Mastino II della Scala

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Mastino II della Scala (1308 - June 3, 1351) was lord of Verona. He was a member of the famous Scaliger family of northern Italy.

He was the son of Alboino I della Scala and Beatrice da Correggio. At the death of Cangrande I, he and his brother Alberto II were associated in the rule of Verona. Soon, however, Mastino's intraprendence overshadowed the brother's presence. In the first part of his reign, abandoning the careful policy of balance held by his father, he conquered Brescia (1332), Parma (1335) in Lombardy and Lucca (1335) in Tuscany.

However, the extension of Mastino's powerspurred the creation of League of all the other local powers (Florence, Siena, Bologna, Perugia and Venice). In the first year of war he managed to resist, but in 1336] the League was joined by Azzone Visconti of Milan, the Este of Ferrara, the Gonzaga of Mantua and the Papal States. Surrounded by every side, he could only ask for a treaty of peace through the intermediation of Emperor Louis IV of Bavaria, which he obtained in 1339. His territories were restricted to Verona and Vicenza, the remaining part splitted among the victorious enemies.

An attempt to recover part of his lands with the German mercenaries that had remained in Vicenza after the war, led by Lodrisio Visconti, was unsuccessful.

He died in Verona in 1351.

[edit] Family

In 1328 he married Taddea da Carrara (daughter of Jacopo I of Padua). She gave him the following three legitimate sons:

  • Cangrande (1332–1359)
  • Alboino (1333-1375)
  • Cansignorio (c. 1334–1375)

His illegitimate childrens include:

  • Fregnano (died 1394)
  • Viridis (died 1394), who married Niccolò II d'Este in 1362
  • Beatrice (died 18 June 1384), who married Bernabò Visconti in 1350
  • Caterina, who married Aldrighetto di Castelbaro
  • Altaluna, who married Louis of Bavaria
  • Veronese, who married Giacomo Trissino
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