May There Always Be Sunshine

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May There Always Be Sunshine! (Russian:Пусть всегда будет солнце!) is a Soviet Russian song, written for children. It was created in 1962, music was composed by Arkady Ostrovsky and the lyrics were written by Lev Oshanin. A Russian writer Korney Chukovsky later wrote in his book that the base of the song were four lines (which became a refrain of the song), composed by a boy of age four in 1928.

Performed for the first time in 1962 at the International Festival Of Song in Sopot by Russian singer Tamara Miansarova it earned the first prize for her there and immediately became widespread in the USSR and some other countries. It was sung by Young Pioneers in Young Pioneer camps, Young Pioneer meetings and at schools; it was sung by Little Octobrists at schools; it was sung even by pre-school children. This song was widely considered as a symbol of peace in the Soviet Union.

It is one of few Soviet songs which did not lose much of their popularity after the USSR and the Young Pioneer organization of the Soviet Union ceased to exist, and are still popular in Russia.


[edit] Lyrics

[edit] Russian and English

The song was translated into English by Tom Botting. The song (or at least the chorus) has been sung in English by Pete Seeger.

Russian Romanization English
Солнечный круг,
Небо вокруг —
Это рисунок мальчишки.
Нарисовал он на листке
И подписал в уголке:
— Пусть всегда будет солнце,
Пусть всегда будет небо,
Пусть всегда будет мама,
Пусть всегда буду я!
Милый мой друг,
Добрый мой друг,
Людям так хочется мира.
И в тридцать пять
Сердце опять
Не устает повторять:
Тише, солдат,
Слышишь, солдат, —
Люди пугаются взрывов.
Тысячи глаз
В небо глядят,
Губы упрямо твердят:
Против беды,
Против войны
Встанем за наших мальчишек
Солнце — навек!
Счастье — навек!
Так повелел человек.
Solnechnyi krug,
Nebo vokrug —
Ehto risunok mal'chishki
Narisoval on na listke
I podpisal v ugolke:
— Pust' vsegda budet solntse,
Pust' vsegda budet nebo,
Pust' vsegda budet mama,
Pust' vsegda budu ya!
Milyi moy drug,
Dobryi moy drug,
Lyudyam tak khochetsya mira.
I v tridtsat' pyat'
Serdtse opyat'
Ne ustayot povtoryat':
Tishe, soldat,
Slyshish', soldat, —
Lyudi pugayutsya vzryvov.
Tysyachi glaz
V nebo glyadyat,
Guby upryamo tverdyat:
Protiv bedy,
Protiv voyny
Vstanem za nashikh mal'chishek
Solntse — navek!
Schast'ye — navek!
Tak povelel chelovek.
Bright blue the sky.
Sun up on high—
That was the little boy's picture
He drew for you
Wrote for you, too
Just to make clear what he drew.
May there always be sunshine,
May there always be blue skies,
May there always be mummy,
May there always be me!
My little friend,
Listen, my friend,
Peace is the dream of the people
Hearts old and young
Never have done
Singing the song you have sung.
Soldier lad, stay!
Hear what we say—
War would make all of us losers
Peace is our prize
Millions of eyes
Anxiously gaze at the skies.
Down with all war!
We want no more.
People stand up for you children
Sing everyone—
Peace must be won,
Dark clouds must not hide the sun.

[edit] German

The song was translated into German by Ilse and Hans Naumilkat and Manfred Streubel and was popular among Ernst Thälmann Pioneers.

Immer lebe die Sonne
Sonne erhellt unsere Welt
täglich mit goldenen Strahlen.
Schnell bringen wir sie aufs Papier
Spaß macht es uns, sie zu malen.
Immer lebe die Sonne,
immer lebe der Himmel,
immer lebe die Mutti
und auch ich immer dar!
Garten und Beet kunstvoll entsteht,
Bäume mit Blättern und Blüten.
Malen die Welt, wie's uns gefällt,
wolln sie in Frieden behüten.
Gegen den Tod, gegen die Not,
für unser friedliches Leben!
Bei Tag und Nacht haltet ihr Wacht,
die uns das Leben gegeben.

[edit] External links

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