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Maragheh (correct prononciation "Maraģa") is a city in North Western Iran on the bank of the river Soyuq Chay. It is located at 37°23′N 46°16′E, 130 km from Tabriz.

Maraģa is an ancient city pleasantly situated in a narrow valley running nearly north and south at the eastern extremity of a well-cultivated plain opening towards Lake Urmia, which lies 30 km to the west. The town is encompassed by a high wall ruined in many places, and has four gates. Two stone bridges in good condition, said to have been constructed during the reign of Hulaku Khan (1256-1265),who made Maraģa the capital of his Ilkhanate Empire. The place is surrounded by extensive vineyards and orchards, all well watered by canals led from the river, and producing great quantities of fruit.

On a hill west of the town are the remains of a famous observatory (rasadxana) constructed under the direction of the great Hulaku khan. The hills west of the town consist of horizontal strata of sandstone covered with irregular pieces of basalt and the top of the hill on which the observatory stood was made level by taking away the basalt. The building, which no doubt served as a citadel as well, enclosed a space of 340 by 135 meters, and the foundations of the walls were 13 to 2 meters in thickness.

The marble, which is known throughout Iran as Maragha marble, is a travertine obtained at the village of Dashkesen about 50 km north-west from Maraģa. It is deposited from water, which bubbles up from a number of springs in the form of horizontal layers, which at first are thin crusts and can easily be broken, but gradually solidify and harden into blocks with a thickness of about 20 cm. It is a singularly beautiful substance, being of pink, greenish, or milk-white colour, streaked with reddish, copper-coloured veins.

[edit] Famous people from Maraģa

  • Alp Alslan
  • Qizil Arslan
  • Bulut Qaraçorlu
  • Dr. Haşterudi
  • Maragali Ovhedi
  • Maragali Zeynelabidin

[edit] Links