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Milü (355113) (Chinese: 密率; pinyin: mì lǜ; literally "detailed (approximation) ratio"), also known as Zulü (Zu's ratio), while the name was given by Japanese mathematician Mikami Yoshio, but it is not clear whether it refer to the fraction or the decimal value 3.1415926 to 3.1415927.[1] roughly 3.1415929204, is a approximation of π first given by Zu Chongzhi in 5th century. It is the best one that may be expressed with a three-digit or four-digit numerator and denominator. It is sometimes jokingly referred to as "not π, but an incredible simulation!"

[edit] References

  1. ^ 韩雪涛. "数学科普:常识性谬误流传令人忧", 中华读书报, 2001-08-29. Retrieved on 2006-10-06.