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State Paraná
Area: 487 km²
Population: 313 800(Estimate: 07/2005/IBGE)
Height: 555 m above sea level
Postcode (CEP): 87000-000
Geographic location: 23°25′S 51°57′W
Address of the local government: Prefeitura Municipal de Maringá
Av. XV de Novembro, 701
87013-230 - MARINGÁ
Location of Maringá

Maringá is a city in southern Brazil that was founded on May 10, 1947. Maringá is the third largest city in the state of Paraná. The city has a population of 298,828 (estimation IBGE, 2002), 490,030 (metropolitan area, estimation IBGE, 2002). It is a regional centre and is made up of commerce, services, agro-industries, and universities, including the State University of Maringá. In 1925 middle the Land Company was established North of the Paraná, current Company Improvements North of the Paraná. It was responsible for the settling of more than 500,000 alqueires in the Region North of the State, where today some of the biggest cities of the Paraná meet.

The process of settling and populating of the paranaense north was facilitated by the interest of the São Paulo colonists in acquiring new areas for proper production and by the high productivity of lands of the region. The north of the Paraná encloses an approach area of 100 a thousand kilometers squared. It is bathed by the Rivers Paranapanema, Paraná, Ivaí and Piquiri. The region is divided in three areas, in accordance with the time and the origin of its settling: Old north, New North and Latest North.

The beginning of the execution of workmanships foreseen in the urbanistic project requested for the Company Improvements North of the Paraná and based in the lines of direction elaborated for the city planner Jorge Macedo Vieira, defined the tracing of the new city that came to be raised to the category of city in 14 of February of 1951. The Cia. still if worried about the ambiental question that certainly would suffer great impact with the deforestation proceeding from the occupation foreseen in the urbanistics projects. Thus, three great ecological areas had been reserved inside of the limits of the urban headquarters: the Forest Horto, the Park of the Ingá and Forest II. The sector of services is what more it is distinguished in Maringá with 76,74%, followed of the indústrial with 22,29% and finally is the farming one with 0,97%. In the industry, the sectors of the alimentary, chemical products predominate and textile (source: Paraná City). The productive structure of Maringá, contemplates 6,152 companies in service, 5,553 in commerce and 1,327 in the industry; 8 in farming and the 1 in the mineral extraction. In percentile terms, 47.2% services, 42.6% commerce and 10.2% industry. In transport terms, 15 great companies use 16,878 people; 142 averages 14,746 people; 859 small 19,526 people and the 12,016 microcompanies use 30,868 people. (Source: Economic census, 2001) Most of the occupying immigrants of the Region North of the State, proceeds from São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo.

The peak of the São Paulo migration - Paraná occurred in the decade of 1940/1950. With the great expansion of the coffee plantation in the State and the consequent increase of the diligent classroom, the demographic density of the region increased of 8,9 for 75,9 hab/km². With the implantation of the coffee plantation in the north of the Paraná, Japanese immigration started to constitute one of the biggest groups of descendants of immigrants in the region. Beyond these, other ethnic groups had been responsible for the cultural formation of the north of the State, as it is the case of the Portuguese, Arabs, Germans and Italians.

Maringá holds one of the most important universities of Paraná, the State University of Maringá (UEM).

[edit] Universties

UEM - Universidade Estadual de Maringa

CESUMAR - Centro de Estudos Superiores de Maringa called Centro Universitario de Maringa

PUC - Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana - Campus Maringa

[edit] Minority Languages

German; Japanese; Italian; Russian; Arabic; Polish; French; Chinese; others...

[edit] External links