Masivo Integrado de Occidente

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El Masivo Integrado de Occidente "EL MIO" (The Massive Integrated Transportation System) - The most important project that is taking place in Cali, Colombia at this present time. This project offers la possibility of generating a sustainable economical growth process for the region, and most importantly transform the concept of urban transportation for that of mobility, where all the elements are united to transport individuals to different points in the city by more efficient means.

The System will deal with the 97% of the spatial perimeter of the city, traveling through a section of 243 kilometers, and will cover near the 72% of the demand of public transportation, benefiting especially to the population of strata 1, 2 and 3.

This project set in motion demands an investment of US$405 million, of which 70% will be contributed by the Colombian government and the remaining 30% by the municipality of Cali, Colombia. These resources are destined to finance the component of infrastructure: construction of tramways, fueling stations and rest stops, the system of stations, pedestrian bridges, terminals and yards.

The buses articulated will have a capacity of 160 passengers and will circulate exclusively by the tramways; in turn, the register type buses will transport between 80 and 100 people and they will travel through the tramways and special diversions. Its operation will be judged by means of tender to the transporting businesses interested in this concession.

The system of control, operation of collect and administration of the resources, will also be delivered to the private enterprise by means of a process of tender.

The first section of the MIO will travel through the "Carrera Primera"(1st Street) among Streets 44th and 70th. It is estimated that the construction, which should be six months delayed, will require an investment of $19.101 million. Construction of this phase ended in Summer 2005.

"El MIO" is expected to be completed by the year 2008.

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