Talk:Marlin Perkins
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia lists his birthdate as 3/28/02, not 3/28/05
--The article notes that "Perkins fabricated the footage of a mass suicide of lemmings on Wild Kingdom[1]." with a footnote. However, the footnoted article, while mentioning Perkins, attributes fabricated lemming footage to Walt Disney. Not that Perkins didn't fake lemming footage. But that footnote doesn't support it. --Clownbird.
--So where is a citation for Perkins' fabricated lemming footage? Richardmasoner 17:45, 4 August 2006 (UTC)
--Old NYTimes article supports Disney being responsible for the lemmings fraud. However, there is still criticism against Wild Kingdom and Perkins for "staging" some of Wild Kingdom.
'CRUEL CAMERA,' ABOUT ANIMAL ABUSE, John Corry, March 24, 1986 [1]
-- Reports about a CBC production that exposes Perkins dropping a tame bear in Flordia swamp and then conducting a "heroic" rescue
Violence, lies and videotape: wildlife filmmaking takes a few liberties with the truth., Lily Whiteman, publication: E, May 1, 1997 [2]