Michael Zarlengo

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Michael Zarlengo was born in 1956. He is a graduate of Purdue University and DePaul University, where he received his master's degree. He is a popular Christian author living in Texas. He is a member of Parkway Hills Baptist Church were he has served as a deacon.

[edit] Searching the Scriptures

He has written two books that center around Christian living. These books are part of a 12-book series called Searching the Scriptures. Thousands of copies of books were donated to Hurricane Katrina Victims in 2005. This was made possible by a grant from the Tyndale House Foundation. The College of Biblical Studies in Houston, Texas, hosted two conferences in which the books were given out to hundreds of prospective students.

[edit] Tabernacle Gifts

The first book of the series is called Tabernacle Gifts. It is about the Mosaic tabernacle ceremonial procedures. It connects these ceremonial procedures with everyday living for Christians. There are seven ways that the Old Testament priests went through the tabernacle in their observance of the law. Christ Himself did these seven things (Philistines 2:5-11), and he argues that we today are commanded to do them in the New Testament. Dr. Daniel Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary has written the forward to this book. Many prominent Christian leaders have praised this work including, Pastor Jack Graham, former president of the SBC, and the former president of the International Bible Society publishers of the NIV, Lars Dunberg.

[edit] Pray Like This

His second book is Pray Like This: God’s Secret to Answered Prayer. Zarlengo starts with the eight laws of prayer given to Moses in the Old Testament. Some of these prayer laws for the Old Testament are light and using the Name of God. He argues that the New Covenant Christians are given the right to pray to God. He draws a historican connection, with the the New Covenant Christians using the light of His Word, like the Old Testament priests used the light of the oil lamp to pray. In the Old Testament the priests used the Name of God when praying. Christians are told to use the name of Jesus when praying to God the Father. He then shows the New Testament explanation of these prayer laws for Christians today. He argues that Christians are under the New Covenant that Jesus brought.