Mercator School of Management

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[edit] Mercator School of Management (MSM)

The Mercator School of Management (MSM) ( (the faculty of business administration of the University of Duisburg-Essen in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) is a classic business school located in Duisburg with a clear focus on business administration. It involves twelve chairs of different business administration disciplines. Each of the three pillars of the MSM combines four of those chairs in a research department. Those central research areas are “Accounting and Finance”, “Technology and Operations Management”, and “Management and Marketing”, each of which is also responsible for a specialized master program of the same name.

In addition, the mainly service-oriented chairs have been combined in the Department of “Managerial Economics”, which presents the educating foundation of the Mercator School of Management. Next to the three chairs of Economics, it includes chairs of East Asia Studies covering the areas of Japan/Korea and China, a chair of Business Education and Didactics and the fields of Management Science and Business Law.

The programs offered by the Mercator School of Management are entirely consecutive and follow international standards. They are conform to ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) guidelines to guarantee that credits earned abroad or at the MSM can easily be taken into account. The accredited Bachelor of Science in Business Administration offers A-level/Abitur graduates a first professional degree with a broad theoretical foundation. It conveys basic qualifications like presentation or discussion techniques and gives students the opportunity to specialize in various fields of business administration. Case studies and computer-based company plan simulations complete the six semester Bachelor program.

After having earned an honor’s degree in the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (or a comparable program), students can choose from four alternative Master programs of four semesters each. The internationalized General Management Track allows students to specialize in one field from each of the three business administration departments mentioned above. Furthermore, it obliges students to spend a semester in the USA, Japan, China or Hong Kong. The Master programs are organized by the three business administration departments and prepare students for a profession in the respective company fields or for an academic career by combining extensive studies with a demanding theoretical foundation. In the future, graduates may apply for a two-year Ph.D. program in the respective departments after their Master degree.

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