Mathura Refinery

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The Mathura Refinery with a capacity of 6.00 MMTPA was set up at a cost of Rs.253.92 crores. The Refinery was commissioned in January, 1982 excluding FCCU and Sulphur Recovery Units which were commissioned in Jan, 1983. The refining capacity of this refinery was expanded to 7.5 MMTPA in 1989 by debottlenecking and revamping. A DHDS Unit was commissioned in 1989 for production of HSD with low sulphur content of 0.25% wt. ( max.). The present refining capacity of this Refinery is 8.00 MMTPA

There are 25 holy tirthas (bathing places or ghatas) in Mathura. Visram Ghata is in the middle and there are 12 ghatas south of Visrama Ghata and 12 ghatas north. The 12 ghatas in the south extend to Moksa Ghata.

Some pilgrims take bath in all 25 tirthas before beginning Braja Mandala parikrama. Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu both took bath in all these ghatas before doing Their parikrama of Braja Mandala. There is an interesting road, south of Visrama Ghata, that runs along the Yamuna, in the area where these ghatas are located. Many people visit this area.

These holy tirthas are mostly located about 400m south of Visrama Ghata, almost right next to each other. Many of the ghatas are known now by different names. Asi Ghata, Prayaga Ghata, Chakra Tirtha Ghata, Krishna Ganga, Dhruva Ghata and Visrama Ghata are still known by the same names.

The 25 important tirthas or bathing places that are mentioned in the scriptures are:

1. Avimukta