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Mesannepada (or Mesanepada, Mes-Anni-Padda, "hero chosen by Heaven", sometimes called Nanne) was the first king listed for the first dynasty of Ur (ca. the 25th century BC) on the Sumerian king list. He is listed to have ruled for 80 years. Mesannepada overthrew Mesilim of Kish and Lugalkildu of Uruk.

Mesannepada gave gifts to the kings of Mari, and according to a lapis lazuli bead inscription found there, his father was Meskalamdug. Seals from the royal cemetery at Ur have also been found bearing the names of Mesannepada and his predecessors Meskalamdug and Akalamdug, along with Queen Puabi.

History of Sumer:
Notable Rulers of Sumer
Legendary Kings:  Alulim Dumuzid Ziusudra
First Dynasty of Kish Etana Enmebaragesi
First Dynasty of Uruk Enmerkar Lugalbanda Gilgamesh
First Dynasty of Ur Meskalamdug Mesannepada Puabi
Dynasty of Adab Lugal-Anne-Mundu
Third Dynasty of Kish Kubaba
First Dynasty of Lagash Ur-Nanshe Eannatum En-anna-tum I
Entemena Urukagina
Third Dynasty of Uruk Lugal-Zage-Si
Dynasty of Akkad Sargon Enheduanna Manishtushu
Naram-Sin Shar-Kali-Sharri Dudu Shu-turul
Second Dynasty of Lagash Gudea
Fifth Dynasty of Uruk Utu-hegal
Third Dynasty of Ur Ur-Nammu Shulgi Amar-Sin Shu-Sin Ibbi-Sin
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