Talk:Marszałek sejmu

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[edit] Move

Shoudln't this be moved? The English versions of this term are used quite often:

When there exists, for a Polish term, an adequate English equivalent term, especially a cognate, I think we should consider it. Accordingly, in this case I favor "Marshal of the Sejm," which also preserves the original Polish title's sequence of sememes.
"Sejm Marshal," I think, creates a clash with the two adjacent "m's," and might be confused, in speech, with "Same Marshal."
If the Polish "marszałek" had no cognate formal equivalent in English — which it has in "marshal" — then "Speaker of the Sejm" might serve as a dynamic equivalent.
logologist|Talk 06:35, 14 March 2006 (UTC)
I like "Speaker of the Sejm". Appleseed (Talk) 21:27, 16 March 2006 (UTC)
On second thought, I think I like "Marshal of the Sejm" better. Appleseed (Talk) 04:43, 17 March 2006 (UTC)