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For the biological process of metamorphosis, see Metamorphosis.

METAMORPHOSE - METAMORPHOSIS Mask Sound & Dance Theatre is an original idea created by Reinhard Kreckel in 1987. Since then, he has produced several nonverbal performances with international artists, working with various elements of body, masks, sound, music and space.


[edit] Program and method of work

In the main centre of these performances stands the human being in relation to its environment. The acoustical-visual atmosphere is created through body masks, dance, sound elements and multi-media based projections. Thus the viewer will be inspired to experience and to feel the basic connections of life in a new way. The viewer has the opportunity to broaden his horizon and to understand himself and others better, through a changed view.

“METAMORPHOSE – Mask Sound & Dance Theatre“ works consciously without speech. The space of communication increases, natural borders of verbal communication explode. Thoughts, associations, and impressions develop freely and lead the way to new insights. The artistic-creative performance from METAMORPHOSE Mask Sound and Dance Theatre offers new impulses so that the state of consciousness may broaden its awareness and be sensitized to discovering the basic contexts.

The visionary symbol called METAMORPHOSE-Mask is made up of a mask that covers the whole head and an all-over covering costume. By the metamorphosis of their appearance the actors succeed in generating especially lively and expressive pictures of emotions and mental processes. A special meaning emerges through the representation of the METAMORPHOSE-Performances. During the dance, the body becomes a medium that expresses emotions and feelings, without falsifying them. The moves of the figures and their appearance blend in natural sound compositions, freely improvised by the musicians. The arising sound collages add to an atmospheric, complete composition. By these means the METAMORPHOSE-Performance becomes a truly special experience.

The METAMORPHOSE Ensemble is open to change. Every performance arises in a new way. The artists live and work together during the whole production. With the art director Reinhard Kreckel they develop the performance in Germany or abroad. The artistic team establishes an intense understanding of the thematic contents of the project so as to represent them in a genuine way.

Every performance is a co-production of a particular team. This special form of teamwork by such an international ensemble creates space for interpersonal meetings and creative inspiration. The non-verbal exchange and the collaborative production of the international projects show to the participants and the audience a new, artistic-creative way for international understanding and peace.

The group is located in Germany in Bochum and Essen in the Ruhrarea. METAMORPHOSE cooperates with partners from Denmark, Norway, Poland, Croatia, Austria, Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy, Russia and USA.

[edit] Performance

For the year 2005 a new production will be presented, focusing on understanding, healing and peace.


Place of origin: Ruhr Area

ViaVita is the current production of METAMORPHOSE. It deepens in the understanding of the cycles of life, the principle of cause and effect and the different states of mind, following the Tibetan picture “The Wheel of Life“.


Place of origin: Tuscany (Italy)

Il Ciclo de la Luna tells of “stories of the moon“ incorporating abstract, visual, sculptural and tonal elements. The concepts within the story revolve around superstition and dream, moonfascination and enchantment, moon cycles and rituals. Fabulous creatures and appearances portray the effects of the moonlight and its gravitational pull of the human body and mind.

[edit] QUAKE

Place of origin: Sardinia

Quake symbolizes the fl ow of human and natural habitats. It also offers the opportunity to encounter and accept changes in a new way. Furthermore, it predicts the future while exemplifying positive opportunities for a new beginning of the human being.


Place of origin: Ruhr Area

“Requiem Trinitatis Industriae“, or “Requiem of the Industrial Trinity“ is a celebration of one performance. The artists develop a critical review on the gigantic industrial production line of the 20th century. Life in the Ruhr Area is defi ned by the industry of steel, energy and chemicals.


Place of origin: France and Germany

This production refl ects on our relationship with the elements and the continuousness of being in the dependence of space and time. The base of the story is set by the “Medicine wheel“, that comes from Indian philosophy, and also old European myths. The artists portray the characteristic aspects of the elements of earth, water, fire and air and the different relationships that are established between them.

[edit] External links

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