User:Mathieugp/drafts/Quebec bashing

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Quebec bashing is the name given to a media phenomenon in Canada. The phenomenon refers to the great number of newspapers articles, columns, and editorial in which the authors assert or imply that Quebec nationalism is suspicous and possibly dangerous.

According to Globe and Mail journalist Ray Conlogue, the unavowed objective is to attiser hatred and prejudice of Canada's English-speaking population on Quebec, Canada's only French-speaking province. Former Premier of Quebec Jacques Parizeau refered to the same phenomenon as the "demonization" of Quebec sovereignists.


[edit] Recurrent accusations

  • Quebec nationalists promote a form of ethnic nationalism which excludes all people who are not of French origin.
  • Quebec nationalists and separatists are followers of Adolf Hitler and nazism.
  • Prominent nationalist figures are (or were) antisemite.
  • Quebec "language police" violates human rights and targets ethnics (especially Jews).

[edit] Evidence

To support the recurrent accusations, various bits of evidence were brought to light by various Anglophone journalists. They are:

  • The Societe St-Jean-Baptiste, a Quebec patriotic institution dating back to 1834, raised a petition of 128 000 names against the Jews. The facts are that one branch of the SSJB did in fact raise a petition (more details needed).

[edit] Targetted personalities

  • Lionel Groulx - nationalist priest and historian
  • Jacques Parizeau - economist, politician, president of the PQ, Premier of Quebec during 1995 referendum
  • Lucien Bouchard - lawyer, politician, president of the PQ, Premier of Quebec after the 1995 referendum
  • Yves Michaud - journalist, politician,

[edit] Attacks on Quebec symbols

  • Flag of Quebec - The fleudelise would not be a legitimate symbol for Quebec as it represent only its French element.
  • Societe St-Jean-Baptiste

[edit] Reaction of the French language press

[edit] Reaction of the Quebec nationalist movement

Gilles Rhéaume and the Ligue Québécoise contre la francophobie canadienne

[edit] References