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Bishop Francis Schuckardt
Bishop Francis Schuckardt

Francis Konrad Schuckardt (born July 10, 1937 in Seattle, Washington) is an American Traditionalist Catholic bishop. He founded the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen of the Universe (CMRI) and the Tridentine Latin Rite Catholic Church (TLRCC). Schuckhardt was an early proponent of Sedevacantism, a theory which holds that, as a result of their alleged personal heresy, Pope Paul VI and his successors are not valid popes, and therefore that the Holy See is vacant. Schuckardt has been accused of being a cult leader and functions alone without any association with other Traditionalist Catholic groups.


[edit] Biography

Strictly biographical non-doctrinal history. Just state the facts about what happened- no explanations of why or how. Limit: 2 paragraphs.

[edit] Early Life

Where was he born, what happened to him, what's his favorite color... that sort of thing.

[edit] The Blue Army

What is the Blue Army? When was it founded? What are the beliefs, purpose, etc. (state briefly! Two short sentences MAX!). Limit: 1 paragraph.

[edit] TRLCC

What is it? How is it different from the Catholic Church? When was it founded? What is the leadership structure? Limit: 3 paragraphs.
Consecration of Bishop Schuckardt (Fr. Denis Chicoine on the far right)

[edit] Religious Beliefs

Summarize. What does he believe. Don't include justification. One paragraph, six sentences max.

[edit] Seperation from Modern Catholic Church

Why seperated? What is the doctrinal difference? All the theological stuff that was banned from earlier sections, BUT: Limit 4 paragraphs.
Perhaps someone would like to suggest further subsections? I'd like to limit it to 4 additional subsections.

Schuckardt at Mount Saint Michael with several religious of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen in August 1979
Schuckardt at Mount Saint Michael with several religious of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen in August 1979

[edit] Controversies Involving Francis Schuckardt and the TRLCC

Please propose subsections. Note: I'd like to limit this to an absolute maximum of 5 total, with no more than one paragraph apiece.

Episcopal Lineage
Consecrated by: Daniel Q. Brown
Date of consecration: November 1, 1971

This article incorporates text from the public-domain Catholic Encyclopedia of 1913.

