Mar Sara

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In the fictional StarCraft universe, Mar Sara was a core Terran Confederacy colony in the Koprulu Sector. It is the setting for the beginning of the game's first campaign; the player's identity is that of the Magistrate of the colony.

Shortly after the Protoss attack on Chau Sara, Mar Sara was thoroughly infested by Zerg, which spread over the planet, killing colonists and Confederate soldiers. The Sons of Korhal helped to evacuate the planet, saving many colonists from the Zerg. Eventually, the Confederacy, which had been holding out on fighting the Zerg, decided to evacuate as well.

The infestation abruptly came to an end when the Protoss, under the command of Executor Tassadar, arrived and sterilized the planet, killing all life on the surface as part of the Protoss Conclave's campaign to stop the spread of the Zerg. However, here Tassadar held out until the Terrans had had enough time to evacuate as well. He had been ordered to do exactly as he had done at Chau Sara-completely sterilize the planet of Terrans and Zerg. For this disobedience, Tassadar was stripped of the rank of Executor and replaced by the Executor who would prove to be even a greater foe of the Judicators by ultimately leading the Templar Caste rebellion.

Four years in the future, Mar Sara has become the property of the Terran Dominion and is the home of a terrazine refinery.

[edit] Trivia

  • Mar Sara is the scene of the Colonial Magistrate's and James Raynor's defection to the Sons of Korhal, the only military force willing to come to their aid. The Sons sent a fleet of dropships to evacuate the surviving colonists when the Confederacy had effectively abandoned them. Raynor and the Magistrate, now completely disillusioned with the Confederacy, joined the Sons of Korhal as a result.
  • The Blue Terran faction is identified as the Mar Sara Milita. This remains true into Brood War.
  • "Mar Sara" is Spanish for "Sarah Sea" or, in the context of onomastics, "Sarah's Sea".

[edit] References

[edit] External links

StarCraft by Blizzard Entertainment
StarCraft Universe Gameplay of StarCraftStarCraft storylinePsionic technology
Factions and Organizations Judicator CasteKel-Morian CombineKhalai CasteProtossProtoss ConclavePirate MilitiasRaynor's RaidersSons of KorhalTemplar CasteTerranTerran ConfederacyUmojan ProtectorateUnited Earth DirectorateXel'NagaZergZerg Brood
Locations AiurAntiga PrimeBraxisCharChau SaraKorhalMar SaraMoriaShakurasTalematrosTarsonisUmojaZerus
Characters AldarisArtanisGerard DuGalleEdmund DukeSamir DuranFenixSarah KerriganArcturus MengskNovaRaszagalJim RaynorAlexei StukovTassadarZeratulZerg OvermindMinor Characters