Masajiro Miyazaki

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[edit] The Japanese Relocation in World War II

Following the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese Empire on December 7, 1941, wartime paranoia led to the forced evacuation of Japanese and Canadians of Japanese ancestry away from the British Columbia to the province's interior and beyond to other provinces farther east.

One of the locations chosen for these relocations was a semi-abandoned hydroelectric-development village at Shalalth (then known as Bridge River), one of the area of the Fraser Canyon town of Lillooet. Others in the area were at Minto City, McGillivray Falls, and East Lillooet. These were not fenced internment camps like the infamous one at Tashme, and mostly included family groups who had been able to "buy" a better situation in the Interior, with some chance of work, although comings-and-goings were still regulated by police and permits.

Many of the Japanese at the "Bridge River" townsite worked for the Pacific Great Eastern Railway and the cartage companies, while those at McGillivray Falls relocated to nearby Devine to work in a sawmill; at Lillooet, the presence of the Japanese helped keep the wartime merchant economy going, and the Japanese interest in market gardening helped rebirth the valley's small produce industry.

[edit] Coroner and Bush Doctor in Lillooet

One of the relocatees at Shalalth was Dr. Masajiro Miyazaki, a Canadian-trained osteopath whose practice had been thriving in Vancouver before the war. When the town of Lillooet's doctor died and a wartime replacement was not to be had to perform autopsies, the provincial costabulary in Lillooet recruited Dr. Miyazaki to act in the capacity of coroner.

Special permits were created to allow him to stay in Lillooet instead of at Bridge River (i.e. Shalalth). This position quickly evolved into that of all-around town-and-country doctor, dentist and obstetrician, wih patients throughout the whole region from Pemberton-Mount Currie to Pavilion and Lytton.

Dr. Miyazaki's practice also included the Japanese Canadian internment camp at Taylor Lake, southeast of Merritt, a long distance away via the tortuous roads of the Fraser Canyon and the Thompson Canyon. His autobiography, My Sixty Years In Canada, contains one story after another of harrowing trips on mountain roads and rail lines in difficult weather and adverse conditions.

[edit] Miyazaki House

Dr. Miyazaki was invited to use as his surgery and residence Longford House, a fine 1880's vintage manor near the main street owned by one of the town's oldest families (see Caspar Phair, A.W.A. "Artie" Phair). Like many of the relocated Japanese in this district, Dr. Miyazaki stayed on after the war and became a major community leader, leading the campaign for a local ambulance service and proper hospital—despite longstanding resistance from the provincial medical establishment over his qualifications, as he was only an osteopath and not an MD. The Miyazaki House is open for tours and still exhibits Dr. Miyazaki's as he left it, including surgical instruments, medical texts, and skeletal displays.

Longford House is now called the Miyazaki House since Dr. Miyazaki donated the property to the community when he left Lillooet in 1983. The house remains open as a heritage site for tours and still exhibits Dr. Miyazaki's office as he left it. His office still contains all original articles, including surgical instruments, medical texts, and skeletal displays. The house also has displays of local artwork and the history of the house before Dr. Miyazaki moved there. For more information, call (250) 256-6808.

[edit] Ambulance and Hospital Services

During the 1950s, Dr. Miyazaki spearheaded efforts to get a proper ambulance service and full-scale hospital built at Lillooet.

[edit] Order of Canada

Towards the end of his life, Dr. Miyazaki was recognized for his services to the community by being enrolled in the Order of Canada, an honour shared by one of Lillooet's other notable citizens, Kansas-born Margaret Lally "Ma" Murray. Dr. Miyazaki's memoirs as a wilderness doctor and his reminiscences on Japanese-Canadian life before and during World War II can be found in the autobiographical "My Sixty Years in Canada" (typescript, very rare, but in some university libraries). He died of diabetes in Kamloops, BC on July 23, 1984.

His Order of Canada commendation reads:

C.M. (Member) December 15, 1976 April 20, 1977

Retired osteopath who, over a period of 35 years, has given unselfish service to the residents of Lillooet, British Columbia, particularly those of Japanese and Indian backgrounds and who continues to serve his community in spite of ill health.

[edit] See also