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LOSAT (Line-of-Sight Anti-Tank) was a U.S. surface-to-surface missile system designed by Lockheed Martin to defeat tanks and other individual targets. Instead of using a High Explosive Anti-Tank warhead like other anti-tank missiles, the LOSAT employed a solid tungsten kinetic energy penetrator to punch through armor, much like the APFSDS (Armour Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot) rounds used by U.S. tanks. The LOSAT weapon system was very light; it was designed to be mounted onto a Humvee while allowing the vehicle to remain air-portable. With a speed of 5,000 ft/s (5,500 km/h or 1,520 m/s), the LOSAT was amongst the world's fastest missiles.[citation needed]

[edit] Cancellation

The LOSAT program was terminated in the summer of 2004, before low rate initial production commenced.[1] Technology gained from the program will be used to develop the missile's successor, the Compact Kinetic Energy Missile (or CKEM).

[edit] Notes

[edit] External links

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