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Marondera, formerly known as Marandellas, is a town in Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe, located about 72km east of Harare; population 40,000 (Central Statistical Office, Zimbabwe. Census of Population, 1992. Harare: Government Printer). One of the earliest centres of white settlement in the former colony of Southern Rhodesia, Marondera was one of the centres of Zimbabwe's tobacco industry until the seizure of white-owned farms and redistribution of land began in [[2000] Marandellas has several very good schools, which have been in operation for many years, however, in recent times (2006)many of these schools are struggling, due to the poor economic & social problems facing Zimbabawe. The junior schools include Godfrey Huggins, Springvale, Digglefold & Ruzawi School & the senior schools are Marondera High, Peterhouse & Nagel House