Marcus Livius Drusus (tribune)

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See also: Marcus Livius Drusus

The younger Marcus Livius Drusus, son of Marcus Livius Drusus, was tribune of the plebeians in 91 BC. In the manner of Gaius Gracchus, he set out with comprehensive plans, but his aim was to strengthen senatorial rule. He removed the jury courts from the jurisdiction of the Equestrian in retaliation for their unjustified condemnation of Publius Rutilius Rufus in 92 BC. To gain support from the plebeians he set up a commission to grant them more land, both around Rome and in new colonies (which was one of only two that was approved by the Senate during the late republic, and lowered the price of grain. Up to this point Drusus managed to have the support of many of the leading senators including Marcus Aemilius Scaurus. However, Drusus wanted to grant citizenship rights to the Italian allies. This was vehemently opposed by many, he gradually lost support from the Senate, the equites, the Roman population who did not want the Italians to become citizens, and wealthy Italian landlords who did not want to lose their land. In retaliation for his proposal to grant citizenship to the Italian allies, his previous bills were declared invalid, and he was soon assassinated. Soon after his assassination, the Italian allies revolted starting the Social War of 91-88 BC.

[edit] Family tree

  • (1)=1st husband/wife
  • (2)=2nd husband/wife
  • x=assassin of Caesar


Salonia (2)
Cato the Elder
Licinia (1)
Marcus Porcius Cato Salonianus
Marcus Porcius Cato Licinianus
Marcus Livius Drusus
Marcus Porcius Cato (2)
Livia Drusa
Quintus Servilius Caepio the Younger(1)
Marcus Livius Drusus
Atilia (1)
Cato the Younger
Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus, adoptive son
Brutus (1)
Servilia Caepionis
Decimus Junius Silanus (2)
another Servilia
Quintus Servilius Caepio
Porcia Catonis
Marcus Junius Brutus x
Junia Prima
Junia Tertia
Gaius Cassius Longinus x
Marcus Porcius Cato (II)
Junia Secunda
Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (triumvir)
Descendent of Pompey the Great and Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Lepidus the Younger
Manius Aemilius Lepidus
Aemilia Lepida II
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