Mensch ärgere dich nicht

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Mensch ärgere dich nicht is a German board game (but not a German-style board game), by Joseph Friedrich Schmidt (1907/1908). The game was issued in 1914 and sold about 60 million copies. It is a Cross and Circle game, similar to the Indian game Pachisi, the American game Parcheesi, and the English game Ludo, though as with Ludo the circle is collapsed onto the cross. There is a computer adaptation.

The name of the game means "Do not get angry" (literally Do not get angry, man or Do not get angry, buddy). The name derives from the fact that a peg is sent back to the B field when another peg lands on it, similarly to the game Sorry!.

[edit] The rules

Every player places his/her four figures on the four B fields.

The players start throwing the dice one after the other.

If the player has any number he/she may move any of his figures in the game the number of dots on the dice. He/she may jump other figures. When the figure's move ends on an occupied field, the occupant figure is moved to the B fields.

When a player has a six and has still figures on the B field, he/she has to put one figure on the A field. The figure is now in the game and the player may throw the dice again and move this figure the number of dots on the dice. If a figure was on the A field it is removed to the B fields.

When a player has a six and no figures on the B field he/she may move six with any figure and play again.

After completing a round around the board a figure may step on the goal fields a-d. The first player who fills all four fields wins.

Variation: a player who has no figures in the game may throw the dice three times.