Marry Go Round

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Cole and Phoebe get married in Marry Go Round
Cole and Phoebe get married in Marry Go Round


[edit] General information

[edit] Synopsis

Phoebe is hoping that everything will be perfect for her and Cole's wedding, but doesn't know that the Source has completely taken over the groom and is sabotaging the ceremony in order to orchestrate a demonic wedding which will allow their foretold son to be heir to the underworld.

[edit] Book of Shadows

[edit] Enemies

  • The Source: see The Source
  • The Seer: see The Seer
  • Lazarus Demon: Rare, high level, demons capable of resurrecting themselves after every vanquish, unless their remains are buried within the confines of cemetery grounds. A flameball, particle acceleration or even a sword can destroy them, reducing them to ash, though they will quickly reform. Lazarus demons look like mortals and wield very strong telekinetic abilities as well as the power to teleport, though they are mean spirited and unreliable, even for demons. The longer a Lazarus is away from cemetery grounds the stronger their powers grow.

[edit] Spells

  • Vanishing Spell: Let the object of objection become but a dream, as I cause the seen to be unseen.

[edit] Guest stars

[edit] Trivia

  • This episode's title is a play on words to the children's carnival ride, Merry-Go-Round.
  • An alternate title used by The WB in promotion was Phoebe's Wedding.
  • Phoebe and Cole get married in this episode.
  • This is the first time we see Victor and Paige together in the series. There is absolutely no discussion about their relationship or lack thereof as Paige was the product of an extra-marital affair between Patty and her Whitelighter, Sam. Victor mentioned the pre-divorce affair to Leo in the episode The Good, the Bad, and the Cursed.
  • The name Lazarus Demon was taken from the biblical story where a man named Lazarus was resurrected from the dead. The demon is shown again in the episode Centennial Charmed.
  • Several scenes with Coolio were cut from the final reel due to time constraints.
  • There is no "Despair" in typical tarot card. But there is a 'three of swords' card in minor arcana, which pictures three swords piercing a heart, which is similar to 'Despair'.
  • Probably, Paige is new to her orbing power, she and her sister forgot that they can orb into the bridal shop to change back the correct wedding dress. Even without Paige, Leo can do that too.
  • In this episode, we first know that Paige is familiar to aroma therapy, and tarot card.
  • Probably Phoebe want a totally different wedding ceremony from Piper's, she did not seems to ask for Patty and Grams to attend the ceremony, and she did it in Christian way. The handfasting spell was not used and the high priestess is not needed.
  • In this episode Leo healed Paige when she was attacked by the Lazurus demon. However, because she was invisible and no one could see her, Leo had to sense for her. He did so and said that "Her heart wasn't beating" Whitelighters cannot heal or sense their dead charges.

[edit] International titles

  • French: Un couple d'enfer
  • German: Die Braut trägt schwarz
  • Spanish: A vueltas con la boda

[edit] External links

Preceded by:
The Three Faces of Phoebe
Charmed episodes Followed by:
The Fifth Halliwheel
Main: Season summaries | Episode guide | Broadcasters, DVDs & other media | Terms | Trivia
Locations and Artifacts: San Francisco Bay Area | Halliwell Manor | Magic School | The Nexus | Book of Shadows
Good beings: Charmed Ones | Close friends | Family and friends | Whitelighters | Elders
Evil beings: Darklighters | Warlocks
Neutral: Avatars | The Hollow | Firestarters