Talk:Melanie Thornton

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eerily : i never hear this word and   i see that word not in a translation program

from the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

eerie One entry found for eerie. Main Entry: ee·rie Variant(s): also ee·ry /'ir-E, 'Er-/ Function: adjective Inflected Form(s): ee·ri·er; -est Etymology: Middle English (northern dialect) eri 1 chiefly Scottish : affected with fright : SCARED 2 : so mysterious, strange, or unexpected as to send a chill up the spine <a coyote's eerie howl> <the similarities were eerie>; also : seemingly not of earthly origin <the flames cast an eerie glow>

the fact that Melanie made such a statement before her passing weeks later is chilling. Drmagic

eerily (creepy,spooky)in german is UNHEIMLICH

Thank you !! for the answer!!! BYE servus