Medal for Bravery (Gold)

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The Medal for Bravery (Gold) (金英勇勳章, MBG) is the first rank in the Order of the Medal for Bravery. It is awarded for acts of gallantry of the greatest possible heroism or of the most conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme danger. It is created in 1997 to replace the British honours system after the transfer of sovereignty to People's Republic of China and the establishment of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).


[edit] List of awardees

[edit] 1998

  • Mr. LEE Ying-kwong, M.B.G. (posthumous)
  • Mr. Thomas Frederick Crosier LARMOUR, M.B.G. (posthumous)

[edit] 1999

  • Mr. KWOK Kam-ming, M.B.G.
  • Mr. TAM Chung-keung, Joemy, M.B.G.

[edit] 2000

  • Mr. LEUNG Kam-kwong, Donald, M.B.G. (posthumous)
  • Mr. LOO Chun-ho, M.B.G. (posthumous)
  • Mr. LAI Yiu-chung, M.B.G. (posthumous)

[edit] 2001

  • Mr. CHIU Shun-on, M.B.G. (posthumous)

[edit] 2002

  • Mr. Zafar Iqbal KHAN, M.B.G. (posthumous)

[edit] 2003

  • Dr. TSE Yuen-man, M.B.G. (posthumous)

[edit] 2004

  • Mr. CHEUNG Chun-wai, M.B.G. (posthumous)

[edit] 2005

  • Mr. WONG Sai-kit, M.B.G.