Mexican Executive Cabinet

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The Mexican Executive Cabinet is a part of the executive branch of the Mexican government. It consists of eighteen Secretaries of State, the head of the federal executive legal office and the Attorney General.

In addition to the legal Executive Cabinet (Gabinete Legal) there are other Cabinet-level administration offices that report directly to the President of the Republic (Gabinete Ampliado).

Officials from the legal and extended Cabinet (Gabinete Legal y Ampliado) are subordinate to the President


[edit] Constitutional and legal basis

The term "Cabinet" does not appear in the Constitution, where reference is made only to the Secretaries of State. Article 89 of the Constitution provides that the President of Mexico can assign and remove Secretaries of State.

Article 26 of the Law for the federal public administration (Ley Orgánica de la Administración Pública Federal ) lists the nineteen legal cabinet positions (the Attorney General is not included in that list although he is considered a member of the legal cabinet). The Law for the federal public administration provides the responsibilities for each legal cabinet position.

The Executive Cabinet does not play a collective legislative or executive role (as do the Cabinets in parliamentary systems). The main interaction that Cabinet members have with the legislative branch are regular testimonials before Congressional committees to justify their actions, and coordinate executive and legislative policy in their respective fields of jurisdiction.

[edit] Secretary selection process

The Executive Cabinet members are appointed by the President of the Republic. Only the Attorney General needs to be approved by the Senate.

Cabinet Secretaries are often selected from past and current governors, senators, and other political office holders. Private citizens such as businessmen or former military officials are also common Cabinet choices.

It is not rare for a Secretary to be moved from one Secretariat to another. For example, former Secretary of Energy Fernando Canales Clariond had previously served as Secretary of Economy and current Secretary of Education Josefina Vázquez Mota has previously served as Secretary of Social Development.

[edit] Current Cabinet

The Legal Executive Cabinet is composed as follows:

Title Incumbent Office
Secretary of the Interior Francisco Ramirez Acuña Secretariat of the Interior
Secretary of Foreign Affairs Patricia Espinosa Cantellano Secretariat of Foreign Affairs
Secretary of Finance Agustín Carstens Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit
Secretary of Defense Guillermo Galván Galván Secretariat of National Defense
Secretary of the Navy Mariano Francisco Saynez Mendoza Secretariat of the Navy
Secretary of Economy Eduardo Sojo Secretariat of Economy
Secretary of Social Development Beatriz Zavala Secretariat of Social Development
Secretary of Public Safety Genaro García Luna Secretariat of Public Safety
Secretary of Communications Luis Tellez Secretariat of Communications and Transportation
Secretary of Labor Javier Lozano Alarcón Secretariat of Labor and Social Security
Secretary of Environment Juan Rafael Elvira Quezada Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources
Secretary of Energy Georgina Kessel Secretariat of Energy
Secretary of Agriculture Alberto Cárdenas Jiménez Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Nourishment
Secretary of Education Josefina Vázquez Mota Secretariat of Public Education
Secretary of Health José Ángel Córdova Villalobos Secretariat of Health
Secretary of Tourism Rodolfo Elizondo Torres Secretariat of Tourism
Secretary of the Agrarian Reformation Abelardo Escobar Prieto Secretariat of the Agrarian Reformation
Secretary of the Public Function Germán Martínez Secretariat of the Public Function
Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora Attorney General's Office
Chief of the presidential office Juan Camilo Mouriño Presidential Office

[edit] Cabinet-level administration offices

Some positions are not part of the legal Executive Cabinet, but have cabinet-level rank therefore their incumbents are considered members of the extended cabinet (Gabinete ampliado).

Some of the cabinet-level administration offices are:

Title Incumbent Office
President Sergio Vela Martínez Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes
Director Sistema Nacional para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia
President Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres
President Carlos Manuel Hermosillo Goytortua Comisión Nacional del Deporte
Jefe de la Oficina Oficina de la Presidencia para las Políticas Públicas
Jefe de la Oficina Oficina de la Presidencia para la Innovación Gubernamental
Jefe José Armando Tamayo Casillas Estado Mayor Presidencial
Presidential spokesman Maximiliano Cortázar Lara Coordinación General de Comunicación Social
Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas

[edit] Former cabinet positions

[edit] External links

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