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Minoan Cnossus Crete Mycenaean Dorian Peloponnesus Peloponnesian Attica Euboea Boeotia Laconis Messenia Polemarch Bule Ecclesia Archon Areopagus Media Lydia Croesus Cyrus Darius Xerxes Cambyses Histiaes Aristagoras Miletus Nexos Eretria Sardis Satrap Thrace Macedonia Marathon Themistocles Piraeus Thermopylae Leonidas Eurybiadas Salamis Marjonias Platase Mycale Ostracism Cimon Pericles Aagina Corinth Aeropolis Boeotia Phocis Pericles Thrace Samos Strymon Thucydides Delian Corcyra Potidaea Epidamnnus Corinth Demosthenes Cleon Brasidas Megara Syracuse Alcibiades Conon Decelea Lysander Aegospotami Lorcis Epaminondas Seleucid Ptolemy Lysimachus Cassander Parmenio Nearchus Craterus

Gammamute ( has left #politics

[[User:Masterhomer|] 06:16, 14 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Masterhomer [[Image:Yin_yang.svg||20px|] 06:17, 14 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Masterhomer 06:18, 14 Jan 2005 (UTC) [04:02:55] <d3wd> there are good things about the jewish tribe. It is enticing, to say the least. To be a part of an ancient, successful tribe is much better than having your team win the super bowl, I figure.
