MEPs for Italy 1999-2004
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Contents: | Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[edit] A
- Generoso Andria (European People's Party)
- Roberta Angelilli (Union for Europe of the Nations Group)
[edit] B
- Paolo Bartolozzi (European People's Party)
- Sergio Berlato (Union for Europe of the Nations Group)
- Fausto Bertinotti (European United Left/Nordic Green Left)
- Roberto Felice Bigliardo (Union for Europe of the Nations Group)
- Guido Bodrato (European People's Party)
- Emma Bonino (Non-Inscrits)
- Mario Borghezio (Non-Inscrits)
- Enrico Boselli (Party of European Socialists)
- Giuseppe Brienza (European People's Party)
- Renato Brunetta (European People's Party)
[edit] C
- Giorgio Calò (European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party)
- Marco Cappato (Non-Inscrits)
- Massimo Carraro (Party of European Socialists)
- Giorgio Celli (Greens-EFA)
- Luigi Cesaro (European People's Party)
- Luigi Cocilovo (European People's Party)
- Armando Cossutta (European United Left/Nordic Green Left)
- Paolo Costa (European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party)
- Raffaele Costa (European People's Party)
[edit] D
- Gianfranco Dell'alba (Non-Inscrits)
- Benedetto Della vedova (Non-Inscrits)
- Marcello Dell'utri (European People's Party)
- Luigi Ciriaco De Mita (European People's Party)
- Giuseppe Di Lello Finuoli (European United Left/Nordic Green Left)
- Antonio Di Pietro (European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party)
- Olivier Dupuis (Non-Inscrits)
[edit] E
[edit] F
- Carlo Fatuzzo (European People's Party)
- Giovanni Claudio Fava (Party of European Socialists)
- Enrico Ferri (European People's Party)
- Francesco Fiori (European People's Party)
- Marco Formentini (European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party)
[edit] G
- Giuseppe Gargani (European People's Party)
- Jas Gawronski (European People's Party)
- Vitaliano Gemelli (European People's Party)
- Fiorella Ghilardotti (Party of European Socialists)
- Gian Paolo Gobbo (Non-Inscrits)
[edit] I
- Renzo Imbeni (Party of European Socialists)
[edit] L
- Vincenzo Lavarra (Party of European Socialists)
- Giorgio Lisi (European People's Party)
- Raffaele Lombardo (European People's Party)
[edit] M
- Lucio Manisco (European United Left/Nordic Green Left)
- Mario Mantovani (European People's Party)
- Franco Marini (European People's Party)
- Claudio Martelli (European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party)
- Mario Clemente Mastella (European People's Party)
- Mario Mauro (European People's Party)
- Pietro Mennea (Non-Inscrits)
- Domenico Mennitti (European People's Party)
- Reinhold Messner (Greens-EFA)
- Luisa Morgantini (European United Left/Nordic Green Left)
- Cristiana Muscardini (Union for Europe of the Nations Group)
- Francesco Musotto (European People's Party)
- Antonio Mussa (Union for Europe of the Nations Group)
- Sebastiano Musumeci (Union for Europe of the Nations Group)
[edit] N
- Pasqualina Napoletano (Party of European Socialists)
- Giorgio Napolitano (Party of European Socialists)
- Giuseppe Nistico' (European People's Party)
- Mauro Nobilia (Union for Europe of the Nations Group)
[edit] P
- Elena Ornella Paciotti (Party of European Socialists)
- Marco Pannella (Non-Inscrits)
- Paolo Pastorelli (European People's Party)
- Giuseppe Pisicchio (European People's Party)
- Giovanni Pittella (Party of European Socialists)
- Guido Podestà (European People's Party)
- Adriana Poli Bortone (Union for Europe of the Nations Group)
- Giovanni Procacci (European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party)
[edit] R
- Giorgio Ruffolo (Party of European Socialists)
- Francesco Rutelli (European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party)
[edit] S
- Guido Sacconi (Party of European Socialists)
- Giacomo Santini (European People's Party)
- Amalia Sartori (European People's Party)
- Luciana Sbarbati (European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party)
- Umberto Scapagnini (European People's Party)
- Mariotto Segni (Union for Europe of the Nations Group)
- Francesco Enrico Speroni (Non-Inscrits)
[edit] T
- Antonio Tajani (European People's Party)
- Bruno Trentin (Party of European Socialists)
- Franz Turchi (Union for Europe of the Nations Group)
- Maurizio Turco (Non-Inscrits)
[edit] V
- Gianni Vattimo (Party of European Socialists)
- Walter Veltroni (Party of European Socialists)
- Luigi Vinci (European United Left/Nordic Green Left)
- Demetrio Volcic (Party of European Socialists)
[edit] Z
[edit] See also
- Members of the European Parliament 1999-2004
- List of Members of the European Parliament 1999-2004 - for a full alphabetical list
- European Parliament Election 1999