Mare Fecunditatis

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Mare Fecunditatis (the "Sea of Fecundity" or "Sea of Fertility") is a lunar mare 909 km in diameter. The Fecuditatis basin formed in the Pre-Nectarian epoch, while the basin material surrounding the mare is of the Nectarian epoch. The mare matierial is of the Upper Imbrian epoch and is relatively thin compared to Mare Crisium or Mare Tranquillitatis. This basin is overlapped with the Nectaris, Tranquillitatis, and Crisium basins. Fecunditatis basin meets Nectaris basin along Fecunditatis' western edge, with the area along this zone faulted by arcuated grabens. On the eastern edge of Fecunditatis is the crater Langrenus.

[edit] Sinus Successus

Along the eastern edge of the mare is an outward bulge that forms a type of bay. This feature has been given the name Sinus Successus (latin for "Bay of Success"). The selenographic coordinates of Sinus Successus are 0.9° N, 59.0° E, and the diameter is 132 km.

Along the eastern edge of the bay is the flooded Condon crater, and Webb crater forms the southern end of the area. There are no other features of significance on the bay. However the terrain just to the northwest of Sinus Successus was the landing site for the Soviet Luna 18 and Luna 20 probes.