Midsummer Night's Dream

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For the play by William Shakespeare, see A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Midsummer Night's Dream
Japanese cover for the second Oh My Goddess! VHS
Japanese cover for the second Oh My Goddess! VHS
Format: Anime
Creator: Kosuke Fujishima
Starring: Belldandy, Keiichi Morisato, Urd
Country: Japan
Network: Anime International Company (AIC)
Premiere date: 1993-05-21
Episode Length: 29 min
Episode Code: OVA 2

Midsummer Night's Dream is the second episode of the Oh My Goddess! OVA series, and was originally released on 1993-05-21.

[edit] Plot

Three months have passed since Belldandy and Keiichi Morisato began living together. Megumi Morisato has since moved into a place of her own, though she still visits her brother daily to enjoy Belldandy's cooking. The summer break is approaching, and Megumi hints at a trip to the beach. Having never been to the beach before, Belldandy would like to go, and Keiichi likes the thought of a trip to the beach together. Meanwhile, a package has arrived for Keiichi, containing a video suspiciously named Sexy Sister II.

Once the two women leave, Keiichi decides to watch the video. A scantily-clad, bronzed, older woman appears on the screen. Keiichi begins to like the look of things until the woman's steps from the TV and stands before him. She immediately chastises Keichii for his indecisiveness with Belldandy, and gives him a hands-on introduction to women. The woman makes a hasty retreat when Belldandy returns, telling Keiichi her name is Urd, and to keep her appearance a secret from her younger sister, Belldandy.

Sometime after, Belldandy and Keiichi visit the beach. Upon arrial, Keiichi heads off ahead of Belldandy to find them a spot. While waiting for her, Urd makes a reappearance. Urd supplies Keiichi with some sun oil, intructs him to use it on Belldandy, and leaves as Belldandy arrives. Keiichi builds up the courage to rub the oil onto Belldandy, but Sayoko Mishima and Toshiyuki Aoshima arrive with some friends, disturbing the couple, and causing Keiichi to drop the oil.

Moving onto Plan B, Keiichi and Belldandy go out on a boat. Urd stirs up the waters a little as Belldandy tries to move across, causing them to fall into each other's arms. Keiichi now has the perfect opportunity to make a move, however, Sayoko's much larger, powered boat comes tearing through at this moment, capsizing the rowboat the couple are in. Being unable to swim, Keiichi begins to drown. Belldandy rescues him, but is chastised by Sayoko for being irresponsible towards Keiichi; this leaves her feeling very irresponsible and dejected.

Extremely frustrated with the failure of her plans, Urd turns to her final resort. Upon regaining consciousness, Urd informs Keiichi that Belldandy may leave him if he does not have enough love for her, and passes him a love potion which she clams will give him courage. Taking the potion without hesitation, Keiichi is unprepared for what follows.

Sayoko knocks on he door of his room, seeking to apologize for what happened this afternoon, and when Keiichi opens the door and sees her, the love potion takes effect. He is left immediately smitten. Not sure how to deal with his advances, Sayoko points out that he already has Belldandy. However, he claims he does not care for her, though in his mind, he knows he does. Belldandy hears this, and offers to leave him, if that is what he wants.

This is too much for Keiichi's mind to handle, and causes him to run off confused. Belldandy chases him and finds the vile which contained the love potion as it falls from Keiichi's hand as he passes out. The viles lable has a picture of Urd on it. Realising what has happened, she calls for her older sister to restore Keiichi. Urd has no antidote, but Belldandy kisses the slumbering Keiichi and this seems to restore him to normal. Urd tries to take this opportunity to return home, but is banished by The Almighty for her interference and she moves into the temple with the other two.

Previous Episode List of Oh My
Goddess episodes
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Moonlight And Cherry Blossoms Burning Hearts On The Road

[edit] External links

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