled to be completed by 25 October 2010, when it will start undergoing full sea trials before being officially commissioned. A total of twelve Milgem class corvettes will be built for the Turkish Navy, with possible exports to other countries.


[edit] Evolution of the Milgem program

When the Milgem project was officially launched in 1996, the initial plan was to locally build MEKO A-100 corvettes of Blohm&Voss, a German shipbuilding company which specializes in building high technology warships and submarines. In the early 2000s, the partnership plan with Blohm&Voss was shelved and the Turkish Navy decided to design and build a completely indigenous corvette. İstanbul Naval Shipyard Command executes and coordinates the design, development and construction works of the Milgem project since 2004.

[edit] Technical specifications of Milgem

Technical specifications of the Milgem class corvette
Technical specifications of the Milgem class corvette

Displacement: 2,000 t

Dimensions: 99.00 m x 14.40 m x 3.75 m

Economic speed: 15 knots

Maximum speed: 29+ knots

Range: 3,500 nautical miles @ 15 knots

Sensors: 3D search radar, fire control radar, sonar

Cannons: 1 x 76 mm, 2 x 12.7 mm

Missiles: 8 x Harpoon Missile, 21 x RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile)

Torpedoes: 2 x 324 mm Mk.32 triple launchers for Mk.46 torpedoes

Aviation: Hangar and platform for 1 x S-70-B2 Seahawk ASW helicopter

Crew: 93

[edit] Future applications

There are plans of adding a Mk.41 VLS (Vertical Launching System) which is capable of firing ESSM (Evolved Sea Sparrow), VLA (Vertical Launch Anti-Submarine Rocket), and Standard missiles, using Milgem corvettes as a testing platform for the future frigates of the Turkish Navy, known as the TF-2000 programme.

[edit] See also

Ship classes of the Turkish Navy
Frigates SalihReis Class | Barbaros Class | Yavuz Class | G Class | TF-2000 Class
Corvettes Milgem Class | B Class
Submarines Gür Class | Preveze Class | Atılay Class | AIP Class
Fast Attack Missile & Torpedo Boats Kılıç Class | Yıldız Class | Rüzgar Class | Doğan Class | Kartal Class
Mine Warfare Ships A Class Mine Hunter | E Class Mine Hunter | F Class Mine Sweeper | S Class Mine Sweeper | K Class Mine Sweeper
Main Landing Ships OsmanGazi Class | SarucaBey Class | Ertuğrul Class LST | LPD Class
Landing Crafts Ç-117 Class LCT | Ç-302 Class LCM

[edit] External links