Mario and the Magician

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Mario and the Magician (Mario und der Zauberer) is a story of political inclination, written by German author Thomas Mann in 1929.

[edit] Plot summary

During the first half of the story, the narrator describes a trip to Torre di Venere, Italy, which becomes unpleasant for himself and his family. He feels the Italian people are too nationalistic. The second half of the story introduces the character Cipolla, a hypnotist who uses his mental powers in a "fascist" way to control his audience. Cipolla may well represent the mesmerising power of Mussolini, Stalin or Hitler—he is autocratic, misuses power, and subjugates the masses in an attempt to counterbalance his inferiority complex by artificially boosting his self-confidence. Cipolla's assassination by Mario, a native of Torre di Venere, is not a tragedy but a liberation for the audience.

Mario and the Magician is one of Mann's most political stories. Mann openly criticizes fascism, a choice which later became one of the grounds for his exile to Switzerland following Hitler's rise to power. The sorcerer, Cipolla, is analogous to the fascist dictators of the era with their fiery speeches and rhetoric. Though Franco had yet to rise to power, there are elements of his rule in the story as well.

In many ways, the story is a follow up to Der Zauberberg (The Magic Mountain) which was one of Mann's more homoerotic narratives, second only to Tod in Venedig (Death in Venice). The story was especially timely, considering the tensions in Europe when it was written. Stalin had just seized power in Russia, Mussolini was motivating Italy to recapture the glory of the Roman Empire, and Hitler and his rhetoric were quickly gaining steam in Germany. The end of the story represents Mann's changing political views; he moved from staunch support of the Kaiser during his early life to a belief in progressive, democratic values in Europe and a desire to rid the continent of fascist influences.

[edit] Adaptations

Mario and the Magician was adapted into an English language opera by librettist J.D. McClatchey and composer Francis Thorne. It was first perfomed in 2005 by Opera for New Audoences in the auditorium of Hunter College. A recording of this production was released on compact disc in 2006.

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