Master Asia

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Master Asia (東方不敗 Tohofuhai?, meaning "Undefeated of the East") is a fictional character in the anime series Mobile Fighter G Gundam He is Domon Kasshu's sensei, the former King of Hearts of the Shuffle Alliance, and known as the Undefeated of the East. He is also the Gundam Fighter of Neo-Hong Kong and a winner of the previous Gundam Fight. Master Asia's seiyuu is Yōsuke Akimoto and his English voice actor is Dave Pettitt. His Japanese name "Tohofuhai" is taken from Dongfang Bubai, the transsexual leader of the Sun-Moon Sect in Jinyong's wuxia fiction, The Smiling, Proud Wanderer.

Master Asia initially appears as a hero; first he saves Domon and Rain from the Death Army drones, and helps Domon in the fight against them. It is here he shows his extrodinary martial arts skills in his Gundam, Kowloon Gundam; he and Domon are successful in defeating them. However, all is not what it seems...

Rain uncovers Master Asia's secret agenda, when she saves the crews of Chibodee, George, Sai Saici, and Argo from being infected by the Devil Gundam. He is the one who took control of the aforementioned fighters, and he piloted the mysterious Gundam that attacked Domon (Master Gundam). He is in league with the Devil Gundam, but reveals he is not controlled; he willingly joined the cause to destroy humanity.

The betrayal of Master Asia was a heavy blow to Domon; the old man was one of the few people left that he truly loved. He tried to stop Master Asia without hurting him, convinced the Devil Gundam was controlling him, but ultimately, he realized the truth and denouced Master Asia during their battle in the Guyana Highlands that he is no longer his master.

Despite his evil deeds, Master Asia is still an honorable man and does not use dirty tactics to win a fight. This would put him at constant odds with his future "partner", Wong Yunfat, who would stop at nothing to make sure things went in his favor. Indeed, the only reason he did not stop Wong's cheating was to see how Domon would respond, and because by that time, a terminal illness was limiting his health.

During the Final Rounds of the Gundam Fight, Master Asia was only to be placed in the final rounds. This was to motivate Domon to win, and he vowed he would win all his matches so he would fight his old Master (a vow he upheld). Master Asia's goal was to have Domon become the new life core unit for the Devil Gundam since Kyoji was weak from the battle in the Guyana Highlands and Master Asia's failing health had made him unsuitable to be able to replace him.

However before Domon's battle against Schwarz Bruder, Master Asia fearing that Domon may not be ready to fight Schwarz decided to call him to the rundown section of Neo-Hong Kong to fight Domon. However Wong found about the meeting and sent the Gundam Heads to deal with them. During their intital escape Master Asia is able to save Domon from falling when he was knocked into the air but when they fall into an underground cavern Master Asia had injured his leg. During their escape Master Asia explained that the reason for the rundown city is that many places around the world were falling into ruin just like it but the people are too absorbed in the Gundam Fight to notice. Master Asia is able to teach Domon his most powerful technique the Sekiha Tenkyoken which Domon uses on the Gundam Heads after their escape.

Master Asia's plan to use Domon as the Devil Gundams life core unit was ruined when Domon reluctantly killed his brother, seemingly destroying the Devil Gundam. Master Asia challenges Domon to a final battle and reveals his reason for siding with the Devil Gundam. After he won the last Gundam Fight, Master Asia looked back in horror at the desolation of the planet-damage he helped cause. In a fit of madness, he decided humanity was destroying the planet, and when the Devil Gundam arrived, he saw its actions as necessary to save the Earth.

Master Asia goes all out to fight Domon and the two settle it by using using their Sekiha Tenkyoken attacks against each other. But just when it looks like Master Asia is going to win Domon explains this is the day that he would surpass his master and combines the power of his God Finger attack with the Sekiha Tenkyoken which results in fatal injuries for Master Asia and Domon emerges victorious. However, the fight opens Master Asia's eyes, and he acknowledges his foolishness; humanity is a product of the Earth, and to destroy it would be just as harmful as harming the Earth itself. Master Asia revealed to Domon by exposing his chest he had not once allowed himself to be exposed to the DG Cells. In his final moments, he and Domon recite the motto of the School of the Undefeated of the East one last time, before Master Asia perishes.

Master makes one final appearance in the battle against Grand Master Gundam along with Kyoji, Schwarz, and Domon's mother, in a vision, where they urge Domon not to give up.

Future Century Characters
Shuffle Alliance
Chibodee Crocket | Argo Gulskii | Domon Kasshu | George de Sand | Sai Saici
Support Crews/Allies
Allenby Beardsley | Raymond Bishop | Schwarz Bruder | Chibodee Gals | Princess Maria Louise | Rain Mikamura | Nastasha Zabigov | Keiun and Zuisen
Major Ulube Ishikawa | Commissioner Karato | Kyoji Kasshu | Professor Raizo Kasshu | Dr Mikamura
Devil Gundam Corps/Neo-Hong Kong
Master Asia | Gentle Chapman | Michelo Chariot | Wong Yunfat
Andrew Graham | Stalker
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