Master of Research

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In the UK, the Master of Research degree is a postgraduate degree available in a range of academic disciplines. The MRes (Masters in Research) is designed to prepare students for doctoral research [1]

Many MRes courses are advanced postgraduate degrees which differs from a taught Masters degree by placing particular emphasis on a large dissertation (typically between 35-40,000 words) in addition to less taught modules (in this usage, the MRes is equivalent to an MPhil from other universities).

MRes courses in the UK must guarantee that at least 60% of the content is project based as it is "geared to those wishing to pursue a research career afterwards." [2]

Academic degrees
Associate's degrees (U.S.) AA, AAS, ABA, ABS, AOS, AS
Foundation degrees (U.K.) FdA, FdEd, FdEng, FdMus, FdBus, FdSc, FdTech
Bachelor's degrees AB or BA, BAccty, BAdm, BAgrEc, BArch, BBA, BBus, BCom or BComm, BCS, BCL, STB, BD, BDent, B.Ed., BEc, BEng or BE, BFA, BHE, BHK, BJ, BLibStud, BMath, BMus,BSN, BPE, BPharm, BS or BSc, BSocSci, BTech, LLA, LLB, MB ChB or MB BS or BM BS or MB BChir or MB BCh BAO, MA (Cantab.), MA (Dubl.), MA (Hons), MA (Oxon.)
Master's degrees MA, Lic Arts, MS or MSc, MSt, MALD, MApol, MPhil, MRes, MFA, MTh, MTS, MDiv, MBA, MPA, MPD, MPS, MProfStuds, MJ, MSW, MPAff, MLIS, MLitt, MPH, MPM, MPP, MPT, MRE, MTheol, LLM, MEng, MSci, MBio, MChem, MPhys, MMath, MMus, MESci, MGeol, MTCM, MSSc, BCL (Oxon), BPhil (Oxon), ThM
Licentiate degrees: LDS, JCL, STL, SSL, LSS
Specialist degrees EdS, SSP, CAS
Engineer's degrees AE, ChE, BE, CE, CE, EE, CpE, ECS, EnvE, MSE, MechE, NavE, NuclE, Ocean E, SysE
First-Professional Degrees AuD, DC, DCM, DDS, DMD, JD, MD (US), ND, OD, DO, PharmD, DP, PodD, DPM, MDiv, MHL, DVM
Doctoral degrees PhD, EdD, DEng, EngD, DBA, DD, JCD, SSD, JUD, DSc, DLitt, DA, MD, DMA, DMus, DCL, ThD, DrPH, DPT, DPhil, PsyD, DSW, LLD, LHD, JSD, SJD, STD