Manifesto of the Ninety-Three

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The "Manifesto of the Ninety-Three" is the name commonly given to a 1914 proclamation endorsed by 93 prominent German scientists, scholars and artists, declaring their unequivocal support of German military actions in the early period of World War I. The Manifesto galvanized support for the war throughout German schools and universities, but many foreign intellectuals were outraged.

[edit] Text

[edit] Signers

Signers among the 93 included: Nobel Prizes, artists, physicians, physicists, chemists and worldknown college teachers.

[edit] Full list

  1. Adolf von Beeyer,
  2. Peter Behrens,
  3. Emil Adolf von Behring,
  4. Wilhelm von Bode,
  5. Aloïs Brandl,
  6. Lujo Brentano,
  7. Justus Brinckmann
  8. Johannès-Ernst Conrad,
  9. Franz Defregger
  10. Richard Dehmel
  11. Adolf Deissmann,
  12. Friedrich-Wilhem Doerpfeld,
  13. Friedrich von Duhn,
  14. Paul Ehrlich,
  15. Albert Ehrard,
  16. Carl Engler ,
  17. Gerhart Esser,
  18. Rudolf Christoph Eucken,
  19. Herbert Eulenberg
  20. Henrich Finke,
  21. Hermann Emil Fischer,
  22. Wilhelm Foerster
  23. Ludwig Fulda
  24. Eduard Gebhardt
  25. J. -J. de Groot,
  26. Fritz Haber,
  27. Ernst Haeckel,
  28. Max Halbe,
  29. Adolf von Harnack,
  30. Gerhart Hauptmann,
  31. Karl Hauptmann,
  32. Gustav Hellmann,
  33. Wilhelm Herrmann This article is based on a translation of an article from the German Wikipedia.,
  34. Andreas Heusler,
  35. Adolf von Hildebrand,
  36. de:Ludwig Hoffmann
  37. Engelbert Humperdinck,
  38. Léopold, comte Kalckreuth,
  39. Arthur Kampf
  40. Fritz-August von Kaulbach,
  41. Theodor Kipp,
  42. Félix Klein,
  43. Max Klinger ,
  44. Aloïs Knoepfler,
  45. Anton Koch,
  46. Paul Laband
  47. Karl Lamprecht
  48. Philipp Lenard,
  49. Maximilien Lenz,
  50. Max Liebermann,
  51. Franz von Listz,
  52. Karl Ludwig Manzel
  53. Joseph Mausbach
  54. Georg von Mayr,
  55. Sebastian Merkle,
  56. Eduard Meyer
  57. Heinrich Morf,
  58. Friedrich Naumann
  59. Albert Neisser,
  60. Walther Hermann Nernst,
  61. Wilhem Ostwald,
  62. Bruno Paul
  63. Max Planck,
  64. Albert Plohn,
  65. Georg Reicke,
  66. Max Reinhardt,
  67. Aloïs Riehl,
  68. Karl Robert,
  69. Wilhelm Roentgen,
  70. Max Rubner ,
  71. Fritz Schaper,
  72. Adolf Schlatter,
  73. August Shmidlin,
  74. Gustav von Schmoller,
  75. Reinhold Seeberg,
  76. Martin Spahn,
  77. Franz von Stuck,
  78. Hermann Sudermann,
  79. Hans Thoma,
  80. Wilhelm Trübner,
  81. Karl Gustav Vollmoeller,
  82. Richard Voss,
  83. Karl Vossler,
  84. Siegfried Wagner,
  85. Heinrich Wilhelm Waldeyer
  86. August von Wassermann
  87. Félix von Weingartner,
  88. Théodor Wiegand,
  89. Wilhelm Wien,
  90. Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff,
  91. Richard Willsttaeter,
  92. Wilhelm Windelband,
  93. Wilhelm Wundt,
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