[edit] External Links

[edit] Media reports

[edit] End Notes

  1.   Official Manual for the Blue Army (circa 1966).
  2.   Vatican Council I, Session 4, Ch. 4, 1870
  3.   Encyclicals of Pope St. Pius X: Pascendi Dominici Gregis, Lamentabili Sane, Vatican Council I
  4.   Letters from Schuckardt to Lyle Porter (3/28/68) & Shirely Noll (3/19/68).
  5.   The Old Catholic Source Book - Pruter & Melton
  6.   The validity of Old Roman Catholics' Orders was widely acknowledged by the Catholic Church: "Separated Brethern," William Whalen (1958); "A Catholic Dictionary," Donald Attwater (1997).
  7.   Letter from Bishop Brown to Francis Schuckardt (9/17/70).
  8.   Ibid.
  9.   Letter from Bishop Brown to Fr. Korba (12/14/75).
  10.   Letter from Francis Schuckardt to Bishop Brown (Good Friday, 1971).
  11.   Document of Consecration (11/1/71), translated from the Latin:"The Most Reverend Lord Daniel Brown, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church of the Latin Rite, ... ordained and consecrated, according to the Rite prescribed by the Roman Pontifical, to the Episcopacy of the Roman Catholic Church of the Latin Rite, the Most Reverend Lord Francis Konrad Schuckardt, priest of said Church, ..."
  12.   Letter of Bishop Brown to Bishop Schuckardt (3/4/72).
  13.   The Reign of Mary. Issue 16. Page 4. "Why are supposedly uncompromising traditionalists willing to wink their eyes at the compromises of such apostate bishops as Marcel Lefevre (whose much tauted "traditional" seminaries are being operated under the watchful eye of Pittsburg's apostate Cardinal Wright WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE VATICAN!; whose much-tauted "traditional" priests will serve apostate bishops in apostate dioceses - NOT the true Catholic remnant faithful in the catacombs (you don't build million-dollar seminaries in the catacombs!); and the venerable, but sadly mistaken, Cardinal Slipyi who addresses the arch-heretic of Rome as "his holiness" and pledges his fidelity to the apostate hierarch of the Church of the Beast - the Mystical Body of Satan?"
  14.   The Reign of Mary. Issue 18. Page 3. "Who would be so bold or so foolish as to call these bishops Catholic or to pretend that they possess any legitimate authority? Including the arch-heretic in Rome?
  15.   Kelleher, S. (2002). The Seattle Times. "The sect behind the shroud".
  16.   10th Year Anniversary Bulletin of Schuckardt's Consecration (1981).
  17.   Ibid.
  18.   Washington Case #84-2-01445-2
  19.   Kirch, K (1912) Catholic Encyclopedia: Vatican Council, Vol XV. Robert Appleton Company. Transcribed by Douglas J. Potter. Retrieved from the internet on April 27, 2006 from
  20.   Baumgarten, P. M., (1911) Catholic Encyclopedia: Old Catholics, Vol XI. Robert Appleton Company. Transcribed by Herman F. Holbrook. Retrieved from the internet on April 27, 2006 from
  21.   Ibid.
  22.   Canon 751 "Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith; schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him."
  23.   Decree of Excommunication from the Office of the Congregation for Bishops, 1 July 1988. Retrieved from the internet on February 26, 2006 from
  24.   Point 3 of the Apostolic Letter of John Paul II given July 2, 1988 "3. In itself, this act was one of disobedience to the Roman Pontiff in a very grave matter and of supreme importance for the unity of the church, such as is the ordination of bishops whereby the apostolic succession is sacramentally perpetuated. Hence such disobedience - which implies in practice the rejection of the Roman primacy - constitutes a schismatic act." Retrieved from the internet on February 26, 2006 from
  25.   Bishop Lawrence Welsh as related in "Cults, Sects, and the New Age," by Rev. James J. LeBar, available from Our Sunday Visitor Press, 200 Noll Plaza, Huntington, IN 46750. Retrieved from the internet on April 27, 2006 from
  26.   Catholic Dictionary, 1997.
  27.   Years Beneath Her Mantle. Published by Students of Maria Regina Academy. June 9, 1972.
  28.  Our Lady of Fatima Crusader Bulletin. Issue number 71. Page 8. "In other words, smoking or any other form of delayed-action suicide is a sin against the fifth commandment. Further, if a person is addicted to smoking to the point where he cannot readily stop doing so, he no longer has complete control over his free will and smoking has become for him (or her) a gravely sinful vice."
  29.   "But you especially, ... as Bishops to rule the Church of God, must ... promote by all your power, everything which has to do with the protection of modesty ... to admonish and exhort, in whatever way seems most apt, people of all stations, but particularly youth, to avoid the danger of this kind of vice (immodest dress), which is so opposed, and potentially so hazardous to Christian and civic virtue ..." Pope Pius XI.
  30. ↑sinofflesh  Ven. Jacinta: "Our Lady said that more souls to go Hell because of sins of the flesh, than for any other reason," and that "certain fashions will be introduced which will offend Our Divine Lord."
  31.   "But every women praying or prophesying with her head not covered disgraceth her head..." (St. Paul) - 1 Cor. 11:5.
  32.   "If the Church is shut, and you are all inside, yet let there be a separation, men with men, and women with women: lest the pretext of salvation become an occasion of destruction." St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Father of the Church, Catechetical Lecture, Catholic Encyclopedia.
  33.   "They, then, are but abandoned and ungrateful wretches, in deep and fast bondage to that malign spirit, who complain and murmur that men are rescued by the name of Christ ... Only such men could murmur that the masses flock to the churches and their chaste acts of worship, where a seemly separation of the sexes is observed; where they learn how they may so spend this earthly life, as to merit a blessed eternity hereafter…" St. Augustine, Father of the Church, City of God, Bk. 2, Ch. 28.
  34.   Canons 335, 362, 1572
  35.   Catholic Encyclopedia: "Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary" (1912)
  36.   Bouscaren & Ellis: "Canon Law - A Text and Commentary" (1957) Canon 1395.
  37.   Canon 1384: "Literature is morally bad if it endangers faith or morals, and no one has a 'right' to publish such literature any more than one has a right to poison wells or sell tainted food." Bouscaren & Ellis ibid.
  38.   "[Y]ou are the powerful barrier against the overflowing tide of useless literature. Such reading matter threatens to drag the great dignity of human nature into the mud of error and perversion... In such matters, of the gravest danger to souls, the intervention of some higher authority is justified and necessary." Address to Ecclesiastics Employed as Book Critics - Pope Pius XII (2/13/56).
  39.   Encyclical on Christ the King - "Quas Primas" by Pope Pius XI (12/11/1925).
  40.   Encyclical: "On Christian Education" by Pope Pius XI )12/31/29).
  41.   Canon 1374. Bouscaren & Ellis ibid.
  42.   "Everyone knows well that children can often avoid an epidemic so long as the disease is outside their own home, but cannot escape it when it lurks within the home itself. It is an evil thing to bring the sanctity of the home into danger. The Church, therefore, as her right and duty demand, has always striven with all her resources to prevent these sacred portals suffering violence, under any pretext, from evil televisions shows." Encyclical Letter of Pope Pius XII - "Miranda Prorsus (9/8/57).
  43.   Canon 1129.
  44.   Canon 1131.
  45.   O'Neil v. Schuckardt, Idaho Case #80086.
  46.   733 P2d 693, 698.
  47.   "I say unto you: but unless you shall do penance, you shall all likewise perish." Luke 13:3.
  48.   "I chastise my body..." (St. Paul) 1 Cor. 9:27.
  49.   "The Virtue of Penance" - The Catholic Encyclopedia (1912).
  50.   Encyclical of Pope Pius XII "On the Mystical Body of Christ" on June 29, 1943.
  51.   "[I]f anyone says it is not by the institution of Christ... that blessed Peter should have perpetual successors in the primacy over the whole church;... let him be anathema." - Vatican Council 1, Session 4, Ch. 2 (1870).
  52.   The time between the death or resignation of one pope until his successor in office replaces him.
  53.   Clerical Dress & Insignia of the Roman Catholic Church, Rev. McCloud, 1948.
  54.   “The crime of one who voluntarily separates himself from the Catholic Church through refusal to submit to the authority of the Church…” The Concise Catholic Encyclopedia (1957)
  55.   Canons 183-195.
  56.   “[W]e believe that Bishop Francis Konrad Maria… represents the lone bastion of true, traditional Catholicism in the midst of universal apostasy so evident in the United States and throughout the world.” Letter of Rev. Chicoine (2/11/76).
  57.   “A pope can only be deposed for heresy, expressed or implied, and then only by a general council. It is not strictly deposition, but a declaration of fact, since by his heresy he has already ceased to be head of the Church. This has never occurred …” Catholic Dictionary (1997).
  58.   “I and the members of the Tridentine Latin Rite Catholic Church no longer accept or recognize any of the above named defendants [Bishop Schuckardt et al] as members of or as religious officials of the Tridentine Latin Rite Catholic Church…” Affidavit of Rev. Chicoine (6/6/84) - Case 84-2-01445-2.
  59.   “Detraction, usually associated with calumny, both being unjust injuries to the good name of another. Detraction is committed by revealing the true faults of our neighbor; calumny is by imputing false defects. Both include sinful judging and censuring of one’s neighbor and arise in resentment and envy. A detractor assumes that which belongs to God alone as judge (Jas. 4:11-12). Detraction and calumny are seriously sinful, being sins against justice… The sins of detraction and calumny demand restitution or repair to the neighbor’s reputation…” The Catholic Concise Encyclopedia (1956).
  60.   Washington Case 84-2-014450-2.
  61.   Ibid.
  62.   Corporation number 2-345308-7.
  63.   Automatic excommunication occurs upon the commission the crime; it is immediately effective, and there is no recourse. Penance and absolution are the only way out. The consequences of a Catholic excommunication are significant. The excommunicated cleric may not receive nor administer the Sacraments except under rare circumstances, and acts requiring jurisdiction are invalid. This means for example, that if anyone went to Chicoine for sacramental absolution, he would be unable to absolve them from their sins. Bouscaren & Ellis ibid
  64.   Utah Case 276-3839 - Memorandum Decision.
  65.   "[M]indful that the validity of these orders will always be doubtful in the minds of some... Personally, I have found no reason to doubt that these men had valid orders..." Open letter of Rev. Musey (4/23/95)
  66.   Bishop Schuckardt had Rev. Chicoine and the other priests give public talks warning the people about the Bishop Thuc progeny and the doubtful validity of their orders in a Cleveland Ohio Seminary, circa 1980.
  67.   Bishop Schuckardt, in fleeing for his safety, did not lose his ordinary jurisdiction in Spokane, WA and has had continuously, for over 30 years, faithful followers living in the Spokane area to whom he still ministers to.
  68.   "Neither may an excommunicated person receive the sacraments, and after a declaratory or condemnatory sentence, not even the sacramentals." Canon 2260. Bouscaren and Ellis, ibid.)
  69.   Calif. Case 87 2823.
  70.   Ibid.
  71.   Ibid.
  72.   Case 87-12190.
  73.   Case 87-12258.
  74.   Cases 13096 & 13097.
  75.   Case 87-4047.
  76.   Case CV87-13584.
  77.   Case C872893.
  78.   Case 84-2-01445-2.